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In which of the following ways should writers and speakers NOT use direct quotations?
In which of the following ways should writers and speakers NOT use direct quotations?
[html]In which of the following ways should writers and speakers NOT use direct quotations?

▸ to repeat identical phrasing of a source because of its precision, clarity, or aptness

Business   samanthakay   3   casinogurl   3 days ago
In which of the following situations should the indirect strategy of organization be used for a ...
In which of the following situations should the indirect strategy of organization be used for a ...
[html]In which of the following situations should the indirect strategy of organization be used for a business report?

▸ when readers are familiar with the topic

Business   tsk   7   anikamazumder   3 days ago
In which of the following situations should the indirect strategy of organization be used for a ...
In which of the following situations should the indirect strategy of organization be used for a ...
[html]In which of the following situations should the indirect strategy of organization be used for a business report?

▸ when readers want results first

Business   reync89   6   gamblawc   3 days ago
In which of the following situations should the direct strategy of organization be used for a ...
In which of the following situations should the direct strategy of organization be used for a ...
[html]In which of the following situations should the direct strategy of organization be used for a business report?

▸ when readers are familiar with the topic

Business   kirstykirst   2   someonespecial   3 days ago
In which of the following orders are most informational reports organized?
In which of the following orders are most informational reports organized?
[html]In which of the following orders are most informational reports organized?

▸ introduction/background, facts/findings, conclusions/recommendations, discussion/analysis

Business   frustelle   1   Keleko12   3 days ago
In planning his report, Nolan breaks the major investigative problem into subproblems. Which of the ...
In planning his report, Nolan breaks the major investigative problem into subproblems. Which of the ...
[html]In planning his report, Nolan breaks the major investigative problem into subproblems. Which of the following is this process sometimes called?

▸ visualizing the problem

Business   arpylzr75   2   bolusmachine   3 days ago
Heidi is writing a report about ways to reduce the sizes of some of her product's packaging. She ...
Heidi is writing a report about ways to reduce the sizes of some of her product's packaging. She ...
[html]Heidi is writing a report about ways to reduce the sizes of some of her product's packaging. She needs to explain why the topic is worth investigating at this time. Which of the following is Heidi looking at?

▸ the scope
Business   brettlaw   2   uhpikapp64   3 days ago
Hailey will be writing a complex report about a research study she's conducting. Which of the ...
Hailey will be writing a complex report about a research study she's conducting. Which of the ...
[html]Hailey will be writing a complex report about a research study she's conducting. Which of the following should she NOT do?

▸ prepare written purpose statements

Business   nursecupcake   4   mr.pogi   3 days ago
Claire must write a report for her employer. Which of the following should be her first step?
Claire must write a report for her employer. Which of the following should be her first step?
[html]Claire must write a report for her employer. Which of the following should be her first step?

▸ prepare a work plan

▸ determine her resea
Business   arpylzr75   1   abu-jahdo   3 days ago
Benjamin needs to illustrate the percentage each branch represents of total company gross income. ...
Benjamin needs to illustrate the percentage each branch represents of total company gross income. ...
[html]Benjamin needs to illustrate the percentage each branch represents of total company gross income. Which of the following is his best choice for presenting that information?

▸ a pie chart

Business   danyyzz   2   juniorp   3 days ago
Before Jing includes information from a website in his business report, he asks, When was this ...
Before Jing includes information from a website in his business report, he asks, When was this ...
[html]Before Jing includes information from a website in his business report, he asks, When was this website last updated? Which of the following is Jing evaluating?

▸ the currency of the website

Business   MrsSmitty   4   windytodai   3 days ago
Before James includes information from a website in an analytical report for a client, he asks, Do ...
Before James includes information from a website in an analytical report for a client, he asks, Do ...
[html]Before James includes information from a website in an analytical report for a client, he asks, Do the facts that are presented seem reliable? Which of the following is James evaluating?

▸ the currency of the websi
Business   momoluv25   5   olskee   3 days ago
Before Amaya includes information she found on a website in her proposal, she asks, Who publishes or ...
Before Amaya includes information she found on a website in her proposal, she asks, Who publishes or ...
[html]Before Amaya includes information she found on a website in her proposal, she asks, Who publishes or sponsors this website? Which of the following is Amaya evaluating?

▸ the currency of the website

Business   yesure5294   3   zexman911   3 days ago
An expanded statement of purpose for a study includes three additional factors. Which of the ...
An expanded statement of purpose for a study includes three additional factors. Which of the ...
[html]An expanded statement of purpose for a study includes three additional factors. Which of the following are they?

▸ scope, significance, and limitations

Business   flemingpk   6   kayekalico   3 days ago
Several types of graphics can be added to business reports to clarify data, create visual interest, ...
Several types of graphics can be added to business reports to clarify data, create visual interest, ...
Several types of graphics can be added to business reports to clarify data, create visual interest, and make numerical data meaningful. List five categories of graphics and explain the type of data each is used to illustrate. Then give an original example of when each could be used.
Business   calcrismore   5   josham   3 days ago
Nik is researching online for supporting material and data for a report. List and explain three ...
Nik is researching online for supporting material and data for a report. List and explain three ...
Nik is researching online for supporting material and data for a report. List and explain three criteria Nik should use to evaluate online sources such as web pages and blogs.
Business   tennisalex   4   duhello   3 days ago
Most business reports fit into two broad categories. List and explain these two categories; then ...
Most business reports fit into two broad categories. List and explain these two categories; then ...
Most business reports fit into two broad categories. List and explain these two categories; then describe one original example of each.
Business   JSmith1   4   eggr0ll   3 days ago
Would you like to earn more money in less time? is an effective statement for the opening paragraph ...
Would you like to earn more money in less time? is an effective statement for the opening paragraph ...
Would you like to earn more money in less time? is an effective statement for the opening paragraph of a sales message.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   adriii0825   3   latoya86   3 days ago
When using the indirect (AIDA) strategy to write a persuasive message, begin the message by ...
When using the indirect (AIDA) strategy to write a persuasive message, begin the message by ...
When using the indirect (AIDA) strategy to write a persuasive message, begin the message by overcoming any resistance your reader might have.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   ssi15   4   solid1   3 days ago
Today, persuasive techniques are more subtle and misleading.
Today, persuasive techniques are more subtle and misleading.
Today, persuasive techniques are more subtle and misleading.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   mylesnagop   4   nikki24303   3 days ago
Today, persuasive skills are less important at work.
Today, persuasive skills are less important at work.
Today, persuasive skills are less important at work.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   knoeller33   2   JulzMarie   3 days ago
To receive 30 percent off your total purchase, please visit the store before December 28 effectively ...
To receive 30 percent off your total purchase, please visit the store before December 28 effectively ...
To receive 30 percent off your total purchase, please visit the store before December 28 effectively motivates action in the closing of a sales letter.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   squeakykln   1   slpm   3 days ago
To best overcome resistance, bring up every possible objection your reader might have.
To best overcome resistance, bring up every possible objection your reader might have.
To best overcome resistance, bring up every possible objection your reader might have.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   18iq   3   micapiro   3 days ago
To be persuasive in a claim letter, you should suggest that the receiver intentionally deceived you ...
To be persuasive in a claim letter, you should suggest that the receiver intentionally deceived you ...
To be persuasive in a claim letter, you should suggest that the receiver intentionally deceived you or intentionally created the problem.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   phoebe.lou   3   realistpnoy   3 days ago
The statement Last month our customer support personnel handled an additional 175 calls; that higher ...
The statement Last month our customer support personnel handled an additional 175 calls; that higher ...
[html]The statement Last month our customer support personnel handled an additional 175 calls; that higher volume increased each customer's average wait time by 13 percent is an example of an effective opener for a persuasive message recommending a solution to this problem
Business   funkiiee   2   yankeesaremyjam   3 days ago
The second step when writing a sales letter is to analyze the product and the purpose for writing.
The second step when writing a sales letter is to analyze the product and the purpose for writing.
The second step when writing a sales letter is to analyze the product and the purpose for writing.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   waterman7833   4   k9kulprit   3 days ago
The direct strategy is best when a past claim has been refused or ignored or if you anticipate ...
The direct strategy is best when a past claim has been refused or ignored or if you anticipate ...
The direct strategy is best when a past claim has been refused or ignored or if you anticipate reluctance to your claim.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   opfaluyi   2   mr.pogi   3 days ago
The best persuasive requests anticipate audience resistance.
The best persuasive requests anticipate audience resistance.
The best persuasive requests anticipate audience resistance.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   katieleex0x   5   rpascua   3 days ago
Social media are well-suited for overt selling.
Social media are well-suited for overt selling.
Social media are well-suited for overt selling.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   Heybonita   1   crusherpsg   3 days ago
Smart companies should focus exclusively on e-marketing since direct-mail marketing is obsolete.
Smart companies should focus exclusively on e-marketing since direct-mail marketing is obsolete.
Smart companies should focus exclusively on e-marketing since direct-mail marketing is obsolete.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   bioFREAK11   2   ugotpwned5   3 days ago
Rational appeals are generally appropriate when a product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential.
Rational appeals are generally appropriate when a product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential.
Rational appeals are generally appropriate when a product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   cjr4808   1   nnenne   3 days ago
Persuading someone to change a belief or to perform an action is less effective when done in writing ...
Persuading someone to change a belief or to perform an action is less effective when done in writing ...
Persuading someone to change a belief or to perform an action is less effective when done in writing than when done face to face.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   nevermind11111   4   apontea13   3 days ago
Never provide e-mail recipients a means for opting out of receiving your e-mail sales messages ...
Never provide e-mail recipients a means for opting out of receiving your e-mail sales messages ...
Never provide e-mail recipients a means for opting out of receiving your e-mail sales messages because you'll lose potential customers.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   kmonette   4   rotatorro   3 days ago
Managers trying to persuade employees should use words such as should and must to make their ...
Managers trying to persuade employees should use words such as should and must to make their ...
Managers trying to persuade employees should use words such as should and must to make their messages more powerful.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   thatguy67   3   Chintan13   3 days ago
James wants to convince the members of his staff to participate in a charity run. He should use an ...
James wants to convince the members of his staff to participate in a charity run. He should use an ...
James wants to convince the members of his staff to participate in a charity run. He should use an indirect organizational strategy.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   mitch44   3   Jsimon   3 days ago
In a sales letter promoting its new credit card, a bank included this sentence: We are pleased to ...
In a sales letter promoting its new credit card, a bank included this sentence: We are pleased to ...
In a sales letter promoting its new credit card, a bank included this sentence: We are pleased to offer you 0 percent interest for 12 months. The company is focusing on indirect benefits of this new card.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   Noar   2   sania24   3 days ago
If you expect resistance or need to educate the reader, use the direct approach for your persuasive ...
If you expect resistance or need to educate the reader, use the direct approach for your persuasive ...
If you expect resistance or need to educate the reader, use the direct approach for your persuasive message.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   anymous   3   jamiecro   3 days ago
E-mail marketing is more time-consuming than direct-mail marketing.
E-mail marketing is more time-consuming than direct-mail marketing.
E-mail marketing is more time-consuming than direct-mail marketing.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   bundlecrap   2   mattyca001   3 days ago
An example of an emotional appeal is You can reduce your gasoline expenses by installing our ...
An example of an emotional appeal is You can reduce your gasoline expenses by installing our ...
An example of an emotional appeal is You can reduce your gasoline expenses by installing our fuel-efficient tires on your vehicle.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   Ashurbanipal   3   Hope89   3 days ago
An effective way of dealing with price is to delay mentioning it until after you've created a ...
An effective way of dealing with price is to delay mentioning it until after you've created a ...
An effective way of dealing with price is to delay mentioning it until after you've created a desire for the product or service.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   SeaBass2013   5   ksweet   3 days ago
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