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FakeUser FakeUser
Posts: 527
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6 years ago
Which of the following is true about management and leadership?
  A) Often, the differences are blurred in practice.
  B) Some managers may be leaders, but leaders are never managers.
  C) The distinction between the two is quite clear.
  D) There is no real difference except in theory.

Question 2

George believes that the increased allocations should be spent on healthcare benefits; on the other hand, Jean thinks these allocations should be spent on increased vacation benefits. Their difference of opinion is an example of:
  A) affective conflict.
  B) substantive conflict.
  C) process conflict.
  D) deviance.

Question 3

Which of the following is the best description of the provisions of the Civil Rights Act, Title VII?
  A) prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities or chronic illnesses
  B) prohibiting discrimination against employees aged 40 or over
  C) prohibiting the forced retirement of most employees
  D) prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, or gender

Question 4

________ is a process whereby an experienced organizational member provides advice and guidance to a less-experienced member.
  A) Delegating
  B) Integration
  C) Mentoring
  D) Assimilation

Question 5

Power that derives from the recognized ability of someone to make decisions is referred to as:
  A) referent power.
  B) legitimate power.
  C) expert power.
  D) reward power.

Question 6

Explain the concept of the glass ceiling in workplaces. What practices have aided in the creation of the glass ceiling?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 7

Identify and briefly describe each type of discrimination that occurs in the workplace.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 8

Two employees have different personalities and clash all the time. The frustration that results is an example of:
  A) affective conflict.
  B) substantive conflict.
  C) process conflict.
  D) deviance.

Question 9

Position power is based on a number of things including:
  A) expertise.
  B) charisma.
  C) rational persuasion.
  D) None of these.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3

Answer: D

Answer to #4

Answer: C

Answer to #5


Answer to #6

Answer: Research has suggested that women are more likely than men to start out in entry-level positions, even though they have the same educational qualifications as men. In the 1980s, the term glass ceiling was first used in a Wall Street Journal article to refer to the invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions. The idea of a ceiling means that there is something blocking upward movement and the idea of glass is that whatever's blocking the way isn't immediately apparent.
Research on the glass ceiling has looked at identifying the organizational practices and interpersonal biases that have blocked women's advancement. Findings from those studies have ranged from lack of mentoring, sex stereotyping, views that associate masculine traits with leader effectiveness, and bosses' perceptions of family-work conflict.

Answer to #7

Answer: Some of the more common forms of workplace discrimination are:
a. discriminatory practices or policies - actions taken by representatives of the organization that deny equal opportunity to perform or unequal rewards for performance
b. sexual harassment - unwanted sexual advances and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature that create a hostile or offensive work environment
c. intimidation - overt threats or bullying directed at members of specific groups of employees
d. mockery or insults - jokes or negative stereotypes; sometimes the result of jokes taken too far
e. exclusion - exclusion of certain people from job opportunities, social events, discussions, or informal mentoring; can occur unintentionally
f. incivility - disrespectful treatment, including behaving in an aggressive manner, interrupting a person, or ignoring his or her opinions

Answer to #8


Answer to #9

FakeUser Author
6 years ago
Amazing, correctly answered
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