Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 402.79 kB | Comments: 0
...from simple materials usually produce food by... ...producers and consumers. Usually bacteria and fungi.... ...from simple materials usually produce food by... ...producers and consumers. Usually bacteria and fungi.... ...living cells is usually around 7.2 to... ...living cells is usually around 7.2 to... ...carbon-carbon double bonds (usually solid at room... ...more double bonds (usually liquid at room... ...an organic molecule (usually charged or polar)... ...and bacteria can usually make their own... ...carbon-carbon double bonds (usually solid at room... ...more double bonds (usually liquid at room... ...an organic molecule (usually charged or polar)... ...and bacteria can usually make their own... ...each sac is usually separate from the... ...the cell volume usually formed from fusion... ...some animal cells; usually bud from plasma... ...cell wall is usually thickened and solidified,... ...for cells? What (usually) happens to surface... ...plasma membrane is usually enclosed in a... ...each sac is usually separate from the... ...the cell volume usually formed from fusion... ...some animal cells; usually bud from plasma... ...cell wall is usually thickened and solidified,... ...will spontaneously “self-seal” usually, this results in... ...membrane; they are usually bound ionically or... ...will spontaneously “self-seal” usually, this results in... ...membrane; they are usually bound ionically or... ...catabolic reactions are usually exergonic ATP +... ...anabolic reactions are usually endergonic One way... ...+ H2O (endergonic, usually requires more than... ...The free energy usually winds up being... ...catabolic reactions are usually exergonic ATP +... ...anabolic reactions are usually endergonic One way... ...+ H2O (endergonic, usually requires more than... ...The free energy usually winds up being... ...FADH2 – this usually starves cells, killing... ...FADH2 – this usually starves cells, killing... ...another redox reaction usually divided into light... ...respiration enzymes can usually catalyze reactions in... ...NADP+ + malate (usually) malate is then... ...another redox reaction usually divided into light... ...respiration enzymes can usually catalyze reactions in... ...NADP+ + malate (usually) malate is then... ...widely, but is usually 8-20 hours cell... ...this phase is usually the most variable... ...G2 phase is usually short; cells in... ...of prophase prometaphase, usually defined to include... ...daughter cells cytokinesis usually begins in telophase... ...furrow develops – usually close to where... ...plate develops – usually close to where... ...most organelles) is usually distributed randomly but... ...widely, but is usually 8-20 hours cell... ...this phase is usually the most variable... ...G2 phase is usually short; cells in... ...of prophase prometaphase, usually defined to include... ...daughter cells cytokinesis usually begins in telophase... ...furrow develops – usually close to where... ...plate develops – usually close to where... ...most organelles) is usually distributed randomly but... ...called a zygote usually the gametes that... ...plants, rare and usually fatal in animals)... ...mitosis, but is usually very short because... ...functions resume cytokinesis usually begins during telophase... ...called a zygote usually the gametes that... ...plants, rare and usually fatal in animals)... ...mitosis, but is usually very short because... ...functions resume cytokinesis usually begins during telophase... ...example, ABO/Rh is usually all that matters... ...than one characteristic usually only one gene... ...a second gene usually controls, masking any... ...categories; instead, they usually are measured traits... ...recessive allele is usually a nonfunctional (or... ...disorders the idea usually is to put... ...because they are usually are not passed... ...generation (affected individuals usually die before they... ...onset of symptoms usually in 30s or... ...repeats); more repeats usually means earlier onset... ...example, ABO/Rh is usually all that matters... ...than one characteristic usually only one gene... ...a second gene usually controls, masking any... ...categories; instead, they usually are measured traits... ...are called autosomes usually, the sex chromosome... ...during meiosis I usually, but not always,... ...recessive allele is usually a nonfunctional (or... ...disorders the idea usually is to put... ...because they are usually are not passed... ...generation (affected individuals usually die before they... ...onset of symptoms usually in 30s or... ...repeats); more repeats usually means earlier onset... ...are called autosomes usually, the sex chromosome... ...during meiosis I usually, but not always,... ...part of chromosomes- usually lethal Loss of... ...properly in anaphase usually in meiosis, although... ...male (XYY syndrome) usually tall, with heavy... ...and with aggressiveness; usually still fertile; about... ...(triple X syndrome) usually just like XX... ...be invariably fatal, usually very early in... ...smaller size, and usually fewer genes extra... ...multiple defects and usually death well before... ...covered below), but usually more severe, with... ...breaking without rejoining, usually leading to large... ...large deletions are usually fatal – but... ...bubble” there is usually only one origin... ...DNA eukaryotic chromosomes usually have several origins... ...is a few (usually about 10) ribonucleotides... ...later degraded and (usually) replaced with DNA... ...bubble” there is usually only one origin... ...DNA eukaryotic chromosomes usually have several origins... ...is a few (usually about 10) ribonucleotides... ...later degraded and (usually) replaced with DNA... ...strand sequences are usually written in the... ...specific sequence is usually hundreds of bases... ...code there are usually only about 45... ...required, but it usually is needed Why... ...mutations still occur (usually at a very... ...active protein is usually not formed missense... ...DNA transcription factors usually are activated or... ...introns they are usually within a few... ...why does it usually have a huge... ...strand sequences are usually written in the... ...specific sequence is usually hundreds of bases... ...code) there are usually only about 45... ...required, but it usually is needed Why... ...mutations still occur (usually at a very... ...active protein is usually not formed missense... ...DNA transcription factors usually are activated or... ...introns they are usually within a few... ...the vector is usually maintained in the... ...site selectable markers usually are a gene... ...heat-stable DNA polymerase, usually 72°C; the time... ...any individual can usually be amplified through... ...the probe molecules (usually DNA fragments) can... ...4 polymerization mixtures usually, each mixture has... ...them (gene flow), usually resulting in changes... ...them (gene flow), usually resulting in changes... ...and also is usually subjected to a... ...and also is usually subjected to a... ...mya – present) usually called the Age... ...mya – present) usually called the Age...
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