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Berger and colleagues (2010) explored how newly-walking toddlers crossed different bridges.

chlld DevtlvpmulL Nehembsr/Deuember zoos, Volume 7d, Number a, Visa mum Out of the Toolbox: Toddlers Differentiate Wobbly and Wooden Handrails Salah E. nelgel me any uulwslly new we Karen E. Adolvh and Sharon A Lobo New Yark Llnlueluly ms shldy examined whelhel lemnlleold walking llllallls like lhs mam! nnnpmlllea o! a handrai‘ lnln alwunl when asaeslule lls elleeuyenn. as a lllol lo auyvluli halanee lniauls wele eneoulaged lo aloe l-lolu one lllallunn m anli vla badges n: vinmls wld|hs ”U, m, «leml wllh ellhel a "wobbly llaam or lalexl or a wooden handnu avallalsle Em assume lnlanls sneanpled m walk Dvnrwldnrbrldgu nlale allen llun nanvw plus, and allelnps were lllule nequenl wbm lhe smrdv wmdm menu was available llllanls lallmed shell mplmzmry lwhayum, mdgmumg sllaleeaes, 2nd handmllsme slumgmi ul lhe malenal plopenles of the mil Escape me llu Toolbox Whal eolnes tu lnlnd whcn you hear lhe weld ”mew Men people lhlnk afa handheld olneel like a hammee or a mednvflian hen lnuud ln a loolr box whinging llaln a handyman’sbell whalnlalees hummus, Srfewdnvm, and mhzr handheld llnplo lnenls tools ls lhae lhey lunellon le exleud lsodlly sapalnllues Tools make ll pusslble ha pellann ac- llons lhal mhemlse wnuld have been lmpesslble or dmleull lo pellorln (Connolly sh nalplelsh, 1959, Loelnnan, zoom. Hammels augmem arm sllenglh and dueel Imus emo a eoneeullased alea, selew. drivers lnerease mmlng home and pnwlde a prerlr suln guy, menehee lneloase |cverage,am1 so on A classic example of handheld loal use is Kohler’s llazsl ehunpansees leeognlzlug lhal a lek (culd exiznd lh leach Ailey [msh'aied anempls Kl leach a dlslanl [and lule wnh lheu halo hands, he ehlmps noneed a neshlsysuek and used u in take lu lhe llun numanulnlpslsuasedlu panan . Mmm': lhousullmlnd M New m uluynsuy sy Shawn a la... ln paaul lullllllnenl «i he Ma uduuonenl. nus naeuell was suppaned ... pm by a meme: noslunelenl noun. lellawshlp llnln «be American seasonal. M unvelslw Womm ll: snah e sneelana bv Kr Mai lasnlule nl e lllld Hulllh and Human ueyelaplueal nnnl “Dam la Kalell e Adnlpll esnuals n lhu maneh wele ple anneal n she lalenlanaaul leluulm an lnlsnl smells, chum Ililrwu, Mly 2004, mm! «In neellngln lne sonny for Email ln ( mid Davelapnennlmoa, n, Apnl 2w We Knlelully leenaaledse he I‘M-mix!) el ll. new van uluvesuy amen LID u. "my nonunn wnh dala eallenlalu, calhenlelanuswanaa im they valubkkmbmlo and all allle lane and nleeuels who panolpnse n. no aeenuh cmlpondenle weasel-nus lns anlne should be loam a. sun. 5 Hem DCp-mlwmm hymnllv‘y, TheKMIegealiluml lusnd, me my Unlwnlly .a New whenL 2m vulllry neuleyaln, ssh-l, sum. Mum, m lam :lauune man may be seal la seemeeclnall as. eunysdu Kuhler’s ehuups alwm lwu shell suckscogmher and used lhe elongated slick in lake in bananas lllal wele beyond lhe reaeh of a shell suck lnsplrod by Kehe lel's lalnnus chimps, Mecluw (1935), la her awn elassm sludy, shnwed that Zryeir-old human twllls, lunluy and Johnny, enuld alsn leaeh wnh a stick through "It llals ol a spoclally hulll rage in rake in a pleee oil-rull,Theboys even figured oul how le usea very shall saek la rel-nave annular one long enough lo reach lhe hull, ln lhe lladlllon ol Kohlel and Mean, dozens of suldles hav: shown that none human pnm|es and human lnlanls can use hand- held unplelneuls sueh as canes, mks, snels, spoons, and levels as hools |o brlng dislanl ebleels wuhln leaell lChen a Sieglfr, 2mm; Connolly le nalglelsh, 1989, Hauser, Kralik, a BolloMahan, I999, Hausel, Pearson h Seellg, 20m, Hausel, Sanlos, Spapen, & Pearson, 2002, Ksslawnkl es Eluner, 1972;5tzenbzr gen, van dee Kamp, Smxisman, es Canon, 19977. However, loals da nnt need le lse helepaled la a klolbox Alllleugh leol use ls llul ellen conceived as a whulelsody, loeolnnlel hehaylnl, Kuhlel's uszsl [as mous ehllnps used ebuels le exlend lheu ablllaes ln ways lhal wele unhlee lhe usual handheld medlods. Forcxamplt‘, Kohlu'h slumps mngniud lhal a pole (ould be used as a means at exlendlng lhe mugs ul lheu whole bodies and um Jun lhe leaelung dlslanee of lhell alms They pole yauleed lhemselues up lnlo lhe an lu ,nah males hanging mun lhe eellmg on men way down Cnmparablu lo mnnedlng shnn sllels m ueale a long raklng ml, lhe dumps also slaeleed shun bans on lep nl eaeh umer |u eleale a means of leaehmg lhe eelllng Slmilar‘y, Meclnw «9357 slaned frammghmmy and Johnny m some of l; was ny unseen, Mr sewn. n. ma malanneal lne All a, Muved mm/zmnmmlz
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