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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 37.08 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...lost via the stomata is replaced by...
...the size of stomata, help balance the...
...leaf via the stomata. Within the leaf,...
...loses escapes through stomata, though these pores...
...C3 plants when stomata are partially closed.... and close stomata result primarily from... guard cells. Stomata open when guard...
...pumps. In general, stomata are open during... the dark, stomata will continue their...
...cycle of the stomata is an example...
...stresses can cause stomata to close during...
...cells to close stomata. While reducing further...
...combine to cause stomata to close briefly...
...some xerophytes, the stomata are concentrated on...
...pathway, but the stomata can remain closed...
N/A 175
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 149.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...cuticles and few stomata, anchored by threadlike... the roots. Stomata on a leaf’s...
...leaf through the stomata. The loss of... Concept 36.4 Stomata help regulate the...
...water loss through stomata. To make food,...
...leaf via the stomata. Within the leaf,...
...water loss through stomata. A plant’s need...
...closing of the stomata, guard cells help... conserve water. Stomata are major pathways...
...loses escapes through stomata, although these pores...
...the number of stomata and the average... and close stomata result primarily from... guard cells. Stomata open when guard...
...and closing of stomata. In general, stomata...
...stomata. In general, stomata are open during... the dark, stomata continue their daily...
...cycle of the stomata is an example...
...stresses can cause stomata to close during...
...turgor and close stomata. Abscisic acid, a...
...cells to close stomata. While reducing further...
...wilting, closing the stomata also restricts CO2...
...night, allowing the stomata to remain closed...
N/A 192
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