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Describe English and French relations with the native peoples of North America, and explain how and
Describe English and French relations with the native peoples of North America, and explain how and
Describe English and French relations with the native peoples of North America, and explain how and why they differed.
History   riptor   242   Asked 8 years ago
Having slaves had major economic, social, and cultural effects on southern colonial society. What w
Having slaves had major economic, social, and cultural effects on southern colonial society. What w
Having slaves had major economic, social, and cultural effects on southern colonial society.  What were these effects?  Could it be argued that freedom and prosperity and cultural sophistication for whites--that is, the creation of a much more desirable society--was based on the degradation and oppression of blacks?  Discuss.
History   riptor   155   Asked 8 years ago
It has been argued that the colonial protests of the 1760s, leading to revolution, were responses to
It has been argued that the colonial protests of the 1760s, leading to revolution, were responses to
It has been argued that the colonial protests of the 1760s, leading to revolution, were responses to the oppression suffered under the mercantilist regulations.  What was the mercantilist system and, before 1760, how did it affect the colonies?  Did they primarily accept it or reject it and why?
History   riptor   199   Asked 8 years ago
The wars for empire between Britain and France involved the colonies. What were these wars, and wha
The wars for empire between Britain and France involved the colonies. What were these wars, and wha
The wars for empire between Britain and France involved the colonies.  What were these wars, and what was their focus in the southern colonies and in the northern colonies?
History   riptor   231   Asked 8 years ago
Did the mercantilist system have benefits for the North American colonies? Why? Name two.
Did the mercantilist system have benefits for the North American colonies? Why? Name two.
Did the mercantilist system have benefits for the North American colonies?  Why?  Name two.
History   riptor   194   Asked 8 years ago
What is mercantilism and how is it supposed to work?
What is mercantilism and how is it supposed to work?
What is mercantilism and how is it supposed to work?
History   riptor   186   Asked 8 years ago
How important were the slave trade and the products produced by slave labor for the British Empire's
How important were the slave trade and the products produced by slave labor for the British Empire's
How important were the slave trade and the products produced by slave labor for the British Empire's economy in the eighteenth century.  Provide some statistics.
History   riptor   166   Asked 8 years ago
Discuss some of the philosophies that drove mercantilists and mercantilism.
Discuss some of the philosophies that drove mercantilists and mercantilism.
Discuss some of the philosophies that drove mercantilists and mercantilism.
History   riptor   179   Asked 8 years ago
There were a number of slave revolts in North America in the eighteenth century. Considering the tr
There were a number of slave revolts in North America in the eighteenth century. Considering the tr
There were a number of slave revolts in North America in the eighteenth century.  Considering the treatment of slaves, their living conditions, and the circumstances accompanying slave revolts, would you have expected more?  Explain why or why not, and discuss briefly three of the slave revolts that occurred in North America in the eighteenth century.
History   riptor   187   Asked 8 years ago
Under what conditions were slaves most likely to revolt?
Under what conditions were slaves most likely to revolt?
Under what conditions were slaves most likely to revolt?
History   riptor   135   Asked 8 years ago
Explain the three most important economic activities in South Carolina between 1670 and 1750 and the
Explain the three most important economic activities in South Carolina between 1670 and 1750 and the
Explain the three most important economic activities in South Carolina between 1670 and 1750 and the kind of society which developed there.  Determine whether this society was primarily idealistic or materialistic.  Was its well-being based on a form of capitalism?
History   riptor   148   Asked 8 years ago
The colonial societies in the Chesapeake have been described as being fundamentally materialistic an
The colonial societies in the Chesapeake have been described as being fundamentally materialistic an
The colonial societies in the Chesapeake have been described as being fundamentally materialistic and profit-oriented.  Do you agree?  Explain.  Consider especially the labor system adopted and why it and the nature of the society changed toward the end of the 1600s.
History   riptor   155   Asked 8 years ago
During the late 1600s, the importance of slavery in the Chesapeake changed. Explain this change and
During the late 1600s, the importance of slavery in the Chesapeake changed. Explain this change and
During the late 1600s, the importance of slavery in the Chesapeake changed.  Explain this change and the reasons for it.
History   riptor   203   Asked 8 years ago
What was the most important economic activity in South Carolina in the late 1600s? Why?
What was the most important economic activity in South Carolina in the late 1600s? Why?
What was the most important economic activity in South Carolina in the late 1600s?  Why?
History   riptor   194   Asked 8 years ago
Around 1700, the Chesapeake went from being a "society with slaves" to a "slave society." Explain w
Around 1700, the Chesapeake went from being a "society with slaves" to a "slave society." Explain w
Around 1700, the Chesapeake went from being a "society with slaves" to a "slave society."  Explain what that means and why it happened.
History   riptor   169   Asked 8 years ago
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade involved both Europeans and Africans. Explain the role of Africans a
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade involved both Europeans and Africans. Explain the role of Africans a
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade involved both Europeans and Africans.  Explain the role of Africans and the effect the trade had on African society and governments.  Were the immediate profits worth the costs both to individuals short term and to society long term?  Explain, including a description of West Africa and the beginning of the slave trade and its condition b
History   riptor   211   Asked 8 years ago
Describe the "Middle Passage," and explain why it had the characteristics it did.
Describe the "Middle Passage," and explain why it had the characteristics it did.
Describe the "Middle Passage," and explain why it had the characteristics it did.
History   riptor   155   Asked 8 years ago
What nation took the lead in the slave trade in the seventeenth century, and why?
What nation took the lead in the slave trade in the seventeenth century, and why?
What nation took the lead in the slave trade in the seventeenth century, and why?
History   riptor   150   Asked 8 years ago
Discuss the economic impact of the slave trade on Africa.
Discuss the economic impact of the slave trade on Africa.
Discuss the economic impact of the slave trade on Africa.
History   riptor   183   Asked 8 years ago
What was the social, political, and economic nature of the West African societies from which the peo
What was the social, political, and economic nature of the West African societies from which the peo
What was the social, political, and economic nature of the West African societies from which the people enslaved were taken?
History   riptor   218   Asked 8 years ago
What was the single most important product responsible for the expansion of the Atlantic slave trade
What was the single most important product responsible for the expansion of the Atlantic slave trade
What was the single most important product responsible for the expansion of the Atlantic slave trade?
History   riptor   161   Asked 8 years ago
Both Massachusetts Bay and Pennsylvania were intended to be "holy experiments." Compare and contras
Both Massachusetts Bay and Pennsylvania were intended to be "holy experiments." Compare and contras
Both Massachusetts Bay and Pennsylvania were intended to be "holy experiments."  Compare and contrast the development of both.
History   riptor   127   Asked 8 years ago
Explain William Penn's policy toward the Indians, and compare it to that of most of the colonies.
Explain William Penn's policy toward the Indians, and compare it to that of most of the colonies.
Explain William Penn's policy toward the Indians, and compare it to that of most of the colonies.
History   riptor   132   Asked 8 years ago
Discuss the early history of New York under English rule.
Discuss the early history of New York under English rule.
Discuss the early history of New York under English rule.
History   riptor   132   Asked 8 years ago
Compare and contrast the objectives and attitudes of Wingina and the Algonquians and Sir Walter Rale
Compare and contrast the objectives and attitudes of Wingina and the Algonquians and Sir Walter Rale
Compare and contrast the objectives and attitudes of Wingina and the Algonquians and Sir Walter Raleigh and the English he sent initially to Roanoke.  Could both be described as having "imperial" objectives?  Were their proposed methods of achieving their objectives the same?  Explain.proposed methods of achieving their objectives the same?  Explain.
History   riptor   154   Asked 8 years ago
HS250 World Civilizations II
HS250 World Civilizations II
What was the origin and fallout of the French, American, and Haitian Revolutions?
History   Umar1994   242   Asked 8 years ago
Compare Western Europe's recovery with Soviet Union and eastern Europe rcovery
Compare Western Europe's recovery with Soviet Union and eastern Europe rcovery
 Compare and contrast  Western Europe's General Recovery from World War II with  the Soviet Union & Eastern Europe's General Recovery from World War II.
History   Summershipp   452   Asked 8 years ago
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