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Exam 1 answer key

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QUESTION 1 This type of political system is ruled by the wealthy or a group of wealthy people who control or influence the government. a. Democracy b. Monarchy c. Meritocracy d. Plutocracy e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 2 ____________ are surveys taken that provide a useful way of showing how different groups view certain political issues. a. Entrance polls b. Demographics c. Public opinion polls d. Exit polls e. Data analyses 1 points    QUESTION 3 He argued for a representative democracy where government possesses limited powers and where the selected representatives make decisions on their behalf. a. Plato b. John Locke c. Aristotle d. Niccolo Machiavelli e. Thomas Hobbes 1 points    QUESTION 4 This political theorist had a strong influence on Thomas Jefferson when he penned the U.S. Declaration of Independence. a. Thomas Hobbes b. John Locke c. Niccolo Machiavelli d. Karl Marx e. St. Augustine 1 points    QUESTION 5 Political scientists who use this methodological approach link experimental and quantitative data-driven analysis to an ethical responsibility to ask important questions affecting citizens. a. Traditionalism b. Behavioralism c. Postbehavioralism d. None of the above e. All of the above 1 points    QUESTION 6 This political belief holds that war is never justified and that all disputes should be settled peacefully. a. Classical liberalism b. Traditional conservatism c. Libertarianism d. Marxism e. Pacifism 1 points    QUESTION 7 When a social science researcher makes an educated guess based on previously understood facts, he/she is making a(an) a. qualitative analysis. b. wild guess. c. hypothesis. d. correlation. e. quantitative analysis. 1 points    QUESTION 8 This political ideology believes that government should not interfere in the economic or social life of people except to provide police and military protection. a. Classical liberalism b. Marxism c. Libertarianism d. Nihilism e. Traditional conservatism 1 points    QUESTION 9 _____________ are considered social contract thinkers. a. Thomas Hobbes and Niccolo Machiavelli b. Plato and Aristotle c. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Karl Marx d. John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean Jacques Rousseau e. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle 1 points    QUESTION 10 Ancient political thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle believed that political power a. should be thought of as a contract between the government and the governed. b. should be applied as a way of maintaining power. c. should be understood as a way of achieving domination. d. should achieve a balance of force and fraud. e. should be applied as a means to the ends of social justice. 1 points    QUESTION 11 Those advocating a ________ approach argue that to fight terrorism in Afghanistan, the United States must assist in Afghanistan's economic and political development. a. Counterinsurgency b. None of the above c. Counterintuitive d. Counterintelligence e. Counterterrorism 1 points    QUESTION 12 Justice ___________ is the most recent member appointed to the United States Supreme Court. a. Oliver Wendell Holmes b. Sandra Day O’Connor c. Ruth Bader Ginsberg d. Elena Kagan e. Antonin Scalia 1 points    QUESTION 13 _____________ refer to some of the ways people are categorized (e.g., 18–24 year olds, Catholic, people of color, and so on). a. Exit polls b. Public opinion polls c. Data analyses d. Demographics e. Entrance polls 1 points    QUESTION 14 The theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes is referred to as a. fascism. b. feminism. c. anarchy. d. traditional conservatism. e. classical liberalism. 1 points    QUESTION 15 A person who believes it is the duty of government to ameliorate social conditions and create a more equitable society is a a. libertarian. b. fascist. c. communist. d. capitalist. e. liberal. 1 points    QUESTION 16 An economic system in which the means of production, such as land and factories, are privately owned and operated for profit is referred to as a. aristocracy. b. oligarchy. c. communism. d. capitalism. e. socialism. 1 points    QUESTION 17 The most dramatic predictor of whether a young person is likely to vote is ___________. a. Educational attainment b. Employment history c. None of the Above d. Gender e. Race or Ethnicity 1 points    QUESTION 18 This political system includes a form of government whereby a king or queen holds absolute or limited power, usually inherited. a. Aristocracy b. Democracy c. Monarchy d. Plutocracy e. Oligarchy 1 points    QUESTION 19 Which of the following is NOT one of the issues analyzed by all three major social contract theorists? a. Human nature b. Women's suffrage c. The problems that arise in the absence of government. d. The form of government best able to handle human problems. e. All of the above were analyzed by the major social contract theorists. 1 points    QUESTION 20 This school of thought in international relations is linked with Machiavelli and Hobbes and emphasizes the furtherance of national interests and military security. a. Classical liberalism b. Traditional conservatism c. Socialism d. Realism e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 21 John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government directly challenges the self-interested view of human nature and the authoritarian political theory of which theorist? a. Immanuel Kant b. Thomas Hobbes c. Plato d. Peter Abelard e. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1 points    QUESTION 22 John Locke believed in the concept of tabula rasa. What does tabula rasa mean? a. People are born with a belief in God. b. People are born with a blank slate and can only know what they learn from their experiences. c. People are born with a desire to exploit others. d. People are born to pursue pleasure and avoid pain. e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 23 Machiavelli proposes that the prince who possesses the strength of a lion and the cunning of a fox will be able to control the people through the use of: a. Force b. Gifts c. Threats d. a and c e. All of the above 1 points    QUESTION 24 Thomas Hobbes was a nominalist, someone who believes that a. no permanent objective truth lies beneath our world of appearances. b. language is necessary in part to help us make sense of the world. c. humans construct a perception of “truth”. d. “truth” is filtered through self-interest and the syllogisms of language. e. All of the above 1 points    QUESTION 25 This political theorist argued that all human nature is driven by our pursuit of pleasures and an avoidance of pain. a. Jean-Jacques Rousseau b. Niccolo Machiavelli c. Karl Marx d. Thomas Hobbes e. John Locke 1 points    QUESTION 26 Which political theorist stated that “Man is born free, and yet we see him everywhere in chains”? a. Thomas Hobbes b. Niccolo Machiavelli c. Aristotle d. John Locke e. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1 points    QUESTION 27 Which of the following people is associated with liberalism, a theory within international relations that asserts humans can exist in nonviolent and cooperative political structures? a. Immanuel Kant b. John Locke c. Woodrow Wilson d. All of the above e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 28 The ancient political theory of Plato and Aristotle often focused on an understanding of justice to help explain politics, whereas the modern political theory of Machiavelli and Hobbes focuses on the concept of __________. a. feudalism b. power c. conservatism d. morality e. force 1 points    QUESTION 29 This theoretical movement began in earnest in the mid-nineteenth century and called for social, political, economic, and familial equality between men and women. a. Marxism b. Traditional conservatism c. Feminism d. Capitalism e. Classical liberalism 1 points    QUESTION 30 Political theorists who are less interested in the way politics “ought” to be and more interested in studying politics as it is actually practiced follow this approach. a. Empirical theory b. Normative theory c. Existentialism theory d. Inquisitive theory e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 31 Which of the following leaders offers an example of Machiavelli’s advice to use violence to enhance political power? a. Cesar Borgia b. General Hannibal c. Saddam Hussein d. Kim Jong Un e. All of the above 1 points    QUESTION 32 Which of these political situations would NOT be considered a latter-day example of Machiavelli’s theories on gaining and maintaining political power? a. Abraham Lincoln’s suspension of habeus corpus during the American Civil War b. Ayatollah Ali Khameini’s endorsement of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in questionable elections in Iran c. The electoral campaign strategy undertaken by Karl Rove, advisor to George W. Bush, referring to opponent John Kerry as a “flip-flopper” d. All of the above are reflective of Machiavelli’s political theory e. None of the above are reflective of Machiavelli’s political theory 1 points    QUESTION 33 Thomas Hobbes argues that life in the precontract state was a. solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. b. largely peaceful and cooperative. c. either peaceful or violent depending on the size of the society. d. a state of bliss. e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 34 Which statement about contemporary voter behavior is true? a. Women and men turned out in equal numbers. b. More men voted than women. c. More women voted than men. d. There is a growing gender gap in American politics. e. Answers C and D are true. 1 points    QUESTION 35 According to Machiavelli, why should a prince seek to be feared, but not hated? a. Because when people hate the prince, it will cause low morale in society. b. Because hatred puts people in an emotional state and it makes it harder for the prince to control them as they are no longer motivated by self-interest. c. Because when the population hates the prince, he will have a damaged self esteem. d. Because princes who are hated are rarely remembered by history. e. Because princes who are hated try to overcompensate by being too generous with government resources. 1 points    QUESTION 36 This modern country’s leader named Kim Jong Un is regarded by some as a ruthless leader because reports indicate that he keeps approximately 200,000 political prisoners in gulags where they are forced to work 12–15 hours per day and because many of these prisoners ultimately die of malnutrition. a. Japan b. North Korea c. China d. Vietnam e. South Korea 1 points    QUESTION 37 This political strategist in George W. Bush’s administration was known by colleagues as the Mayberry Machiavelli. a. John Ashcroft b. Dick Cheney c. Karl Rove d. Andrew Card e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 38 Why does Machiavelli believe that leaders should take on the traits of the fox and the lion? What tips for leadership does Machiavelli provide to ensure that leaders are respected and not hated by the populace?  What is the main critique of The Prince? 10 points    QUESTION 39 Who are the three major social contract theorists?  What do they believe about individual freedoms? What forms of government do they advocate and why?  10 points    QUESTION 40 The roots of all Western political thought are found in which of the following philosophical camps: a. theory of becoming. b. theory of being. c. theory of forms. d. a and b e. b and c 1 points    QUESTION 41 While roughly 1% of Americans are classified as millionaires, what percentage of US Senators and members of the House of Representatives are millionaires? a. 46% of Senators and 34% of members of the House of Representatives b. 61% of Senators and 39% of members of the House of Representatives c. 32% of Senators and 19% of members of the House of Representatives d. 54% of Senators and 28% of members of the House of Representatives e. 74% of Senators and 25% of members of the House of Representatives 1 points    QUESTION 42 Aristotle was the first political theorist to assert that a state’s economic system serves as the foundation for a state’s political system. What feature did he argue was needed for a democracy to flourish? a. A strong military b. A strong health care system c. A strong family unit d. A strong public school system e. A strong middle class 1 points    QUESTION 43 Henry David Thoreau was put in an American prison over his objection to slavery and this declared war. a. World War I b. Mexican-American War c. The U.S. Civil War d. The Spanish American War e. The War of 1812 1 points    QUESTION 44 Aristotle does not as vigorously advocate for one particular system of government over another. He instead advocates combining different forms of government into one government. This is better known as Aristotle’s a. Theory of divine governments. b. Theory of forms. c. Theory of the natural order. d. Theory of mixed constitutions. e. Theory of mix and match. 1 points    QUESTION 45 This teaching method used in law schools fosters critical thinking by probing the minds of students with questions rather than providing them with answers. a. Socratic teaching method b. Platonic teaching method c. Skeptic teaching method d. Aristotelian teaching method e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 46 This system of government describes a government where power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers responsible for making decisions on behalf of the populace. a. Oligarchy b. Direct democracy c. Monarchy d. Representative democracy e. Aristocracy 1 points    QUESTION 47 This Christian theorist incorporated theories associated with Aristotle by bridging faith and reason in his classic work Summa Theologiae. a. St. Augustine b. St. Thomas Aquinas c. Cicero d. Confucius e. Plato 1 points    QUESTION 48 For Plato, the tyrant represents the worst form of justice because the tyrant a. pursues a course of action in the interest of a small group of citizens b. pursues both lawful unnecessary desires and unlawful unnecessary desires c. puts honor and courage as the highest virtues of the body politic d. imposes a particular will on the people, for their own good e. All of the above 1 points    QUESTION 49 What widely accepted view was Socrates attempting to debunk? a. That only the wise should lead society. b. That capitalism is a superior economic system. c. That might makes right. d. That monarchs are superior leaders. e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 50 What is the name of the term used to describe the ancient Greek city-state where inhabitants shared common cultural, political, economic and religious customs? a. Tribe b. County c. Country d. Polis e. Monarchy 1 points    QUESTION 51 Why did Socrates refuse to flee his jail cell and his pending execution when offered an opportunity by his jailer? a. Because he did not trust the jailer b. Because he believed he would only be recaptured later c. Because he thought he had an obligation as a citizen to accept his punishment d. Because he thought he could win his case on appeal e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 52 Aristotle argues that there are three distinct forms of human communities that natural evolve into more complex social arrangements. What are the three human communities according to Aristotle? a. The family unit, the nation, the world b. The town, the county, the nation c. The state, the nation, the world d. The family unit, the village, the polis (state) e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 53 Approximately what percentage of the world’s population is identified as a Christian? a. 33 percent b. 5 percent c. 65 percent d. 15 percent e. 50 percent 1 points    QUESTION 54 In Plato’s Gradations of Happiness in The Republic and the Human Soul he ranks democracies as the second worst form of government. Which type of political system is ranked lower than democracies by Plato? a. One ruled by a timocracy b. One ruled by an oligarchy c. One ruled by a tyrant d. One ruled by an aristocracy e. One ruled by a monarchy 1 points    QUESTION 55 A system of government in which a small group of people exercise control over the masses is referred to as a(an) a. democracy. b. polity. c. oligarchy. d. monarchy. e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 56 Which of the following is NOT one of the three parts of the ideal republic/human soul as described by Plato in his Republic? a. Auxiliaries/spirit b. Craftspeople/appetites c. Guardians/rational d. Rulers/power-seeking e. None of the above 1 points    QUESTION 57 What type of theory examines the way politics “should” be rather than focusing on the way politics “is”? a. Economic theory b. Existentialism c. Empirical theory d. Democratic theory e. Normative theory Bottom of Form

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