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jasonbourne jasonbourne
Posts: 81
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6 years ago
A resident of an assisted living facility has ingested Clostridium difficile bacteria that was acquired from a chair in a common area of the facility. However, the resident did not become ill with the gastritis associated with the bacteria.
  Place the following steps in the woman's defense against the pathogen in the order in which they most likely occurred. (Use all the options.)
  A) Antibodies attack the antigen.
  B) A macrophage attacks the antigen and retains some of the antigen's protein on its surface.
  C) The antigen enters the resident's body.
  D) A macrophage carries the antigen's protein markers to lymphoid tissue.
  E) T lymphocytes interpret the antigen as foreign.

Question 2

A patient with a history of poorly controlled type 1 diabetes has begun displaying the characteristic signs and symptoms of diabetic nephropathy. The patient's nurse recognizes that the patient is at risk of disruptions to fluid balance.
  What role do the kidneys play in the maintenance of normal fluid balance?
  A) Secreting or withholding antidiuretic hormone in response to extracellular fluid volume
  B) Selectively retaining needed substances and excreting waste products
  C) Synthesizing and releasing angiotensin in cases of fluid volume deficit
  D) Maintaining the correct concentration of H+ ions in the blood

Question 3

Which test is a quick and reliable aid to diagnosis latent TB?
  a. PPD skin test
  b. Sputum smears
  c. QFT-G
  d. TB tine test

Question 4

The nurse manager of a geriatric medicine unit learns that spiritual care services are underutilized by patients and their families. Which phenomenon explains this finding?
  A) While spiritual needs are a universal part of the human condition, many people do not acknowledge these needs.
  B) The high-stress environment of a hospital is incompatible with the solace and quiet necessary for addressing spiritual needs.
  C) Spiritual needs are less apparent during times of immediate and tangible need, such as acute illness requiring hospital treatment.
  D) Many older adults who have experienced a lifetime of self-sufficiency and practical resourcefulness do not have spiritual needs.

Question 5

A 77-year-old retiree who has long enjoyed good health has become sick with a number of infections over the past several years.
  Which of the following age-related changes to the person's immune system may have contributed to increased susceptibility? A) A decrease in the total number of immunoglobulins
  B) A decline in her number of T and B cells
  C) Hypersensitivity to cutaneous introduction of pathogens
  D) A deficiency in the cell-mediated immune response

Question 6

The nurse is caring for a patient with bronchiectasis. Based on an understanding of the pathologic changes that occur with this disease, which intervention to promote clearance of respiratory secretions does the nurse plan?
  a. Postural drainage
  b. Intermittent positive pressure breathing
  c. Pursed-lip breathing
  d. Diaphragmatic breathing

Question 7

A 43-year-old patient with a history of alcohol abuse has been admitted to an acute medical unit with complications resulting from liver failure. Upon assessment, the patient's abdomen is distended, firm to touch, and nontender.
  The nurse recognizes that the patient has excess fluid in his peritoneal space (ascites), a problem that results from the disruption of normal movement of water and electrolytes. What process is primarily responsible for maintaining fluid balance along a concentration gradient?
  A) Hydrostatic pressure
  B) Active transport
  C) Osmosis
  D) Filtration

Question 8

An older female patient tells the nurse that even though she believes in a higher power she is not interested in information on the hospital's chaplaincy services since she has never been religious.
  What does the nurse recognize as the relationship between religion and spirituality? A) Some people are religious, while others are spiritual.
  B) Religion is a particular, structured way of expressing spirituality.
  C) Religion is the essence of our being that connects us with the Divine.
  D) All human beings have an innate desire for religious structure and spiritual fulfillment.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

C, B, D, E, A
The immune system works in the following manner:
1 . An antigen (invading bacteria) enters the body.
2 . A macrophage attacks the antigen and retains some of the antigen's protein on its surface.
3 . The macrophage carries the protein markers to lymphoid tissue where T lymphocytes interpret them as foreign.
4 . Stimulated by this activity, antibodies are produced by a white blood cell called a B cell and attack the antigens.

Answer to #2


Answer to #3

Sputum smears, cultures and PPD skin test are still done. However, QFT-G offers a quick and reliable diagnosis for the patient and health care provider. The results of QFT-G are greater specificity and results are available 24 hours after the blood is collected.

Answer to #4

All humans have spiritual needs regardless of whether they realize or acknowledge them. Some of these needs become relevant in late life when the high prevalence of chronic illness and the reality of death are evident. While a hospital does provide a high-stress environment, this is not mutually exclusive with identifying and providing for patients' spiritual needs.

Answer to #5

The cell-mediated immune response tends to decrease in effectiveness with age. The total number of immunoglobulins, T cells, and B cells does not change and sensitivity to cutaneous introduction of pathogens decreases, not increases.

Answer to #6

Encourage postural drainage. Suction the patient as needed and provide assistance in turning, coughing, and deep breathing every 2 hours. Assist with chest physiotherapy.

Answer to #7


Answer to #8

Spirituality differs from religion, which consists of human-created structures, rituals, symbolism, and rules for relating to the Divine. Religion is a significant expression of spirituality, but highly spiritual individuals may not identify with a specific religion. Not everyone identifies a need for religion, and religion and spirituality are not mutually exclusive. Spirituality, not religion, is defined as the essence of our being that connects us with the divine.
jasonbourne Author
6 years ago
All correct
6 years ago
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