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Which of the following is the most effective question to include in a survey?
Which of the following is the most effective question to include in a survey?
[html]Which of the following is the most effective question to include in a survey?

▸ How do you feel about a flat-rate income tax?

Business   omaralnatour   3   chandlerdeane   4 days ago
Which of the following sentences uses the best writing style for a formal report?
Which of the following sentences uses the best writing style for a formal report?
[html]Which of the following sentences uses the best writing style for a formal report?

▸ After checking several references, the company decided to hire the consulting firm of Anderson, Williams, and Pardee.
Business   youngbloodz   3   fnc28304   4 days ago
Which of the following should you avoid when writing a formal report in today's business environment?
Which of the following should you avoid when writing a formal report in today's business environment?
[html]Which of the following should you avoid when writing a formal report in today's business environment?

▸ including detailed research

▸ exp
Business   Blakksheep33   3   TanjaG   4 days ago
Which of the following types of data is gathered from reading what others have experienced or ...
Which of the following types of data is gathered from reading what others have experienced or ...
[html]Which of the following types of data is gathered from reading what others have experienced or observed and written down?

▸ primary data

Business   shaester   3   Quiera730   4 days ago
Which of the following would be part of a good work plan?
Which of the following would be part of a good work plan?
[html]Which of the following would be part of a good work plan?

▸ a detailed line chart

▸ digital formatting

Business   JZ240   3   mkql12   4 days ago
Reports that provide data or findings, discussion, conclusions, and recommendations are classified ...
Reports that provide data or findings, discussion, conclusions, and recommendations are classified ...
Reports that provide data or findings, discussion, conclusions, and recommendations are classified as ____________________ reports.
Business   tw1gg   3   Aldrich E   4 days ago
To determine the best app or software for online meetings is an example of a simple statement of ...
To determine the best app or software for online meetings is an example of a simple statement of ...
To determine the best app or software for online meetings is an example of a simple statement of ____________________.
Business   bluewiss   3   jay2013   4 days ago
Which of the following is an appropriate statement when saying no to job applicants?
Which of the following is an appropriate statement when saying no to job applicants?
[html]Which of the following is an appropriate statement when saying no to job applicants?

▸ Other candidates were much more experienced with the social media tools that are used in our organization.

Business   lollie614   4   cglotfelty   A week ago
To get the results they want, effective persuaders can choose among different organizational ...
To get the results they want, effective persuaders can choose among different organizational ...
[html]To get the results they want, effective persuaders can choose among different organizational strategies. Which of the following statements about organizational strategies is accurate?

Business   lollie614   4   jmoline2   4 days ago
Which of the following desires motivates ethical behaviour in business?
Which of the following desires motivates ethical behaviour in business?
[html]Which of the following desires motivates ethical behaviour in business?

▸ a desire to convince someone to change a belief or to perform an action
Business   laywatdut   4   texasboy3   4 days ago
Which of the following sentences would best prompt action in a persuasive message?
Which of the following sentences would best prompt action in a persuasive message?
[html]Which of the following sentences would best prompt action in a persuasive message?

▸ We know that you'll want your employees to complete our eth
Business   hliz3   4   WoodyNRex   4 days ago
Which of the following statements describes and adheres to the AIDA strategy?
Which of the following statements describes and adheres to the AIDA strategy?
[html]Which of the following statements describes and adheres to the AIDA strategy?

▸ The AIDA strategy consists of four separate steps that must be carried out
Business   lotusflwr   4   fnc28304   4 days ago
Which of the following statements is NOT accurate about persuasion in today's digital age?
Which of the following statements is NOT accurate about persuasion in today's digital age?
[html]Which of the following statements is NOT accurate about persuasion in today's digital age?

▸ To be smart consumers, we need to be alert to persuasi
Business   bklm1234   4   ramos1992   4 days ago
Which of the following statements would be the best closing for a persuasive claim or complaint letter?
Which of the following statements would be the best closing for a persuasive claim or complaint letter?
[html]Which of the following statements would be the best closing for a persuasive claim or complaint letter?

▸ If my claim is not granted, I will lea
Business   kwmusick   4   sania24   4 days ago
Which of the following strategies should Liz use to suggest to her boss that the staff cafeteria ...
Which of the following strategies should Liz use to suggest to her boss that the staff cafeteria ...
[html]Which of the following strategies should Liz use to suggest to her boss that the staff cafeteria should offer more vegetarian options?

▸ little or no pers
Business   darkfire12   4   culwri204   4 days ago
Yuri is writing a sales message. Which of the following strategies would help him write the most ...
Yuri is writing a sales message. Which of the following strategies would help him write the most ...
[html]Yuri is writing a sales message. Which of the following strategies would help him write the most effective message?

▸ gain attention, build interest, elic
Business   Victoria87   4   moon21c   4 days ago
____________________ is defined as a symbolic process in which communicators try to convince other ...
____________________ is defined as a symbolic process in which communicators try to convince other ...
____________________ is defined as a symbolic process in which communicators try to convince other people to change their attitudes or behaviours regarding an issue through the transmission of a message in an atmosphere of free choice.
Business   pattytcakes   4   eggr0ll   4 days ago
A factor that reduces resistance and elicits desire is _____________. Receivers are less resistant ...
A factor that reduces resistance and elicits desire is _____________. Receivers are less resistant ...
A factor that reduces resistance and elicits desire is _____________. Receivers are less resistant if your request is reasonable and if you are shown to be believable and trustworthy.
Business   mdensmore   4   dcmc92   4 days ago
Because managers are just as resistant to change as others are, subordinates should use the ...
Because managers are just as resistant to change as others are, subordinates should use the ...
Because managers are just as resistant to change as others are, subordinates should use the ____________________ organizational strategy when persuading management to adopt a procedure or to invest in a product or new equipment.
Business   tudanglong   4   durandal   4 days ago
To ask for something that you know will be approved, use the ____________________ organizational strategy.
To ask for something that you know will be approved, use the ____________________ organizational strategy.
To ask for something that you know will be approved, use the ____________________ organizational strategy.
Business   pmiller1129   4   iammtz   4 days ago
When you expect your reader to be resistant to your request, it's best to use the ...
When you expect your reader to be resistant to your request, it's best to use the ...
When you expect your reader to be resistant to your request, it's best to use the ____________________ organizational strategy.
Business   ellie425   4   bijin05   4 days ago
A manager who persuades employees to accept pay cuts because of low profits but fails to reveal ...
A manager who persuades employees to accept pay cuts because of low profits but fails to reveal ...
A manager who persuades employees to accept pay cuts because of low profits but fails to reveal executive bonuses is demonstrating ethical behaviour.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   sheila   4   goodone14   4 days ago
If you expect resistance or need to educate the reader, use the direct approach for your persuasive ...
If you expect resistance or need to educate the reader, use the direct approach for your persuasive ...
If you expect resistance or need to educate the reader, use the direct approach for your persuasive message.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   anymous   4   jamiecro   4 days ago
Rational appeals are generally appropriate when a product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential.
Rational appeals are generally appropriate when a product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential.
Rational appeals are generally appropriate when a product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   cjr4808   4   nnenne   4 days ago
To best overcome resistance, bring up every possible objection your reader might have.
To best overcome resistance, bring up every possible objection your reader might have.
To best overcome resistance, bring up every possible objection your reader might have.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   18iq   4   micapiro   4 days ago
Today, persuasive skills are less important at work.
Today, persuasive skills are less important at work.
Today, persuasive skills are less important at work.

▸ true

▸ false
Business   knoeller33   4   JulzMarie   4 days ago
Before Jing includes information from a website in his business report, he asks, When was this ...
Before Jing includes information from a website in his business report, he asks, When was this ...
[html]Before Jing includes information from a website in his business report, he asks, When was this website last updated? Which of the following is Jing evaluating?

▸ the currency of the website

Business   MrsSmitty   4   windytodai   4 days ago
Benjamin needs to illustrate the percentage each branch represents of total company gross income. ...
Benjamin needs to illustrate the percentage each branch represents of total company gross income. ...
[html]Benjamin needs to illustrate the percentage each branch represents of total company gross income. Which of the following is his best choice for presenting that information?

▸ a pie chart

Business   danyyzz   4   juniorp   4 days ago
Hailey will be writing a complex report about a research study she's conducting. Which of the ...
Hailey will be writing a complex report about a research study she's conducting. Which of the ...
[html]Hailey will be writing a complex report about a research study she's conducting. Which of the following should she NOT do?

▸ prepare written purpose statements

Business   nursecupcake   4   mr.pogi   4 days ago
Mike's report simply listed the monthly sales data for his company's international offices. Which ...
Mike's report simply listed the monthly sales data for his company's international offices. Which ...
[html]Mike's report simply listed the monthly sales data for his company's international offices. Which of the following reports did he write?

▸ an analytical report

Business   onlineerica   4   hamusa4   4 days ago
Nadia owns the Coffee Caf. She is conducting research on the use of reusable coffee cups by ...
Nadia owns the Coffee Caf. She is conducting research on the use of reusable coffee cups by ...
[html]Nadia owns the Coffee Café. She is conducting research on the use of reusable coffee cups by observing the number of times her customers use paper cups and reusable cups each day. Which of the following types of data is she collecting?

Business   vlademirsimon   4   sagitario81   4 days ago
Tara's report is about the benefits of outdoor play. To conduct an effective interview of a child ...
Tara's report is about the benefits of outdoor play. To conduct an effective interview of a child ...
[html]Tara's report is about the benefits of outdoor play. To conduct an effective interview of a child psychologist, which of the following should Tara do?

▸ She should learn as much as possible about the field before c
Business   danny2012   4   Codybarnes   4 days ago
Wes wants to begin his research by first searching the Internet. Which of the following is the best ...
Wes wants to begin his research by first searching the Internet. Which of the following is the best ...
[html]Wes wants to begin his research by first searching the Internet. Which of the following is the best advice for conducting his search?

▸ Choose your favourite search tool and use it exclusively so that you can maste
Business   saratoga 22   4   isababycookie   4 days ago
Which of the following functions of the Canadian Copyright Act relies on "fair dealing" by the ...
Which of the following functions of the Canadian Copyright Act relies on "fair dealing" by the ...
[html]Which of the following functions of the Canadian Copyright Act relies on "fair dealing" by the consumer of the material?

▸ The Act gives creators the sole right to authorize the publication, performance, or reproduction o
Business   maryanne.jones3   4   strawberry8971   4 days ago
Which of the following is a collection of information stored electronically so that it can be ...
Which of the following is a collection of information stored electronically so that it can be ...
[html]Which of the following is a collection of information stored electronically so that it can be accessed and search by computer or mobile electronic device?

▸ a periodical

Business   sam3359   4   vicky12345   4 days ago
Which of the following is NOT a purpose of business reports?
Which of the following is NOT a purpose of business reports?
[html]Which of the following is NOT a purpose of business reports?

▸ to convey information

▸ to answer questions

Business   ssi15   4   chemcal   4 days ago
____________ data result from firsthand experience and observation and can be collected through ...
____________ data result from firsthand experience and observation and can be collected through ...
____________ data result from firsthand experience and observation and can be collected through surveys, interviews, observation, and experimentation.
Business   tsk   4   Omfgtimmy   4 days ago
After defining the purpose of a report, a writer must think carefully about who will read it. ...
After defining the purpose of a report, a writer must think carefully about who will read it. ...
After defining the purpose of a report, a writer must think carefully about who will read it. Business writers should consider both primary and ___________ audiences, which might include upper management and people in other departments.
Business   testipw   4   david200095367   4 days ago
Kyle includes a statement of the problem, a statement of purpose, his research strategy, a tentative ...
Kyle includes a statement of the problem, a statement of purpose, his research strategy, a tentative ...
Kyle includes a statement of the problem, a statement of purpose, his research strategy, a tentative outline of his report, and the work schedule in his _______________plan.
Business   hliz3   4   ladwer   4 days ago
Longer, more formal reports printed on plain paper rather than letterhead use the _______________ format.
Longer, more formal reports printed on plain paper rather than letterhead use the _______________ format.
Longer, more formal reports printed on plain paper rather than letterhead use the _______________ format.
Business   chief333   4   nemisis   4 days ago
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