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This activity produced successful results in McKeown and Beck's research: To promote multiple ...
This activity produced successful results in McKeown and Beck's research: To promote multiple ...
This activity produced successful results in McKeown and Beck's research: To promote multiple experiences with new word meanings, students are rewarded for reporting a word studied in the classroom when they see or hear it outside of school, or they are given points if they use a meaning vocabulary focus word in their own writing.  This activity has been called: 
Education Studies   jjs148   129   Asked 6 years ago
With the sentence, The man was using the knelter, which statement is true?
With the sentence, The man was using the knelter, which statement is true?
Context conveys the meaning for knelter
Knelter is in a neutral context.
The text has been structured to provide a supportive context for knelter
None of the above
Education Studies   jjs148   120   Asked 6 years ago
What is the definition of the word knelter in the sentence? The man was using the knelter.
What is the definition of the word knelter in the sentence? The man was using the knelter.
electric razor
not possible to tell
Education Studies   jjs148   179   Asked 6 years ago
Mrs. Mason introduces the meanings of new words to her class in the context of an oral sentence, but ...
Mrs. Mason introduces the meanings of new words to her class in the context of an oral sentence, but ...
combine the procedure she is already using with other introductory activities.
be sure the context being used actually conveys the specific meaning
Both A and B
None of the above
Education Studies   jjs148   108   Asked 6 years ago
Which would be a poor instructional activity?
Which would be a poor instructional activity?
Simply providing teacher explanations of word meanings, being sure to provide explanations that are rich with examples and illustrations
Asking students to write dictionary definitions of a long list of words
Using repetition
An exercise that involves active use of targeted words in student-created situations
Education Studies   jjs148   104   Asked 6 years ago
Which statement is true regarding instructional activities for developing meaning vocabulary?
Which statement is true regarding instructional activities for developing meaning vocabulary?

Structured overviews are primarily useful for meaning vocabulary instruction, while semantic mapping can be used for both vocabulary and comprehension development -- thus, making the latter the more efficient strategy to use.
Teachers should avoid combining methods for presenting the meaning(s) of a word because if done, confusion is likely to occur, especially fo
Education Studies   jjs148   126   Asked 6 years ago
True OR False The following is a recommended procedure:
True OR False The following is a recommended procedure:
The following is a recommended procedure: Mrs. Aftershave, a school psychologist, suggests in a written report after assessing a student, that the teacher use writing activities with this student, encouraging use of invented (i.e., temporary) spelling when necessary, to develop phonemic awareness.
Education Studies   jjs148   121   Asked 6 years ago
Which statement is incorrect?
Which statement is incorrect?
An absorbed prefix is a syllable that functioned at one time in the English language as a prefix but no longer does so.
Concern with syllabication is approached differently in different programs. Sometimes the focus is on units of sound, with the intention of giving clues to vowel sounds, as a part of phonic analysis instruction. At other times, when syllabication pract
Education Studies   jjs148   100   Asked 6 years ago
Which item is INCORRECT?
Which item is INCORRECT?

When words in a text are primarily regular ones that follow typical phonetic patterns, this is often referred to as decodable text.
Word identification strategies are procedures a reader employs when he or she does not recognize a word at sight.
In sequential decoding students learn simple one-to-one correspondence between letters and the sounds the l
Education Studies   jjs148   112   Asked 6 years ago
Which of the following is NOT a factor that determines how a hearing loss affects language and ...
Which of the following is NOT a factor that determines how a hearing loss affects language and ...
Which of the following is NOT a factor that determines how a hearing loss affects language and communication?
A) the language spoken in the home
B) the degree of hearing loss
C) the attitudes of parents and siblings
D) the presence or absence of other disabilities
Education Studies   PresleyT   168   Asked 6 years ago
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