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10 Healthy Eating Tips

Uploaded: 5 years ago
Contributor: Floofy
Category: Biology
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   10 Healthy Eating Tips.docx (15.66 kB)
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10 Healthy Eating Tips Jason Dunn 11/27/17 Replace soda with water in your meals. -Replacing soda with water will cut out a lot of calories from your meals and water helps with digestion Eat grass fed and no hormone injected animal products. -Animal meats and products like milk and eggs are all produced in factories and are pumped with hormones, steroids and fed till they can’t walk. This means that when you eat these products you get all of the hormones, steroids and unhealthy diets of animals. Stay away from saturated fats, trans-fats and hydrogenated goods -Everyone things fats are bad, but they are just eating the wrong kinds. Unsaturated fats build protection around your heart and are our second most efficient source of energy, but all the other fats make you larger and clog your blood streams. Have 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C a day. -Vitamin C helps your immune system and can half the amount of time you are sick for. Eat more good carbohydrates like fruits instead of junk food. -Sugary junk food gives you bad, man-made carbs that will make you fat. Fruits and vegetables contain natural healthy carbs that you can have as much as you want of and will keep you energized. Do not add salt to meals. -Most fast food, frozen food and other foods contain tons of preservatives like salt to allow them to last a long time. The amount of sodium in these foods is already too much and it is unhealthy to add more. Eat more plain nuts. -Food gets stuck in the corners of our intestines and nuts help to clean them out. Don’t skip breakfast. -Breakfast is a crucial part of the beginning of your day and provides energy to help you keep going for the rest of your day. Have a multi-vitamin every day after dinner. -Vitamins help you repair and build up your body after a long day and will help assist you most in your sleep when your body repairs. Try to eat things uncooked. -Cooking things over a certain temperature takes out all the nutritional value of a food. Try eating things like frozen fruits, vegetables and sushi.

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