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Chapter 1: World of Psychology, 7th

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Category: Psychology and Mental Health
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Name _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 - Quick Quiz 2 1. Dr. Wang is conducting a study to test ways of helping students reduce stress during exams. While taking practice exams, one group of students is trained in deep muscle relaxation and a second group is trained to visualize success. Dr. Wang’s study compares the effectiveness of these two stress-reduction strategies. This is an example of __________ a) basic research. b) applied research. c) observational research. d) theoretical research. 2. Why was the perspective followed by Wilhelm Wundt and his followers called structuralism? a) they wanted to identify the major brain structures b) their primary goal was to understand the physiology of the mind c) they focused their efforts on analyzing the elements of the nervous system d) their primary focus was on describing the structure of conscious experience 3. Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and Karen Horney were students of Sigmund Freud who eventually separated from Freud’s teachings and developed their own theories. In doing so, they became known as __________ a) neo-Freudians. b) renegades. c) psychiatrists. d) psychologists. 4. Which type of early psychologist believed that “the whole is more than the sum of its parts”? a) functionalist b) behaviorist c) structuralist d) Gestaltist 5. Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of critical thinking? a) Critical thinking reminds us that some authorities should not be questioned. b) Critical thinking reminds us to suspend judgment. c) Critical thinking requires a willingness to modify or abandon prior judgments. d) Critical thinking requires independent thinking. 6. Which of the following provides a likely example of two positively correlated variables? a) hours spent playing computer games and hours spent outdoors b) average daily temperature and number of people at the beach c) annual number of days missed from work and annual production bonus wages d) number of students an instructor has in a class and time spent with each individual 7. Billy Bob is a participant in a study investigating the effectiveness of Ritalin in treating ADHD. Billy Bob has ADHD, but is in a group that received sugar pills instead of Ritalin. Billy Bob is in the __________ group. a) experimental b) random c) control d) observational 8. The placebo effect means __________ a) all conditions in an experiment are the same. b) that there is no control group. c) the expectations of the participants influence their behavior. d) experimenter bias causes the subjects to act strangely. 9. Some experiments are criticized because the laboratory conditions under which they are conducted are too different from real-world conditions. These experiments may not be __________ a) generalizable to the real world. b) internally valid. c) reliable. d) believable. 10. The American Psychological Association (APA) __________ a) supports animal research. b) does not support animal research. c) supports research with rodents but not with other animals. d) stopped supporting animal research in 1986. Chapter 1 - Quick Quiz 2 Answer Key 1. b Explanation: Research that seeks to solve practical problems, such as the stress experienced by students during examination time, is called applied research. (Page 6, Applied, LO 1.2) 2. d Explanation: Structure was key in the definition. (Page 7, Conceptual, LO 1.3) 3. a Explanation: These individuals all started off as students of Freud, but eventually set off in their own directions. (Page 10, Factual, LO 1.7) 4. d Explanation: The Gestaltists studied the perception of wholes. (Page 11, Factual, LO 1.9) 5. a Explanation: It is not true that some authorities should not be questioned; evidence is more important than expertise. (Page 16, Conceptual, LO 1.15) 6. b Explanation: As temperature rises, so too would the number of people at the beach. This is a positive correlation. (Page 21, Conceptual, LO 1.19) 7. c Explanation: Participants in the control group do not get the independent variable, which in this case is Ritalin. (Pages 24-25, Applied, LO 1.22) 8. c Explanation: The placebo effect occurs when the expectations of the participants influence their behavior. (Page 26, Factual, LO 1.23) 9. a Explanation: In such cases, it would be difficult to generalize, or apply, the findings from a laboratory to a more “real world” setting. (Page 27, Conceptual, LO 1.24) 10. a Explanation: Animal research is supported by the APA, but there are ethical standards that must be considered when using animals as subjects. (Pages 29-30, Factual, LO 1.27)

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