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Silvertxpia Silvertxpia
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6 years ago
From the 1980s to the present, citizens and governmental representatives have taken increasing interest in holding educators accountable for their actions. Discuss how educators have demonstrated this accountability, and identify related issues.
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 2] Federal aid to education initially was provided through a number of isolated, unrelated programs. More recently, under No Child Left Behind, there has been an effort to develop a broadly conceived national plan for education. What are the reasons for the federal government's becoming more involved in education? Provide examples of federally funded programs to substantiate your arguments.
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 3] Compare the make-up of school administration as it relates to government. What branch does each represent?
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 4] What role does the state legislature play in public education?
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 5] What role might a citizens group play in the school board decision making process?
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 6] Why would a community want the school board to promote parental involvement?
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 7] Why might there be community resistance to consolidation?
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 8] Considering the high level of administrative responsibilities, discuss reasons that may lead to the regular turnover of superintendents.
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 9] Identify the characteristics of a charter school.
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 10] Identify four of the eight specific powers of a school board.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
1)  ANSWER: The primary means of demonstrating accountability has been to report results (student test scores) and the costs associated with those results. Evaluation of teachers also has
been a means of demonstrating accountability. Under NCLB, schools must demonstrate adequate yearly progress in student academic achievement using accepted achievement tests. School principals must notify parents if their child's teacher is not highly qualified. For schools that fail assessments, there is the threat of reconstitution or state takeover.

2)  ANSWER: Education, in accordance with the United States Constitution, has been seen as a state responsibility, so historically the role of the federal government has been very limited. The late 1950s through the 1970s saw an expansion of special programs targeted for specific purposes. After retrenchment in the 1980s, there were new efforts to coordinate programs nationwide, as is evidenced most recently in No Child Left Behind, which has specifically targeted student academic achievement, school accountability, and teacher quality.

3)  ANSWER: Chief executive officer = superintendent, school board = legislative policy making body

4)  ANSWER: State legislatures establish and maintain the public schools. They also pass legislation on a variety of educational issues, including funding, staff and student policies, and curriculum guidelines. They cannot, of course, enact legislation that conflicts with the United States Constitution.

5)  ANSWER: Answer may include any of the following areas: 1) helping to identify goals, priorities, and needs, 2) selection and evaluation of teachers, 3) development of curricula, 4) support for financing schools, 5) recruitment, and 6) direct assistance to students.

6)  ANSWER: Studies indicate that districts that have such advisory committees have higher student test scores, better grades, and improved attitudes toward learning.

7)  ANSWER: Sometimes community members resist the closing of schools as part of the consolidation process because the schools have played such an important part in community identity. Thus consolidation may be viewed by community members as demoralizing to students, parents, and the community at large.

8)  ANSWER: The answer can include anything relating to breakdowns in communication or micromanagement of the school administrators.

9)  ANSWER: A charter school is an arrangement whereby a community group secures a charter from the local school board or state board of education to run a public school. The charter is a contract that lists specific rights, privileges, and expectations. Negotiated arrangements may include financing, school operations, physical location, student enrollment, and accountability. Charters are commonly revoked if accountability standards are not met.

10)  ANSWER: Answers should include four of the following: policy, staffing, employee relations, fiscal matters, students, curriculum and assessment, community, relations, and intergovernmental requirements.
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6 years ago
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