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Question 1 

Under a scattergram, there is a notation that the coefficient of correlation is .06 . This means that
  a. most of the cases are plotted within a range of 6 percent above or below a sloping line in the scattergram.
  b. plus and minus 6 percent from the mean includes about 68 percent of the cases.
  c. there is a negligible correlation between the two variables.
  d. most of the data plotted fall into a narrow band 6 percent wide.

Ques. 2

Mary had a z-score of zero on the Graduate Record Examination and a percentile rank of 50 on the Law School Aptitude Examination. We can say
  a. she failed both examinations.
  b. she failed the GRE but not the LSAT.
  c. she did better on GRE than on LSAT.
  d. she did better on LSAT than on GRE.
  e. she did equally well on LSAT and GRE.

Ques. 3

A student who sometimes scores high and sometimes scores low on a series of weekly tests will have a higher ____ than a student who makes the same score week after week.
  a. Mean
  b. Median
  c. Mode
  d. standard deviation
  e. Polygon

Ques. 4

If the standard deviation of the score on this test is zero, we should conclude
  a. nobody received even one question correct.
  b. half the scores were below the mean.
  c. half the scores were above the mean.
  d. a computational error was made.
  e. everybody received the same score.

Ques. 5

If you could have one wish granted concerning this test, you should choose a score
  a. above the mean.
  b. above both the mean and the median.
  c. equal to the first quartile.
  d. equal to a z-score of +1.5.
  e. equal to a T-score of 55.

Ques. 6

Meta-analysis is used for
  a. searching across similar studies for statistically similar conclusions.
  b. systematically combining data from similar studies.
  c. finding differences between statistical conclusions of several similar studies.
  d. determining whether a study's results fit within the distribution of previous research.

Ques. 7

Analysis of analyses refers to
  a. analysis of variance. c. meta-analysis.
  b. Pearson's product moment correlation. d. standardization scores.

Ques. 8

Compared with stanine scores, z-scores have the advantage of being
  a. all positive. c. easier to learn to interpret.
  b. more precise. d. based on rank rather than raw score.

Ques. 9

A third study with 2,000 subjects found an experimental group mean of 29.26 (SD = 2.5) and a control group mean of 29.26 (SD = 1.5). What is the average effect size of the three studies?
  a. 1.09 c. 1.84
  b. 1.66 d. None of these are true.


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Question 2 

Scales that ask the rater to utilize a specific reference group when rating individuals are referred to as
  a. graphic.
  c. other oriented.
  b. self-oriented.
  d. comparative.

Ques. 2

The _____ assesses a subject's attitude to an object by asking the subject to rate the object on a seven-point scale.
  a. Likert scale
  c. Bipolar adjective scale
  b. California F-Scale
  d. Thematic Apperception Test

Ques. 3

When using the _____, the subject indicates the extent to which he/she agrees or disagrees with a series of statements.
  a. Likert scale
  c. Bipolar adjective scale
  b. California F-Scale
  d. Thematic Apperception Test

Ques. 4

The _____ uses subjects' responses to a series of items to measure personality traits such as authoritarianism.
  a. Likert scale
  c. Bipolar adjective scale
  b. California F-Scale
  d. Thematic Apperception Test

Ques. 5

In rating, the halo effect refers to the
  a. tendency to make ratings too high.
  b. influence of one rater's results on another rater.
  c. influence of a general impression of a person on the rating of specific characteristics.
  d. tendency not to be too hard in rating people one doesn't like.
  e. tendency to use the middle points on the scale for rating all characteristics.

Ques. 6

Which of the following is not one of the steps suggested in the text for improving the reliability and objectivity of direct observations of behavior?
  a. Select limited aspects of behavior upon which to focus observations.
  b. Train the observers in identifying and classifying the behavior to be observed.
  c. Train the observers to remember the significant details of the behavior for recording at the end of the observation period.
  d. Divide the observation into short segments for classifying and quantifying observations.

Ques. 7

Probably the most effective way to study honesty among children in middle schools would be to use
  a. an attitude scale asking the children's attitudes toward honesty in school.
  b. self-report inventories asking middle school children whether they are honest in school.
  c. a situational test in which children have the opportunity to be dishonest.
  d. ratings by teachers on the extent that middle school children are honest in school situations.

Ques. 8

The basic assumption of the projective technique is that the responses a subject makes to the stimulus materials depend upon the
  a. subject's personality structure.
  b. structure of the stimulus presented.
  c. subject's self-insight and willingness to give honest answers.
  d. subject's prior experiences with the stimulus materials.

Ques. 9

Consider a Likert scale designed to measure attitude toward capital punishment. If a +5 is assigned the strongly agree position for the statement I believe capital punishment is the best deterrent to violent crime in this country , what value would be assigned to the strongly disagree position for the statement: The U.S. should abolish capital punishment?
  a. 1
  c. -5
  b. +5
  d. Either +5 or -5; it doesn't matter.

Ques. 10

A child is diagnosed as having a learning disability. A teacher wants both a verbal and nonverbal intelligence score for this child. The teacher should choose
  a. Stanford-Binet-LM.
  c. a group intelligence test.
  b. WISC-R
  d. Any of these.


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