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Jakob Trenholm

MacEwan University
Uploaded: 3 years ago
Contributor: emmajp
Category: Sociology
Type: Lecture Notes
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Jakob Trenholm Social 20-1: Module 1 October 21, 2019 America Yeah! The United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, a glorious nation the most powerful of the world powers the richest of the rich and the freest of the free. So here’s the story of how the nation grew from a weak penal colony of the British to the strongest, richest and most known nation on earth. America was not always well known and strong; in fact, it was quite the opposite for a while. The land at the time known as the thirteen colonies was a penal colony for the British empire before the 1770s. It was a new land for people to go explore and too live soon huge immigration levels occurred and the colony was developing nicely into their own society independent from the brits. The ideas of independence stared going into the minds of the America population. After some heavy taxation by the British kept enforcing ideas of rebellion and starting an independent nation. The very individualist unity between the Americans weird as it sounds started a cue, they took to arms the began a full-on rebellion. The War for Independence lasted from1775 to 1783. The war was more of a series of defending the coast while the British tried to siege it and take back land. It was during this event that the United States of America was born in 1776 the wrote up their constitution and declared themselves independent from Britain. The war ranged from Georgia to New-York many battles were fought and lives were lost but it was worth it all in the end after the Siege of Yorktown the war was won and America was fully independent. The Constitution is the supreme law of America it has been in place since 1791 and started with ten amendments and has been worked on to the now 27 in the modern American constitution. The constitution states the following “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” I personally believe that this still reigns true today and is one of the best national amendment in the world. In conclusion, the Yankees of America have developed a strong national pride. Their history shared in freedom their economics built on trade and their people build with pride for their nation, a people united even when divided in political parties they are still American.

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