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  Flashcards by kholt

Question 1 

Social isolation has been shown to predict
  A) cardiovascular disease.
  B) cancer.
  C) depression.
  D) All of the above


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Question 2 

Researchers have found gender differences in jealousy. Males seem to be most upset by ________, whereas females seem to be more upset by ________.
A) sexual infidelity; time spent away from home and family
B) emotional infidelity; sexual infidelity
C) sexual infidelity; emotional infidelity
D) sexual infidelity; a partner’s lies


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Question 3 

Although many types of studies show that IQ is heritable (that is, it runs in families), there is one situation in which this does not appear to be the case. This is for people, especially children, who __________.
a)  live at or below the poverty line
b)  are fraternal rather than identical twins
c)  do not get along with their family members.
d)  are more highly educated than their siblings


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Question 4 

Carrie is 15 years old and is constantly arguing with her mother. According to the text, what is likely to be the most common area of conflict between Carrie and her mother?

   a.  Whether Carrie can make her own decisions about things like how she dresses.
   b.  What school Carrie should attend, public school or the private school across town.
   c.  Where the family should live once Carrie's father gets the promotion he was waiting for.
   d.  Who Carrie's mother should date – the grocery manager or the researcher at the university.


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Question 5 

Tre and Brent are at a football game. Tre's team is about to win. Brent's is about to lose. Which of the following statements is true?
  a. Brent's testosterone level is likely to rise.
  b. Tre's testosterone level is likely to rise.
  c. Both Tre's and Brent's testosterone levels are likely to rise.
  d. Both Tre's and Brent's testosterone levels are likely to fall.

Question 2

Which of the following statements about evolutionary psychology is false?
  a. Some people worry that evolutionary psychology justifies bad behavior.
  b. Evolutionary psychology is concerned with legitimizing patriarchal norms.
  c. Critics argue that it is impossible to prove that evolution caused differences in sex preferences today.
  d. Evolutionary psychologists suggest that evolution shaped human psychology just as it shaped animal and human bodies.

Question 3

According to evolutionary psychology, we have a nearly universal need __________.
  a. for power
  b. to belong
  c. to express ourselves
  d. for pizza

Question 4

According to evolutionary psychology, if you were in a fire and could save only one person, you would be most likely to save your _________.
  a. cousin
  b. youngest sibling
  c. best friend
  d. grandparent

Question 5

What is the circadian rhythm?
  a. a biological pattern that influences levels of extraversion
  b. a biological pattern that influences when we sleep and eat
  c. a pattern of mothering that helps soothe newborn children and enhances attachment
  d. a sleeping pattern that makes some adolescent girls more prone to eating disorders

Question 6

Type-T theory suggests what motive is responsible for differing levels of sensation seeking?
  A) Conditioned responses to environmental strains
  B) Unconscious conflicts
  C) Psychobiological motives
  D) Psychosexual motives
  E) An inability to become self-actualized

Question 7

A complex is a
  A) phenomenon in which sexual problems may be reversed through catharsis.
  B) specific, strongly held belief about male-female differences.
  C) group of emotionally charged thoughts, feelings, and ideas about a theme.
  D) specific, strongly held religious belief.
  E) characteristic typically found in women but not men.


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Question 6 

In all 37 cultures studied by David Buss, which was true for men in terms of choosing a potential mate?
A) Men placed great value on a female’s earning potential.
B) Men placed great value on a female’s good looks.
C) Men placed more value on honesty than intelligence.
D) Men placed more value on fidelity than kindness.


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Question 7 

Which one of the following correlations shows the strongest relationship between two variables?
A) 0.05
B) +0.4
C) -0.7
D) +0.38
E) -0.9


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Question 8 

Internal validity is the extent to which obtained results can be generalized to other settings.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

An unbiased sample occurs when a sample is taken and not everyone in the population has an equal or known chance of being selected.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Reflect on the Are You Equipped Now at the end of the chapter.
  If the decrease in pain reported by participants was due to internal changes that occurred within the participant over a three month time period, which of the following was a threat to internal validity?
  a. selection
  b. maturation
  c. regression to the mean
  d. attrition

Researchers only collect one dependent variable at a time when conducting a study.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

When hypotheses are mutually exclusive they both are correct.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false


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Question 9 

Discuss correspondence bias and the actor-observer effect.


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Question 10 

“Computer nerds” are widely held to be socially awkward, introverted, unpopular, and obsessed with anything related to technology. This description represents a(n)
   a.   personality heuristic.
   b.   implicit personality theory.
   c.   subjective inference.
   d.   idiosyncratic schema.


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