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Of mice and owls

e Interpreting a Palr of Bar Graphs How mush elaes samoullage assess predaslon an mrse hy owls wish and wishous maonlighfi D.w. Kaulman hyposh eslzed shas she exsens so which she (oal (olov ol a mouse (our srassed wlsh she (olor of lss surrouhdlngs would szedlhe rase ol nsghsssme predasson by owls. He also hyposhesszed shas she (omrasl would be affeded hy she amouns ol moonllghs. ln shls exerssse, you wlll analyze dasa lrorn hss ssudses ol owl predaslon on rnsee shas sessed shese hyposheses. How she :xperimens Was none Palrs of mke spammyreus pollonosusl wlsh dsllerens (ozl eolors, one llghs hrown and one dark brown, were released ssmulsaneously lnso an endoslue shas (omelned a hungry owl. rhe reseanherremrded she (olor ol she mouse shas was lsrss (aughl hy she owl. If she owl dld nos (akh elsher mouse wllhln15 rnsnuses, she sess was rammed as a zero. The release srlals were repeased mulslple ssmes sn enelo sures wlsh elsher a darleeolored soll surlaee or a llghssmloved sosl surface. The preseme or abseme of moonlsghs durlng ea(h assay was remrded. nasa from she Experimem El llgmwal 40 El nghlcoat E as I Davkcoat E 35 - Darksoas o. o : an a 5 a 30 g 25 g 25 E E .2 2n .2 20 3 ss 3 s5 E E i m g so 5 5 o a Full moon No moon s- llglvuolom sol Full moon No moon 3- Dalkwloled sml Daulm u w bufmimAdamwemlumlun lnPeIGM/Sms possum Expermemlselemon Mawluuuma/ ufMamma/ogy 55 maxi ham lmmml m2 DNA 1. run, make sure you undemahd how she graphs are ses up. Gvaph A shows dasa lrorn she llghss (oloved soll endoslue and graph a from she darksmlored enelo sure, hus us all osher Vespednhe graphs are she same. (a) There ls moreshan one lndependehsyarlable lnshese graphs.whas are she lndependens variables, she yarlahles shas were sessed by she researchenwhkh axss olshegraphs hasshe lndepens dens vavlzbles‘! (b) whas ss she dependens yarlahle, she re sponse soshe yarlables belng sessedl which axls of she graphs has she dependem variable? 2. (a) How many dark brown mlceweve caught sn she llgmsmloved sosl endosuve on a moonlls nlghl? (h) How many dark hrown mke were eaughs ln she darksmloved soll endosure on a moorslss nlghl? (c) an a moonlss nlghs, would a dark hrown mouse be more llkely so escape predaslon by owls on darle or llgm{olored soil? Explain your anev. 3. (a) ls a dark hrown mouse on darleeolored sosl more llkely so escape predaslon under a lull moon orwlsh no moon? (b) whas abom a llghs hrown mouse on llghseolored soll? Explain. 4. (a) Undewvhldl (ondmonswould a dark brown mouse be moss llkely so escape predasson as nsghsl (h) A llghs hrown mouse? 5 (a) whas (omhlnauon ol lndependem yarlables led soshe hlgh ess predassors level sn endosureswnh llghlsmlored solllsh)whas (omblnzllon of sndependensyarlables led so she hsghess predas ssors level ln endomres wlsh davksmlored so“? 5 Thinking aboul your answers so guesslon 5, provide a slrnple slzlemem desashsng (ondmons shas are espeelally deadly lor elsher (Olaf of mouse. 7. comhsnlng she dasa from bosh graphs, esssmase she numher of mke (aughl ln moonllghsyersus nomoonlsghs (ondmons. which (ondlllon ss opssmal lor predasson by she owl? Explain. e Insnuctels:Averslon ol. ‘5 Salem: Sles ExErElsE (an he asslgned m Massering rology.
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