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BIO 210 Chapter 1 Learning Outcomes

Uploaded: 5 years ago
Contributor: MN350
Category: Biology
Type: Assignment
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Filename:   BIO 210 Chapter 1 Learning Outcomes.docx (14.85 kB)
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Credit Cost: 1
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BIO 210 Chapter 1 Learning Outcomes Anatomy is the study of structural components of the human body. An example is body organization. Physiology is the study of the functions of a living organism and its parts. An example is the human body. Chemical level is the chemicals that make up the body. Ex. Water. Organelles is the cell components. Ex. Nucleus. Cellular is the cells are the fundamental units of life. Ex. Muscle cells. Tissue is groups of cells working together. Ex. Nervous tissue. Organ is made up of several types of tissues. Ex. Liver. Organ system groups of organs working together. Ex. Cardiovascular system. Organism is all the various parts working together in unison. Ex. Human Organization- body has internal compartments. Metabolism- sum of all anabolic and catabolic reactions. Responsiveness- the ability to sense, monitor and react to the environment and changes in the environment. Movement- motion of the body and motion of organs and cells. Development and growth- all the changes the body goes through in life, differentiation, growth and repair. Reproduction- formation of a new organism from parent organism. Integumentary- encloses internal body structure and sensory receptors. Skeletal- supports body and enables movement. Lymphatic- returns fluid to blood and defends against pathogens. Respiratory- removes carbon dioxide from body and delivers oxygen to blood. Muscular- enables movement and helps maintain body temp. Nervous- detects and processes sensory info and activates body responses. Digestive- processes food and removes waste. Urinary- controls h2o balance and removes waste from blood. Endocrine- secretes hormones and regulates bodily processes. Cardiovascular- delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues and equalizes body temp. Male reproductive- produces sex horm. And gametes. Female reproduction- supports embryo/ fetus till birth and produces milk. Arms at sides and palms, head, and feet facing forward Superior- above/higher. Ex. The forehead is superior to the chin. Inferior- below/lower. Ex. The elbow is inferior to the shoulder. Anterior- front. Ex. My face is anterior. Posterior- back. Ex. My spine is posterior. Medial- toward middle of the body. Ex. My belly button is medial. Lateral- away from the middle of the body. Ex. The arms are lateral to the chest. Proximal- nearest the trunk of the body. Ex. The hip is proximal to the neck. Distal- furthest away from the trunk of the body. Ex. The knee is distal to the thigh. Superficial- near surface. Ex. The skin is superficial to the skeleton. Deep- away from body surface. Ex. The heart is deep to the sternum. Frontal(coronal)- divides body into anterior and posterior. Ex. Divides the kidneys into anterior and posterior. Transverse- horizontal and divides into superior and inferior. Ex. Separates the lungs from the small intestines. Sagittal- divides into left and right. Ex. If you put a line in the middle of your face. Midsagittal- divides equal right and left. Ex. Heart cut into equal left and right sides. Parasagittal- divides in unequal left and right. Ex. Left arm separated from the rest of the body. Axial region- head, neck, and torso. Subdivisions- cephalic: head, cervical: neck, Thoracic: chest, Abdominal: abdomen, Pelvic: pelvis. Appendicular region- upper and lower extremities. Subdivisions- branchial: arm, cubital: elbow, antebrachial: forearm, carpal: wrist, femoral: thigh, popliteal: knee, crural: lower leg, tarsal: ankle, digital: fingers/toes. Dorsal- found mostly in the back. Subdivisions- cranial: contains the brain, spinal: contains the spinal cord. Ventral- found mostly in the front. Subdivisions- thoracic: mediastinal cavity and pleural cavities. Pleural cavities: lungs, Mediastinum: the heart and thymus, abdominopelvic: abdominal portion and pelvic portion. Abdominal portions contains organs such as stomach, liver, small intestines, and large. Pelvic: contains organs such as urinary bladder and uterus. Maintain the body parameter within its normal range. Play a major role in maintaining homeostasis in the body. Reverse the current direction of the stimulus to oppose changes in a variable. Positive feedback doesn’t maintain homeostasis and intensifies the stimulus. Negative feedback maintains homeostasis.

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