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Project 6 Pseudocode

Uploaded: 5 years ago
Contributor: gvan9
Category: Computer Engineering
Type: Other
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Filename:   Project 6 Pseudocode.txt (1.83 kB)
Credit Cost: 1
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?Gavin Poulton, None. Lab 013, 12/4/2018 Make a vector of dots, then change individual coordinates to the letters Struct point(){ Double X Double Y } Struct Planet(){ Int Id (point, the struct) location String Name Char Symbol } ofstream output(journey.txt); InputData(){ String namesFile String locationsFile Cout “Enter Locations Filename: “ Cin locationsFile Cout “enter names filename: “ Cin names Ifstream namesInput(namesFile); Ifstream locationsInput(locationsFile); If(!namesInput.is_open() or !locationsInput.is_open()){ Cout “Input file could not be opened” Return 1 } While(readinplanets){ } Vector string Names Vector double Locations } CorrectErrors(){ Names.remove “XX” names.find “underscores” Names.replace “spaces” } If(ids match in the struct){ Overwrite name } Struct(mapInfo){ (pass in this info wherever you need to pass in the functions) Startrow Startcolumn Endrow Endcolumn Numrows numcolumns } Fin >>numrows Fin >>numcolumns CreateMap(){ } CalculateDistance(){ If(){ } Else{ Algorithm 2 } } Int visitedplanets = 0; (increase this value every time you visit a planet) CalculateRoute(){ For(planets that haven’t been visited yet){ While(iterating through the planets filtered by the forloop){ Find closest planet that has not been visited(findclosest()) Visit it Mark as visited Print out planet name and where you are } } } PrintOutput(){ } Int main(){ InputData() }

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