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tyty93 tyty93
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6 years ago
To get his company through some hard economic times, Ben's working hours have just been reduced from 40 hours a week to 33.
  Ben is upset about the reduction in time and pay, but he shows up at work every morning and is willing to patiently wait until economic times improve and he can go back to working full time. Which of the following types of response is being displayed by Ben?
  A) voice
  B) neglect
  C) loyalty
  D) exit
  E) acceptance

Question 2

Describe the confirmation bias.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Which of the following actions in the Bible was undertaken to increase efficiency?
  A) Abraham's lie that Sarah was his sister
  B) the Israelite's forty-year journey through the desert
  C) the prohibition of intermarriage between members of different tribes
  D) Hiram's use of a single mold for ten basin stands
  E) Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh's dream

Question 4

According to the attribution theory, ________ is one of the three main factors which attempt to determine an individual's behavior.
  A) distinctiveness
  B) perverseness
  C) flexibleness
  D) resilience
  E) timorousness

Question 5

Coinsurance refers to the amount a person has to pay for medical services before the health plan begins to pay benefits.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

Question 6

Which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior?
  A) An employee postpones a meeting because he overslept.
  B) An employee is late to work because of a punctured tire.
  C) An employee was fired because he violated a company policy.
  D) An employee was promoted when he achieved more than the assigned objectives.
  E) An employee closed a sale with an important corporate client because of his excellent negotiation skills.

Question 7

Explain with an example the contrast effect.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Explanation: C) Ben demonstrates loyalty to the company and passively waits for things to improve, which is a constructive response. Ben is not voicing his negative feelings about less work, continues to show up for work, and does not neglect his duties. He is passive, rather than active, in his behavior.

Answer to #2

The rational decision-making process assumes we objectively gather information. But we don't. We selectively gather it. The confirmation bias represents a specific case of selective perception: we seek out information that reaffirms our past choices, and we discount information that contradicts them. We also tend to accept at face value information that confirms our preconceived views, while we are critical and skeptical of information that challenges them. Therefore, the information we gather is typically biased toward supporting views we already hold. We even tend to seek sources most likely to tell us what we want to hear, and we give too much weight to supporting information and too little to contradictory.

Answer to #3


Answer to #4

Explanation: A) Attribution theory suggests that when we observe an individual's behavior, we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally caused. Determination, however, depends largely on three factors, namely, distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency.

Answer to #5

Answer: FALSE

Answer to #6

Explanation: B) Externally caused behavior is what we imagine the situation forced the individual to do. For instance, if an employee is late for work, and you attribute his arriving late to an automobile accident or a flat tire, then you are making an external attribution.

Answer to #7

Evaluation of a person's characteristics that is affected by comparisons with other people recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics is known as the contrast effect. We don't evaluate a person in isolation. Our reaction is influenced by other persons we have recently encountered. For example, in a series of job interviews, interviewers can make distortions in any given candidate's evaluation as a result of his or her place in the interview schedule. A candidate is likely to receive a more favorable evaluation if preceded by mediocre applicants and a less favorable evaluation if preceded by strong applicants.
tyty93 Author
6 years ago
Smiling Face with Glasses Feeling super confident now, TY
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