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In the early years of the United States, there was no central portion of the Capitol. What does tha
In the early years of the United States, there was no central portion of the Capitol. What does tha
In the early years of the United States, there was no central portion of the Capitol.  What does that tell us?
History   riptor   121   Asked 8 years ago
In the face of white expansion, what were the alternatives that the Indian peoples had in the early
In the face of white expansion, what were the alternatives that the Indian peoples had in the early
In the face of white expansion, what were the alternatives that the Indian peoples had in the early nineteenth century?
History   riptor   105   Asked 8 years ago
In the history of the westward movement, why would land speculators be able to do well. Did they ex
In the history of the westward movement, why would land speculators be able to do well. Did they ex
In the history of the westward movement, why would land speculators be able to do well.  Did they exploit settlers?  Consider the provisions of the Land Act of 1820.
History   riptor   125   Asked 8 years ago
In the popular imagination, the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand is often put forth as
In the popular imagination, the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand is often put forth as
In the popular imagination, the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand is often put forth as the cause of World War I. In reality, long-term historical processes such as _________ were more important in causing that devastating war. (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

Racism. British people saw Germans racially inferior, so they constantly taunted Germany with racist pro
History   John Smith   462   Asked 5 years ago
Indian fighters such as Harrison and Jackson became heroes to Westerners. Considering what happened
Indian fighters such as Harrison and Jackson became heroes to Westerners. Considering what happened
Indian fighters such as Harrison and Jackson became heroes to Westerners. Considering what happened under Harrison's leadership in the Old Northwest and Jackson's leadership at Horseshoe Bend and in the Treaty of Fort Jackson, were they heroic?  Trace the major developments and explain.
History   riptor   118   Asked 8 years ago
Is the conflict in North America between 1776 and 1786 better described as a revolution in which one
Is the conflict in North America between 1776 and 1786 better described as a revolution in which one
Is the conflict in North America between 1776 and 1786 better described as a revolution in which one part of a society rises up and overthrows a ruling social and political group in favor of another or as a civil war in which one part of a society fights against another part as a result of disagreements over policies?  Describe the patriots, the Loyalists, and the British and t
History   riptor   203   Asked 8 years ago
It has been argued that the colonial protests of the 1760s, leading to revolution, were responses to
It has been argued that the colonial protests of the 1760s, leading to revolution, were responses to
It has been argued that the colonial protests of the 1760s, leading to revolution, were responses to the oppression suffered under the mercantilist regulations.  What was the mercantilist system and, before 1760, how did it affect the colonies?  Did they primarily accept it or reject it and why?
History   riptor   196   Asked 8 years ago
Jefferson's idea that a republic defined by the citizens having concern for community well-being or
Jefferson's idea that a republic defined by the citizens having concern for community well-being or
Jefferson's idea that a republic defined by the citizens having concern for community well-being or civic virtue could be achieved by a policy of national expansion was correct.  Do you agree with Jefferson's idea?  Explain.
History   riptor   122   Asked 8 years ago
Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany worsened nationalist rivalries in Europe, ultimately leading to World
Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany worsened nationalist rivalries in Europe, ultimately leading to World
Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany worsened nationalist rivalries in Europe, ultimately leading to World War I. His poor leadership decisions included all of the following EXCEPT

He loaned massive amounts of capital to Russia, which Russia used to build up it’s military, and ultimately, to invade the Balkans

He declined to renew the “Reinsurance Treaty” between
History   John Smith   539   Asked 5 years ago
Many British colonists who remained loyal to England fled to Canada during and after the American Re
Many British colonists who remained loyal to England fled to Canada during and after the American Re
Many British colonists who remained loyal to England fled to Canada during and after the American Revolution and settled in the Maritime Provinces or Upper Canada.  Why were they discouraged by the British from settling in Quebec, and why might they have found Quebec undesirable?
History   riptor   128   Asked 8 years ago
Out of many editon 6th
Out of many editon 6th
Select a "western" movie and/or television show.  Discuss the historical "accuracy:' of your selection; does it correctly portray the American West?  Why or why not?  What do you "like" and "not-like" about your selection?  You must interact with another classmate to earn full credit
History   mql001   250   Asked 7 years ago
People who were enslaved in the United States in the nineteenth century led lives dominated by oppre
People who were enslaved in the United States in the nineteenth century led lives dominated by oppre
People who were enslaved in the United States in the nineteenth century led lives dominated by oppression.  How did these people survive?  Discuss the slaves' social, cultural, religious, and physical developments and activities and how each of these played a role in their struggle to survive.   Are these people's successes a sign that slavery was not as bad
History   riptor   171   Asked 8 years ago
Polk started out by trying to buy the land. He sent an American diplomat, John Slidell, to Mexico ...
Polk started out by trying to buy the land. He sent an American diplomat, John Slidell, to Mexico ...
[html]Polk started out by trying to buy the land. He sent an American diplomat, John Slidell, to Mexico City to offer $30 million for it. But the Mexican government refused to even meet with Slidell. Polk grew frustrated. Determined to acquire the land, he sent American troops to Texas in January of 1846 to provoke the Mexicans into war.When the Mexicans fired on American
History   me123meme   56   Asked A year ago
Polk started out by trying to buy the land. He sent an American diplomat, John Slidell, to Mexico ...
Polk started out by trying to buy the land. He sent an American diplomat, John Slidell, to Mexico ...
[html]from PBS:Polk started out by trying to buy the land. He sent an American diplomat, John Slidell, to Mexico City to offer $30 million for it. But the Mexican government refused to even meet with Slidell. Polk grew frustrated. Determined to acquire the land, he sent American troops to Texas in January of 1846 to provoke the Mexicans into war.

When the Mexicans fired o
History   flavaray   68   Asked A year ago
Prosperity in the New World depended on access to land and labor. How did aspiring colonists fulfil
Prosperity in the New World depended on access to land and labor. How did aspiring colonists fulfil
Prosperity in the New World depended on access to land and labor.  How did aspiring colonists fulfill these needs and what were the consequences to Native peoples?
History   riptor   139   Asked 8 years ago
Read the following passage to gain a better understanding of the vocabulary word.
Read the following passage to gain a better understanding of the vocabulary word.
[html]Read the following passage to gain a better understanding of the vocabulary word.By the late 1840s, a surge in immigration led to an increased population to work in the factories of the North. An immigrant is a person who enters a new country in order to settle there. In the 1840s and 1850s, about 4 million immigrants arrived in the United States. They were attracted
History   df296508   74   Asked A year ago
Read this passage from PBS:
Read this passage from PBS:
[html]Read this passage from PBS:Despite arguments over whether the war was right, Americans had tremendous success on the battlefield. Young officers like [Ulysses S.] Grant and Robert E. Lee, who would later lead armies against one another in the Civil War, had their first combat experiences in Mexico...  

Although the Mexican War had been won, the conflict over what to
History   yuliaka   52   Asked A year ago
The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed to protect American liberty. Because it was at war, did the
The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed to protect American liberty. Because it was at war, did the
The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed to protect American liberty.  Because it was at war, did the Adams administration need to be protected from public criticism?  Or was it more important to protect the public's right to criticize the government?  By passing the Alien and Sedition Acts, did Congress attack and reduce liberty in the name of protecting it? 
History   riptor   135   Asked 8 years ago
The antebellum South is described as a distinctive regional culture. What made it so distinctive?
The antebellum South is described as a distinctive regional culture. What made it so distinctive?
The antebellum South is described as a distinctive regional culture.  What made it so distinctive?  Discuss two developments that made it distinct and two characteristics that tie it to other regional cultures.
History   riptor   415   Asked 8 years ago
The authors of your textbook argue that it was not democratic politics but rather training in politi
The authors of your textbook argue that it was not democratic politics but rather training in politi
The authors of your textbook argue that it was not democratic politics but rather training in political maneuvering that had important implications for the development of American institutions.  Do you agree?  Discuss.
History   riptor   176   Asked 8 years ago
The British developed several strategies as the Revolutionary War proceeded. What were two of these
The British developed several strategies as the Revolutionary War proceeded. What were two of these
The British developed several strategies as the Revolutionary War proceeded.  What were two of these?  What role did the Loyalists play in these plans, and what were the most important reasons for the British failure?
History   riptor   114   Asked 8 years ago
The British occupation of Boston in 1768 led to increased tensions and a series of incidents between
The British occupation of Boston in 1768 led to increased tensions and a series of incidents between
The British occupation of Boston in 1768 led to increased tensions and a series of incidents between British soldiers and colonists.  Discuss the factors that contributed to these tensions.
History   riptor   160   Asked 8 years ago
The colonial societies in the Chesapeake have been described as being fundamentally materialistic an
The colonial societies in the Chesapeake have been described as being fundamentally materialistic an
The colonial societies in the Chesapeake have been described as being fundamentally materialistic and profit-oriented.  Do you agree?  Explain.  Consider especially the labor system adopted and why it and the nature of the society changed toward the end of the 1600s.
History   riptor   155   Asked 8 years ago
The colonists developed a variety of means to protest the Stamp Act. Identify these and explain how
The colonists developed a variety of means to protest the Stamp Act. Identify these and explain how
The colonists developed a variety of means to protest the Stamp Act.  Identify these and explain how each evolved.  Which types of protest were the most successful, and why?
History   riptor   204   Asked 8 years ago
The colonists saw in Townshend's policies a conspiracy to suppress American liberties. Beginning wi
The colonists saw in Townshend's policies a conspiracy to suppress American liberties. Beginning wi
The colonists saw in Townshend's policies a conspiracy to suppress American liberties.  Beginning with the Townshend Revenue Acts, describe those policies and explain why the colonists saw them as a threat.
History   riptor   184   Asked 8 years ago
The Constitutional Convention has been criticized for violating the congressional charge under which
The Constitutional Convention has been criticized for violating the congressional charge under which
The Constitutional Convention has been criticized for violating the congressional charge under which it met.  Is this criticism valid?  Consider the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan, the roles they played, and what they proposed.  If the convention violated its charge, then was the result illegitimate?  Does it matter?  Explain.
History   riptor   98   Asked 8 years ago
The creoles of spanish empire were?
The creoles of spanish empire were?
the creoles of spanish empire were?
History   szilbers   416   Asked 8 years ago
The first ten amendments to the Constitution were all adopted in 1791 and are known as
The first ten amendments to the Constitution were all adopted in 1791 and are known as
The first ten amendments to the Constitution were all adopted in 1791 and are known as
History   riptor   142   Asked 8 years ago
The framers of the Constitution opposed the idea of political parties. Why, then, did parties devel
The framers of the Constitution opposed the idea of political parties. Why, then, did parties devel
The framers of the Constitution opposed the idea of political parties.  Why, then, did parties develop in the 1790s and what were the differences between them?
History   riptor   169   Asked 8 years ago
The Indian peoples of the Old Northwest tended to resist the advance of white settlement. Trace Ind
The Indian peoples of the Old Northwest tended to resist the advance of white settlement. Trace Ind
The Indian peoples of the Old Northwest tended to resist the advance of white settlement.  Trace Indian resistance from 1790 to 1811.  What role did Tecumseh play in these resistance efforts?
History   riptor   101   Asked 8 years ago
The Indian policy of the United States after 1790 has been called contradictory. Was it? Explain t
The Indian policy of the United States after 1790 has been called contradictory. Was it? Explain t
The Indian policy of the United States after 1790 has been called contradictory.  Was it?  Explain the policy, how the Indians were treated, the major developments from 1790 to 1811, and how the Indians reacted.  Were the Indians being unreasonable?  Explain.
History   riptor   116   Asked 8 years ago
The lifestyles of the natives of the Great Plains changed dramatically as a result of the coming of
The lifestyles of the natives of the Great Plains changed dramatically as a result of the coming of
The lifestyles of the natives of the Great Plains changed dramatically as a result of the coming of the Europeans.  Describe those changes and explain why they occurred.
History   riptor   219   Asked 8 years ago
The program for national economic development, which became identified with Henry Clay, was known as
The program for national economic development, which became identified with Henry Clay, was known as
The program for national economic development, which became identified with Henry Clay, was known as the ________.
History   riptor   107   Asked 8 years ago
The South changed between 1790 and 1840. Could it be said that, to adjust, it underwent a reform ef
The South changed between 1790 and 1840. Could it be said that, to adjust, it underwent a reform ef
The South changed between 1790 and 1840.  Could it be said that, to adjust, it underwent a reform effort in the 1820s and 1830s?  What changes were occurring and how did the South respond?  What ideals and practices did it adopt socially, culturally, and economically?
History   riptor   302   Asked 8 years ago
The Spanish established outposts of New Spain in Florida, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Why were
The Spanish established outposts of New Spain in Florida, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Why were
The Spanish established outposts of New Spain in Florida, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.  Why were these settlements established, and what were their major economic pursuits?
History   riptor   233   Asked 8 years ago
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade involved both Europeans and Africans. Explain the role of Africans a
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade involved both Europeans and Africans. Explain the role of Africans a
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade involved both Europeans and Africans.  Explain the role of Africans and the effect the trade had on African society and governments.  Were the immediate profits worth the costs both to individuals short term and to society long term?  Explain, including a description of West Africa and the beginning of the slave trade and its condition b
History   riptor   211   Asked 8 years ago
The United States went to war against Britain in 1812. Why? Trace the history of the major develop
The United States went to war against Britain in 1812. Why? Trace the history of the major develop
The United States went to war against Britain in 1812.  Why?  Trace the history of the major developments from 1805 to 1812, and explain the causes of the war and why the nation divided badly over the issue.
History   riptor   140   Asked 8 years ago
The War of 1812 was fought on several fronts. Trace the course of the war and explain the major dev
The War of 1812 was fought on several fronts. Trace the course of the war and explain the major dev
The War of 1812 was fought on several fronts.  Trace the course of the war and explain the major developments on these fronts.  What were the results of the war?
History   riptor   151   Asked 8 years ago
The wars for empire between Britain and France involved the colonies. What were these wars, and wha
The wars for empire between Britain and France involved the colonies. What were these wars, and wha
The wars for empire between Britain and France involved the colonies.  What were these wars, and what was their focus in the southern colonies and in the northern colonies?
History   riptor   230   Asked 8 years ago
The years after the end of the War of 1812 are often called the Era of Good Feelings–a period during
The years after the end of the War of 1812 are often called the Era of Good Feelings–a period during
The years after the end of the War of 1812 are often called the Era of Good Feelings–a period during which the American people seemed to be filled with a new national confidence and enthusiasm.  Was this a period of a new nationalism or one of rising sectionalism?  Which was dominant?  Trace the major developments of the era and explain.
History   riptor   146   Asked 8 years ago
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