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sarah963 sarah963
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6 years ago
A resident of an assisted-living facility was forced to call for help after she was unable to stand up from the toilet in her bathroom.
  The woman is embarrassed that she needed this assistance, and the nurse who oversees the facility knows that this situation was primarily due to the resident's rheumatoid arthritis. How should the nurse best respond to this resident's decreased mobility?
  A) Encourage the woman to keep a portable phone in her bathroom.
  B) Provide a cane for the woman to keep in her bathroom.
  C) Have grab bar installed in the woman's bathroom.
  D) Create a new exercise regimen for the woman to follow.

Question 2

A patient comes to the bariatric clinic to obtain information about bariatric surgery.
  The nurse assesses the obese patient knowing that, in addition to meeting the criterion of morbid obesity, a candidate for bariatric surgery must also demonstrate what?
  A) Knowledge of the causes of obesity and its associated risks
  B) Emotional stability and understanding of required lifestyle changes.
  C) Positive body image and high self-esteem
  D) Insight into why their past weight loss efforts failed

Question 3

A patient who has experienced a rapid progression of osteoarthritis has lost a significant amount of function in his hands.
  This pathophysiological process has been accompanied by obvious physical changes, to which the patient has stated, I try to keep these gnarled old hands out of sight so no one has to look at them. How can the nurse best respond to this patient's statement about body image?
  A) Help him to focus on his strength of character more than his physical appearance.
  B) Tell him that people are not normally as judgmental and superficial as he may think they are.
  C) Encourage him to focus on the function that remains rather than the function that has been lost.
  D) Encourage him to verbalize his feelings about his appearance in more detail.

Question 4

A patient asks the home health nurse from what the distressing symptoms of dumping syndrome result. What physiological occurrence should the nurse explain?
  A) Irritation of the phrenic nerve due to diaphragmatic pressure
  B) Chronic malabsorption of iron and vitamins A and C
  C) Reflux of bile into the distal esophagus
  D) Osmotic transport of extracellular fluid into the gastrointestinal tract

Question 5

A nurse in a long-term care facility has a longstanding relationship with a female resident whose osteoarthritis has become more severe in recent months.
  To facilitate the resident's continued engagement in activities and to promote her mobility, the nurse has begun implementing motivational interviewing (MI). The resident has stopped attending the quilting circle, stating, I still enjoy quilting, but my knuckles are so painful lately. What response by the nurse best exemplifies MI?
  A) You say you'd like to keep quilting but it's painful. What ideas do you have for reducing your pain?
  B) I'd encourage you to push through your pain in this situation because it will ultimately benefit you.
  C) I would hate to see you miss out on something you enjoy because of a health problem that can be treated.
  D) Tell me about some of the things that you most enjoy about quilting.

Question 6

A 30-year-old obese female patient who underwent gastric banding 3 days ago is getting ready to go home.
  Essential postoperative teaching for this patient should include instruction related to the importance of abstaining from what for the next 2 years?
  A) Multivitamin supplements
  B) Pregnancy
  C) Antidepressants
  D) Control-top panty hose

Question 7

A nurse at a small, rural nursing station that lacks the services of a physical therapist is responsible for planning the care of a local resident who has rheumatoid arthritis.
  When planning a regimen of physical activity for this patient, what principle should underlie the nurse's choice of interventions?
  A) Limiting physical activity slows the progression of rheumatoid disorders.
  B) Joints should be splinted whenever physical activity is performed.
  C) Active range-of-motion (ROM) exercises can reduce joint stiffness.
  D) ROM exercises should be passive (performed by the nurse) whenever possible.

Question 8

The nurse is doing triage at the emergency department when a middle-aged patient presents with abdominal pain and heartburn. The patient states the symptoms have persisted for several days following a particularly spicy meal.
  When assessing the patient, the nurse notes the patient has a history of acute gastritis. What complication should the nurse assess for?
  A) Esophageal or pyloric obstruction related to scarring
  B) Acute systemic infection related to peritonitis
  C) Gastric hyperacidity related to excessive gastrin secretion
  D) Bruising on the patient's flanks
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