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Ello_kara Ello_kara
6 years ago
The RDA values for essential nutrients are intended to meet the needs of 97-98 of the healthy population. The EER values, in contrast, are much less generous. Why is there such a difference in the proportion of the population whose needs are met by the RDA versus the EER?

Q. 2

Body mass index is unsuitable for use with:
 a. adolescents.
 b. casual exercisers.
 c. women younger than 50.
  d. Caucasians.
 e. pregnant women.

Q. 3

Discuss any 3 websites with reliable sources of nutrition information and explain why you chose them.

Q. 4

Older people generally need less energy than younger people due to:
 a. increasedbasal metabolic rate.
 b. chronic diseases that stress the body.
  c. decreases in height.
 d. declines in lean body mass with age.
  e. reduced total caloric intakes.

Q. 5

Your community leaders decide to have a speaker come to discuss the management of diabetes using lifestyle approaches. They have a choice between inviting a physician who specializes in internal medicine or a certified diabetes educator. Which of these individuals is more apt to have reliable nutrition information related to diabetes and why?

Q. 6

All of the following factors are associated with a higher basal metabolic rate except:
 a. stress.
 b. starvation.
 c. fever.
 d. youth.
 e. greater height.

Q. 7

Discuss how anecdotal evidence for the effectiveness of a weight-loss supplement differs from scientific evidence of the effectiveness of a weight-loss supplement. Which source of evidence would you trust more and why?

Q. 8

About ____ percent of a meal's energy value is used up in stepped-up metabolism in the five or so hours following that meal.
 a. 5
 b. 10
  c. 15
  d. 20
  e. 25

Q. 9

Your good friend asks you if there is any particular type of diet that you can recommend for her sister who has multiple sclerosis. You have taken a consumer nutrition course at your local community college. What can you tell her to do to get reliable nutrition information?

Q. 10

Which statement about basal metabolism is true?
 a. It supports the voluntary but not the unconscious work that the body performs.
 b. It can be changed rapidly through vigorous exercise.
 c. It accounts for the smallest component of the average person's daily energy expenditure.
 d. It is directly controlled by the hormone thyroxine.
 e. It increases in response to malnutrition or fasting.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

If the RDA values were adequate for only 50 of healthy adults, then only 50 or fewer of all people adhering to these recommendations would get enough of these micronutrients for their bodies' needs. The remainder of the people would be deficient in them. Instead, RDA values are generous enough to be adequate for almost all healthy people and thus prevent deficiencies.
The EER values are set mid-way along the population curve because most people obtain too much energy for their bodies' needs. This results in unnecessary weight gains with risk to health. The DRI committee has purposefully set the EER value at a less generous level so that most people adhering to them do not exceed their energy needs for the day.

Answer to #2


Answer to #3

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website or the American Society for Clinical Nutrition website are the first choices for reliable nutrition information. If you are looking for nutrition information related to cardiovascular disease, the American Heart Association has a website. The American Diabetes Association, the Arthritis Foundation, and the American Cancer Society all have websites that will contain reliable nutrition information.

Answer to #4


Answer to #5

A certified diabetes educator is a health professional who has obtained additional training in nutrition and other lifestyle factors related to the management of diabetes and earned a certification on diabetes education through work experience and successful completion of an examination. Many certified diabetes educators are also either registered dietitians or registered nurses. The National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators has a website (www.ncbde.org) with information about the certification requirements.
A physician does receive extensive schooling (4 years beyond college for the medical doctor degree) and completes a 2- to 4-year residency. Most medical school programs only devote a small amount of time to the study of nutritionoften, they spend less time on this topic than students who take nutrition at the undergraduate level In fact, very few medical schools teach 25 hours of instruction in the field of nutrition. There are some physicians who are trained in clinical nutrition and are highly qualified to give nutritional advice on diabetes management and other health issues. Unless a physician specializes in clinical nutrition, she or he will have spent much LESS time learning about nutrition than a certified diabetes educator.

Answer to #6


Answer to #7

Anecdotal evidence comes in the form of patient testimonies as to how well the product works. There may only be testimonies from a few people who make the product sound wonderful. There is often a disclaimer that says that the results are not typical in small print. There is usually no cited study from a credible research center. This type of anecdotal evidence would be seen on TV or would be published in a popular magazine as a story.
Scientific evidence would actually describe a study that is done at an accredited research or clinical center. There would be results from a large number of people and the study would employ the suitable controls such as a group of patients who get the weight-loss supplement versus patients who get a placebo. The results of this study would be reviewed by and then published in a journal that is read by experts in the fields of nutrition and medicine.
Most people would trust information from a well-designed and published scientific study, since large numbers of people have participated in the study and the results are more easily repeatable by other researchers.

Answer to #8


Answer to #9

You could suggest that she check out the website of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (www.eatright.org) or the American Society for Clinical Nutrition for information. If she does not want to use the Internet, she could look in her phone book for registered dietitians in her area. If she cannot find this information on her own, she could ask her doctor for a referral to a registered dietitian. She may also be able to find reliable information online from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Answer to #10

Ello_kara Author
6 years ago
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