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Other | Approved: 4 years ago | 484.07 kB | Comments: 2
Category: English Writing | Downloaded: 0
...embedded within the text reflect the ends...
N/A 306
Other | Approved: 6 years ago | 188.36 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Programming | Downloaded: 0
...13. Strings and Text Processing In This...
...we can process text content. Additionally, we...
...for manipulating a text: we will learn...
...formatting of the text content. Strings In...
...come to the text processing: reading text...
...text processing: reading text files, searching for...
...can save the text content, which we...
...different types of text data. Its predecessor... work with text in Cyrillic or... manipulating the text content: construction of... of texts, text search and many...
...content is the text phrase "Hello, C#"....
...length of the text in order to...
...the array. The text processing is manual....
...other classes for text processing – we...
...part of the text, they are enclosing...
...part of the text. They are added...
...reference type, the text "Some source" is...
...write it in text documents, etc. First,...
...only the actual text content when comparing...
...will be the text "Hello, reader!". The...
...presented in a text form, can be...
...small ones: string text = "All Kind...
...Kind OF LeTTeRs"; Console.WriteLine(text.ToLower()); // all kind...
...letters of the text change their casing...
...and the entire text goes in lowercase....
...contents of the text sequence, but in...
...strings in a text: string str =...
..."COURSE" in the text returned a result... in the text, it has been...
...we can write text in a new... to a text with entirely lower... a given text: string quote =...
...found in the text (i.e. the returned...
...occurs in a text and which are...
...position in the text and its length....
...portion from the text will be extracted,...
...which form the text from which we...
...backslash in the text; Keeping the position...
...main task of text processing, ready to...
...that during the text splitting, three substrings...
...a Substring The text processing in .NET...
...powerful tool for text processing and allow...
...Regular expressions make text processing easier and...
...addresses in a text, splitting all the...
...specified in the text and replace them...
...use the class System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex, which is intended...
...imitates the document text, is doc. Several...
...substrings in the text, constructed by the...
..."$1********", i.e. the text which was found...
...(08), so the text replaced will always...
...powerful tool for text processing. Anyone who...
...String When entering text in a file...
...end of the text – some other...
...when writing the text or reversing it...
...Main() { string text = "EM edit";...
...string reversed = ReverseText(text); Console.WriteLine(reversed); // Console...
...static string ReverseText(string text) { StringBuilder sb...
...(int i = text.Length - 1; i...
...0; i--) { sb.Append(text); } return sb.ToString();...
...have a variable text, which contains the...
...and efficiently edit text data and construct... and construct text. We met some...
...Letters from a Text – Example The...
...letters from a text. We can implement...
...letters in the text. We can create...
...large as the text, but thus wasting...
...iterate the whole text and concatenate all...
...of the given text character by character,...
...passing a specified text as a parameter...
...letters in the text, namely the initial... presented as text. This is done...
...object in some text form. The method... converted to text by calling the...
...converts them to text and then displays...
...displays the resulting text content. In fact,...
...understandable content in text form. For example,...
...a number to text is using the...
...a date to text is also using...
...we can format text and other data...
...The templates contain text and declared parameters... obtain formatted text after replacing the...
...formatting string containing text with parameters, followed...
...returns the formatted text as a result....
...type from the text representation of this...
...i.e. converting from text to some other...
...example, from the text "10/22/2010" we can... well as text and dates, formatted...
...integer value: string text = "53"; int... intValue = int.Parse(text); // intValue =...
...Boolean type: string text = "True"; bool...
...bool boolValue = bool.Parse(text); // boolValue =...
...For example, any text such as "true",...
...can happen: string text = "11/11/2001"; DateTime...
...DateTime parsedDate = DateTime.Parse(text); Console.WriteLine(parsedDate); // 11-Nov-01...
...our choice: string text = "11/12/2001"; string...
...parsedDate = DateTime.ParseExact( text, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Console.WriteLine("Day:... split the text by a backslash?...
...contained in the text. For example, let’s...
..."in" in the text: We are living...
...9 occurrences. A text is given. Write...
...places in the text surrounded by ...
...that encrypts a text by applying XOR...
...letter of the text and the first...
...letter of the text and the second...
...letter of the text. Print the result...
...\xxxx. Sample source text: "Test". Sample cipher...
...extracts from a text all sentences that...
...a letter. Sample text: We are living...
...commas. Also a text is given, containing...
...with asterisks. Sample text: Microsoft announced its...
...several lines of text. Each line consists... …. Sample text:

Please visit ...addresses from a text. These are all...
...both sides by text end or separator...
...shape @. Sample text: Please contact us...
...from the sample text: Write...
...extracts from a text all dates written...
...for Canada. Sample text: I was born...
...from the sample text: 14.06.1980 3.7.1984 Write...
...extracts from a text all words which...
...extracts all the text without any tags...
...HTML document. Sample text: News

...of letters in text to small and...
...index of the text. Change the text...
...text. Change the text in all capital...
...opening tag + text + closing tag...
...tag with the text in uppercase. Use...
...letters in the text and encrypt the...
...index in the text with cipher. If...
...letter from the text and letter from...
...iterate through the text and search for...
...split the input text by punctuation marks...
...words of the text and then split...
...marks of the text. Thus, given a...
...can parse the text by splitting it... process the text letter by letter...
...end of the text is reached and... split the text by all characters...
...while processing the text letter by letter...
..."words" from the text in advance and...
...template. Split the text into words and...
...You can scan text from left to...
...parsing the input text into array of...
...strings. Scan the text letter by letter... "stick" the text before and after...

N/A 137
Other | Approved: 6 years ago | 76.6 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Programming | Downloaded: 0
...Chapter 15. Text Files In This... work with text files in C#....
...explain what a text file is and... to a text file and how...
...of streams – text streams and binary... treated as text (in a predefined... as a text stream. Today’s modern...
...are used with text files, others-with binary...
...who work with text data. Later we...
...on working with text files. You can...
...system. Binary and Text Streams As we...
...binary streams and text streams. Binary Streams...
...and multimedia files, text files etc.). We...
...on working with text files. The main...
...calling its constructor. Text Streams Text streams...
...constructor. Text Streams Text streams are very...
...only work with text data or rather...
...and strings (string). Text streams are ideal...
...for working with text files. On the...
...for working with text streams in .NET... line of text and returns a... line of text into the stream....
...StreamWriter. Relationship between Text and Binary Streams...
...Streams When writing text, hidden from us,...
...StreamWriter transforms the text into bytes before...
...received bytes to text before sending the...
...before sending the text back as a... concept of "text file". The file...
...whether it is text or binary depends...
...a stream as text, we must read... it with text streams (StreamReader or... mind that text streams work with...
...streams work with text lines, that is,...
...a sequence of text lines, separated from... line of text from a given...
...these bytes to text according to the... line of text to a text...
...text to a text file or stream...
...representation of the text (according to the...
...Reading from a Text File Text files...
...a Text File Text files provide the... from a text files. So now,... and write text files with the...
...for Reading a Text File C# provides... read a text file, as it... and from text files is only... from a text file. Opening a...
...file. Opening a Text File for Reading...
...reading from a text file, is to...
...UniversalFilePathResolver.ResolvePath(@"~\logo.gif"); Reading a Text File Line by... the entire text file line by...
...print the read text on to the... create the text file in the...
...We have a text file from which...
...line from the text file string line...
...lines from the text file while (line...
...difficult to read text files. The first...
...first line of text file. If the...
...file. If the text file is empty,...
...line from the text file string line...
...lines from the text file while (line...
...opened successfully, the text file will be... necessary for text files to be...
...characters stored in text files. The encoding...
...of replacing the text characters (letters, digits,... correctly with text files. Character encodings...
...for converting from text to sequence of...
...convert any Unicode text in binary form...
...the transition from text to binary data...
...Framework, the class System.Text.Encoding is used, which...
...a Windows environment, text files, containing Cyrillic...
...files, containing Cyrillic text, are stored in...
...present and manipulate text, which was written... read a text file, encoded in...
...recording of non-Latin text. Both encoding schemes...
...Writing to a Text File Text files...
...a Text File Text files are very...
...We can use text files to make...
...with reading a text file, we will...
...for working with text data. It resembles...
...writing to a text file. Unlike other...
...Numbers in a Text File – Example...
...enroll in a text file the numbers...
...want to print text in Cyrillic and...
...will be intercepted. Text Files – More...
...when working with text files. Now we...
...occurs in a text file. In the...
..."C#" in a text file as follows:...
...lines of the text file one by...
...duration and the text, that should appear...
...that reads a text file and prints...
...that joins two text files and records...
...contents of a text file and inserts...
...that compares two text files with the... a separate text file. The first...
...names from a text file, arranges them...
..."finish" in a text file. Can you...
...lines of a text file. Write a...
...XML file the text only (without the...
...a…z, A…Z. A text file words.txt is... the file text.txt all the words... another file text.txt, and records the... up the text that must be...
...can read the text line by line...
N/A 116
Other | Approved: 6 years ago | 36.35 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Accounting | Downloaded: 0
...Text Completion Practice Test...
...justification in the text. Hence, the correct...
...indicated in the text. The other option...
N/A 109
Other | Approved: 6 years ago | 38.28 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Accounting | Downloaded: 0
...Text Completion Practice Test...
N/A 102
Other | Approved: 6 years ago | 36.77 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Accounting | Downloaded: 0
...Text Completion Practice Test...
...sleep apnea. The text simply implies that...
N/A 130
Other | Approved: 6 years ago | 34.9 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Accounting | Downloaded: 0
...Text Completion Practice Test...
N/A 105
Other | Approved: 6 years ago | 35.63 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Accounting | Downloaded: 0
...Text Completion Practice Test...
...know from the text that Claripro is...
N/A 105
Other | Approved: 3 years ago | 21.21 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Political Science | Downloaded: 0
...a comprehensive regulatory text stipulating specific rules...
N/A 48
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 29.6 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Computer Science | Downloaded: 0 enter unformatted text. L. Plain Text...
...text. L. Plain Text 3. A content...
...user to enter text and apply formatting....
...formatting. N. Rich Text 4. A content...
...or enter new text. B. Combo Box...
...that has static text and reserved spaces...
...a form, descriptive text, such as labels... C. static text 3. A predefined...
...DEVELOPER 6. Plain text refers to: B.... B. unformatted text 7. A command...
...checks for hidden text and metadata is...
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