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MED-SUR Questions

Uploaded: 2 years ago
Contributor: abunawaf1986
Category: Medicine
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   MED-SUR.docx (24.73 kB)
Page Count: 3
Credit Cost: 1
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1. Normal blood glucose levels are:20 to 50 mg/100 ml.200 to 250 mg/100 ml.70 to 100 mg/100 ml.30 to 60 mg/100 ml.2. Both the intracellular and extracellular fluids are made up of many different electrolytes, but the most abundant intracellular positively charged electrolyte is:Calcium.Chloride.Potassium.Sodium3. The K+ laboratory report shows a level of 5.2 mEq/L. The nurse will assess the patient closely for:Excessive thirst.Irregular heartbeat.Swelling of ankles.Frightening hallucinations.4. A patient admitted with the diagnosis of possible myocardial infarction complains of pain and tingling in his left arm says, “How in the world could I be having a heart attack when it’s just my arm that is giving me trouble?” The nurse explains that the patient is experiencing:Referred pain.Psychogenic pain.Neuromuscular pain.Muscle spasms of shoulder.5. A maintenance man falls from a ladder into the unit hall, striking his head on some equipment. The man is unconscious and not breathing; the Code Team has already been paged and is on its way. The nurse should:Wait for the team to start CPR.Open airway with a jaw thrust.Give two rescue breaths after extending the neck.Start chest compressions.6. The nurse assesses that the patient is in shock based on the findings of:Lack of urine output in the last hour, thready pulse, shallow respirations, decreased BP, and patient crying softly.Failure of the neurological system, thready pulse, decreased respirations, decreased BP, and decreased LOC.Failure of the renal system with bounding pulse, shallow respirations, decreased BP, 300 ml urine in the last hour, displaying unfounded anger.Unable to arouse patient, temperature 99.2º F, pulse 100, respiration 30, BP 120/78.7. In an assessment of a patient who has been receiving IV fluids for the last 6 hours, the nurse finds that the pulse is now bounding, the blood pressure is more than 15 mm Hg higher than the last reading, and there is pedal edema. The nurse evaluates these signs as associated with:Infiltration of the IV site.Vascular fluid volume excess.Pulmonary air embolism.Phlebitis of the leg veins.8. The nurse explains that sickle cell crisis occurs when the sickle-shaped red blood cells:Rupture.Produce hemoglobin s.Interfere with blood production.Obstruct major arteries.9. The nurse tells the family of a patient who has just undergone bone marrow transplant that to help stabilize the immune response and prevent rejection, ________________ will be given.Dexamethasone (Decadron)Filgrastim (Neupogen)Zidovudine (Retrovir)Nevirapine (Viramune)10. The nurse explains that hypertension increases the work of the heart because of increasing:Preload.Stroke volume.Contractility.Afterload.11. The nurse would anticipate that a patient on Vasotec (ACE inhibitor) would have as a positive outcome to this drug:Increased fluid retention.Decreased blood pressure.Decreased urine output.Increased appetite.12. An 89-year-old patient is taking an antihypertensive medication. Home care teaching by the nurse would include instructing the patient to:Get up out of bed slowly.Take hot baths.Report sexual dysfunction immediately.Stop taking the drug if side effects occur.13. After receiving a tube feeding, the patient becomes sweaty and has abdominal distention with diarrhea. The nurse assesses that this is because of:An expected reaction to the tube feeding.Dumping syndrome.Gastric reflux syndrome.Onset of gastroenteritis.14. The nurse explains that pruritus in the patient with hepatitis is related to:Decreased fat intake.Poor appetite and therefore poor protein intake.Accumulation of bile salts under the skin.Altered urinary output of bile.15. The nurse would assess the progress of ascites on a daily basis by:Daily weights and measuring abdominal girth.Intake-output and electrolyte levels.Blood pressure and pulse.Daily temperatures and oxygen levels.16. Erythropoietin is a hormone produced by the kidney. When the patient is in chronic renal failure, loss of this hormone will result in:Diminished immunologic function with fewer white blood cells.Elevated lipid levels in the bloodstream, contributing to accelerated atherosclerosis.Anemia because of the diminished number of red blood cells being produced.Hypertension because of the increased, concentrated blood volume.17. When the nurse reads in the patient’s history that the patient has experienced otalgia, the nurse knows that the patient has:Difficulty hearing.A buildup of cerumen.Ear pain.Ringing in ears.18. The patient in early labor says to the nurse: “I will pass on protection from diseases and the baby will not ever need any shots.” The best response by the nurse should be:“Babies are born with innate (natural) immunity at birth.”“Babies are born with IgE, an antibody that crosses the placenta, but it only protects the baby briefly.”“Yes, immediate antibody immunity from the mother is the first line of defense against disease for babies.”“Yes, the mother passes on cell-mediated immunity.” 19. The 10am medications scheduled for your patient include Keflex 2.0 g in 100 ml of a 5% Dextrose solution. According to the pharmacy, this preparation should be administered in thirty minutes. You should set your IV pump at _____mL/hour.40.A patient with heart failure has a daily order for digoxin 0.25 mg PO. Digoxin 0.125 mg tablets are available. How many tablets should you give?

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