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Treating Kidney Failure


Kidney dialysis temporarily restores proper solute balance in a person with kidney failure

Hemodialysis pumps blood through a machine that cleans blood and adjusts solutes

In peritoneal dialysis, a dialysis solution is pumped into the peritoneal cavity at night and removed in the morning

filter where blood flows through semipermeable tubes and exchanges substances with dialysis solution patient’s blood inside tubing A Hemodialysis Tubes carry blood from a patient’s body through a filter with dialysis solution that contains the proper concentrations of salts. Wastes diffuse from the blood into the solution and cleansed, solute-balanced blood returns to the body. abdominal cavity, lined with peritoneum (green) dialysis solution flowing into abdominal cavity dialysis solution with unwanted wastes and solutes draining out B Peritoneal dialysis Dialysis solution is pumped into a patient’s abdominal cavity. Wastes diffuse across the lining of the cavity into the solution, which is then drained out.
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