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Question 1 

Shortly after the Seljuk Turks defeated the Byzantines in 1071, Latin Christians
  a. officially broke with the Orthodox Church.
  b. sent their sympathy but did nothing.
  c. launched a series of Crusades against Islam, one of which included the looting of Constantinople and the occupation of the city by the Latin Christians for six decades.
  d. launched a series of Crusades against Islam, which revived the Byzantine Empire and freed the Holy Land until the nineteenth century.
  e. believed that this proved God disapproved of Orthodox Christianity.


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Question 2 

The use of gunpowder in Europe
  a. began as an import from China.
  b. was initially concentrated on breaking down fortifications.
  c. became more common with the development of handheld firearms.
  d. became increasingly sophisticated due to frequent and protracted wars.
  e. all of the above


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Question 3 

Which of the following statements concerning humanists and religion is NOT correct?
  a. Humanists called for reform and renewal of the church.
  b. Humanists used their techniques to disprove the validity of documents that asserted papal authority.
  c. The course of the Reformation brought a new form of Christianity, rather than the reform of the Catholic church from within, as humanists as advocated.
  d. The Protestant Reformation originated in elite circles of humanistic scholars.
  e. The clergy's government of the faithful vexed the humanists.


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Question 4 

The condottieri were
  a. guides for long distance trade.
  b. early police units of the city-states.
  c. leaders of mercenary troops.
  d. textile merchants.
  e. military forces serving the papacy.


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Question 5 

Which of the following best describes the urban revolts of the High Middle Ages? Generally, they
  a. were not initiated by the poorest city dwellers but by those whose lot had improved somewhat.
  b. were initiated by the guilds and were aimed as much against the other guilds as against the nobles.
  c. occurred in the less developed regions of the continent.
  d. occurred only in the newer towns where the social system was still in flux.
  e. were successful, unlike peasant revolts.


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Question 6 

Which of the following groups believed that there was an eternal struggle between the evil God of the Old Testament and the good God of the New Testament, that the soul was trapped in a corrupt world, and that all products of sexual activity (cheese, meat, etc) should be avoided?
  a. Waldensians
  b. Cathari
  c. Franciscans
  d. Dominicans
  e. Adamites


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Question 7 

Which of the following received a classical education at the Platonic Academy at Athens?
  a. Isidore of Seville
  b. Boethius
  c. Cassiodorus
  d. Saint Boniface
  e. Alcuin of York


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Question 8 

In general, the text presents the Hebrew religion as
  a. fundamentally different from those of Mesopotamia and Egypt but almost indistinguishable from Greek philosophy.
  b. consistent and unchanging from the time of Abraham to the Babylonian Captivity.
  c. a set of practices and beliefs that evolved over time.
  d. once influential but ultimately largely irrelevant to the future development of the West.
  e. driven by ritual and absent any concern for individualism or social justice.


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Question 9 

In his understanding of Christianity, Saint Paul taught all the following EXCEPT
  a. all people, both Jews and non-Jews, had inherited sin from Adam and Eve.
  b. Jesus had come to earth to save all people from sin and death.
  c. Jesus' suffering and death on the cross was atonement for people's sin; he is the resurrected redeemer.
  d. by believing in Jesus as savior, people can gain salvation.
  e. God was Trinity, consisting of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


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