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screwcollege223 screwcollege223
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6 years ago
The family of a resident in an assisted living facility contacts the director to say they are appalled that the resident is allowed to have pornographic magazines in the room. What re-sponse by the director is most appropriate?
  a. We will take those away immediately.
  b. Your loved one has the right to have these.
  c. How do you know about these maga-zines?
  d. He cannot stay here if he has these in the room.

Question 2

An older patient asks the nurse about taking Echinacea to prevent colds. What response by the nurse is best?
  a. That's fine; it's a very common herb.
  b. Older people should not use herbs.
  c. This herb may not be well produced.
  d. Echinacea has a deleterious effect on immunity.

Question 3

The nurse evaluates how an older adult patient will react to the death of a spouse based on how the patient
  a. expresses concern for his spouse during a prolonged illness.
  b. reacts when their beloved dog was sent to live with an adult child.
  c. demonstrates his or her philosophy of health and happiness.
  d. expresses how his spouse's illness has impacted their life together.

Question 4

The nurse observes a suspicious mole on the back of an older adult who is undergoing palliative radiotherapy for brain metastasis. The nurse suspects that the mole
  a. is a result of the radiation.
  b. is a secondary cancer.
  c. will not be screened.
  d. was the primary cancer.

Question 5

A nurse has identified an older patient as being at high risk of infection. Which assessment data indicate that priority goals for this diagnosis have been met?
  a. The patient remains afebrile.
  b. The patient's white blood cells (WBCs) are normal.
  c. The patient has no subjective complaints.
  d. The patient's mental status is unchanged.

Question 6

A nurse is assessing quality of life (QOL) in older individuals with chronic illnesses who attend a community center. What information is most important to assess?
  a. How many days were lost to exacerba-tions in the last year
  b. How good each individual perceives his or her QOL to be
  c. How burdensome the patient's treatment regime is daily
  d. How often the patient needs to see a health care provider
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

A cognitively intact adult has the right to have and view legal pornographic materials in the pri-vacy of his or her apartment. The director should inform the family of this information.

Answer to #2

Echinacea is a popular herb many people take to boost the immune system. However, herbs may not be produced consistently or tested thoroughly, so the patient is advised to speak to the pro-vider about adding this herb. It has not been shown to be harmful to the immune system though.

Answer to #3

One's responses to loss and death are characterized by one's natural reaction to all kinds of losses, not just death. People's responses depend on their perception of the events and the mean-ing of the loss within the context of their lives and their physical, psychosocial, and spiritual life patterns. This behavior will likely be similar for all major losses, including the relocation of a pet. The other options do not demonstrate a grief reaction.

Answer to #4

Screening should not be conducted if there is no intent or ability to pursue findings with more complete evaluation and treatment. The goal of screening is to detect early cancer that is amena-ble to treatment; this patient is undergoing palliation, which means he or she is not expected to live but is getting the radiation for symptom control.

Answer to #5

Older adults, with their diminished immune system, often do not develop classic signs or symp-toms of infection, so a lack of fever and complaints and a normal white count do not eliminate the possibility the patient has an infection. Older adults frequently tend to have mental status changes with infection, so a normal mental status for the patient is a good sign that goals have been met.

Answer to #6

QOL is individualized for each patient, and each person is the only one who can rate his or her quality of life. It is not dependent on objective measures such as number of health care visits or how many days were spent sick.
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