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Week 3 Test Sci138

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Contributor: bio_man
Category: Geology and Earth Sciences
Type: Lecture Notes
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Exam 3 (timed & single access): Chapters 5 & 6 Return to Assessment List Part 1 of 1 - 100.0 Points Question 1 of 25 4.0 Points _________ igneous rocks are composed of dark-colored minerals rich in magnesium and iron.  A.Felsic  B.Intrusive  C.Vesicular  D.Mafic  E.Extrusive Answer Key: D Feedback: “Geologists subdivide the most common igneous rocks into three broad categories, based on their silica contents. Rocks that contain large amounts of silica (about 70 percent SiO2 by weight) are usually light colored. Geologists call them felsic (a word formed from “feldspar” and “silica”) because feldspar is the most common mineral found in them. At the other end of the scale are rocks called mafic (a word formed from “magnesium” and “ferric,” or iron rich), and they contain large amounts of dark-colored minerals rich in magnesium and iron. They are usually lower in silica content (about 50 percent SiO2 by weight). Finally, igneous rocks with about 60 percent SiO2 by weight are said to be intermediate.” Question 2 of 25 4.0 Points A place along a fault where an earthquake has not occurred in a long time is called paleoseismology.  A. True  B. False Answer Key: False Question 3 of 25 4.0 Points Igneous rocks with small crystals undergo _______ cooling. rapid  Answer Key: rapid|quic*|fas* Feedback: rapid Question 4 of 25 4.0 Points According to the figure below, _______ is the location of the earthquake. Kobe Answer Key: Kobe|Kobe Japan|Japan Question 5 of 25 4.0 Points Small pyroclasts welded together during an eruption results in the formation of a tuff.  A. True  B. False Answer Key: True Feedback:  “Loose pyroclasts are often welded together during the eruption or cemented together afterwards, forming pyroclastic rocks. These rocks are called agglomerates when the tephra particles are large and tuff when the particles are small. Spatter cones and tephra cones are made of exactly this kind of rock.”  Question 6 of 25 4.0 Points A(n) _______ wave is an elastic rebound wave that travels outward in all directions from the point of an earthquake.  A.tsunami  B.elastic  C.tectonic  D.Mercalli  E.seismic Answer Key: E Question 7 of 25 4.0 Points Swarms of tiny earthquakes that may occur before large earthquakes are known as _______. foreshocks  Answer Key: foreshoc*|fore shoc* Feedback: foreshocks Question 8 of 25 4.0 Points The eruption of _______ in 1815 resulted in the “year without a summer”. Mount Tambora  Answer Key: Tambora|M* Tambora Question 9 of 25 4.0 Points Earth's _______ is liquid and extends between 2883km and 5140km beneath the surface. outer core  Answer Key: outer core Question 10 of 25 4.0 Points The deepest hole ever drilled in the planet is located in South Africa.  A. True  B. False Answer Key: False Question 11 of 25 4.0 Points Scientists can never predict when a volcano will erupt.  A.True  B.False Answer Key: B Question 12 of 25 4.0 Points The figure below has what type of texture?  A.glassy  B.aphanitic  C.phaneritic  D.porphyritic  E.none of the above Answer Key: D Question 13 of 25 4.0 Points The igneous rock in the figure below has what type of texture?   A.glassy  B.aphanitic  C.phaneritic  D.porphyritic  E.none of the above Answer Key: A Feedback: See Figure 6.20A (Volcanic rock textures) on page 183: “A Glassy texture: This photograph shows obsidian obelisks from a Mayan grave in Guatemala. Though these were sculpted by humans, the shiny, curvy appearance is typical for volcanic glass.” Question 14 of 25 4.0 Points The boundary that separates the crust from the mantle is known as the _______ Discontinuity.  A.Richter  B.Mercalli  C.Oldham  D.Mohorovicic  E.Wegener Answer Key: D Question 15 of 25 4.0 Points Beneath the surface, rocks completely melt at about 1000ºC.  A. True  B. False Answer Key: False Feedback: “At Earth’s surface, rock begins to liquefy when heated to a temperature between about 800 C and 1000 C. However, rock (unlike ice for example) typically consists of many different minerals, each with its own characteristic melting temperature. Thus we cannot talk about a single melting point for a rock. Complete melting is commonly attained by about 1200 C. Two other factors also strongly affect the melting temperature: pressure and the presence of water in the rock.” Question 16 of 25 4.0 Points The mass of bubbles found in pumice are more properly known as _______. vesicles  Answer Key: ves* Feedback: vesicles Question 17 of 25 4.0 Points Iron meteorites, stony-iron meteorites, and some stony meteorites have roughly the same composition as our planet.  A. True  B. False Answer Key: True Question 18 of 25 4.0 Points A _______ wave is an elastic rebound wave that travels outward in all directions from the point of an earthquake.  A.tsunami  B.elastic  C.tectonic  D.Mercalli  E.seismic Answer Key: E Feedback: “The energy released by an earthquake is transmitted to other parts of the Earth in the form of seismic waves. The waves elastically deform the rocks they pass through; the leave no record behind them once they have passed, so they must be detected while they pass.” Question 19 of 25 4.0 Points The science of studying ancient earthquakes is known as _______. paleoseismology  Answer Key: paleos* Feedback: paleoseismology Question 20 of 25 4.0 Points Devil's Tower in Wyoming is a good example of a volcanic neck.  A.True  B.False Answer Key: A Question 21 of 25 4.0 Points _______ is the separation of melted materials from the remaining solid material during the course of melting. fractionation  Answer Key: Frac* Feedback: Fractionation Question 22 of 25 4.0 Points Sulfur dioxide, which is released during volcanic eruptions, forms small droplets in the atmosphere called _______. aerosols  Answer Key: aero* Feedback: aerosols Question 23 of 25 4.0 Points The strength of an earthquake can also be called the magnitude of the earthquake.  Answer Key: magnitude Feedback: “Geologists use several different scales to quantify the strength, or magnitude, of an earthquake, by which we mean the amount of energy released during the quake.” Question 24 of 25 4.0 Points Fine grained igneous rocks have a(n) aphanitic texture.  Answer Key: aphanitic Feedback: “Sometimes lava cools so rapidly that mineral grains do not have a chance to form at all. The resulting volcanic rock is not crystalline but glassy . More often, mineral grains do form in solidifying lavas, but they are extremely small and can be seen only under magnification. (See What a Geologist Sees.) Rocks with this very fine-grained texture are said to be aphanitic . Question 25 of 25 4.0 Points The scientific study of earthquakes and seismic waves is known as _______.  A.seismograph  B.seismogram  C.seismology  D.vulcanology  E.tectonics Answer Key: C

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