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landonsmom landonsmom
Posts: 79
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6 years ago
A health-conscious resident of an assisted living facility is promoting the value of fiber to a fellow resident. Which statement made by the resident about the benefits of fiber is accurate?
  A) Improved bowel activity and increased metabolic rate
  B) Improved bowel activity and decreased serum cholesterol
  C) Improved gastric emptying and prevention of colon cancer
  D) Increased nutrient absorption and decreased glucose tolerance

Question 2

A 30-year-old man is currently in the preoperative holding area on call for his tympanoplasty (eardrum reconstruction) that will be performed this morning. The nurse has administered the preanesthetic as ordered.
  What action should the nurse prioritize at this point in the patient's care?
  A) Teaching the patient about pain management and the appropriate use of oral analgesics postoperatively
  B) Teaching the patient the correct technique for performing deep-breathing and coughing exercises
  C) Ensuring the patient's safety by keeping him in bed and discouraging him from ambulating
  D) Performing a thorough respiratory assessment including breath sounds, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation levels

Question 3

A nurse is providing care for a 79-year-old female patient who has been admitted for treatment of a urinary tract infection. Which of the nurse's following actions is most in need of modification?
  A) The nurse is maintaining a 24-hour fluid balance record.
  B) The nurse is maintaining a fluid restriction for the patient to prevent incontinence.
  C) The nurse has encouraged the patient's family to bring in unsweetened cranberry juice for the patient.
  D) The nurse is advocating for the removal of the patient's urinary catheter that was inserted in the emergency department.

Question 4

In which of the following hospital patients would a nurse be most confident in ruling out the presence of an infection?
  A) A 78-year-old man, post hip replacement, who has a temperature of 99.5F and a loss of appetite.
  B) A 70-year-old female patient who is newly incontinent of urine and confused.
  C) A 90-year-old male patient, normally mobile, who is insisting on remaining in bed and has an unsteady gait when walking to the bathroom.
  D) A 73-year-old woman whose blood pressure is increased and oxygen saturation levels are decreased.

Question 5

Even though a nursing assistant notices that an older patient's oral intake has been poor since being admitted to the care area, the assistant is not concerned since older people don't need to eat much anyway..
  How should the nurse respond to this assistant's comment? A) That's a myth actually; older adults have increased caloric and nutritional needs..
  B) Actually, older adults who are sick require more calories than younger people do during their recovery..
  C) You're right, but it's still important that we provide vitamin supplements especially when a patient is recovering from an illness..
  D) Even though it is true that older people don't need quite as many calories as younger people, they need as many nutrients as you or I..

Question 6

A 72-year-old woman will be having total hip arthroplasty this morning to repair a fracture that she suffered in a recent fall. What patient teaching should the nurse prioritize during the preoperative phase of this patient's care?
  A) The positioning that the patient will be asked to adopt postoperatively
  B) Strategies to maintain her nutritional status in the postoperative period
  C) Signs and symptoms of infiltration at the patient's intravenous site
  D) The effects of age-related changes on the healing process

Question 7

The patient is scheduled for a transurethral resection of the prostate. During preoperative teaching, it is important to emphasize that after surgery he should expect
  a. red drainage from the catheter.
  b. limited intake of fluids.
  c. a sodium-restricted diet.
  d. incisional drainage.

Question 8

A patient has reported to the preadmission clinic in anticipation of her scheduled hysterectomy and oophorectomy.
  The patient states that her health care provider has explained the parameters for fasting prior to her surgery but tells the nurse that she does not entirely understand why she cannot eat or drink before surgery. What explanation should the nurse provide to this patient?
  A) It's important to rest your stomach and bowels during and after surgery so that blood flow is concentrated to your vital organs.
  B) Your surgeon and anesthetist need your stomach empty during surgery in case there is a need to insert a tube into your throat or stomach.
  C) You need to fast before surgery so that the surgical team has a 'clean slate' for managing your fluid balance and nutritional status.
  D) You're asked to refrain from eating and drinking so there's less of a chance that you'll inhale food or fluids into your lungs.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Fiber is noted to lower serum cholesterol and promote good bowel activity. It is not noted to improve nutrient absorption or gastric emptying or to increase overall metabolic rate.

Answer to #2


Answer to #3

Fluids should be pushed in patients with urinary tract infections, not restricted. The other interventions are valid nursing actions.

Answer to #4

Hypertension and decreased oxygen saturation are not noted signs of infection in the elderly. The signs and symptoms in answers A, B, and C are all associated with infection.

Answer to #5

While caloric need does decrease with age, nutrient requirements are relatively consistent across the life span. Older adults do not have increased caloric and nutritional needs. Older adults who are sick do not necessarily require more calories since the basal metabolic rate declines 2 for each decade of life. Vitamin and mineral supplements for older adults are undetermined.

Answer to #6


Answer to #7

The patient and family need to know that hematuria is expected after prostatic surgery.

Answer to #8

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