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jouameng jouameng
Posts: 351
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6 years ago
A pediatrician and a psychologist are developing a treatment plan for a child who has been diagnosed with Rett's disorder. What caution will they discuss when they consider the use of antipsychotic drugs?
  a) The drugs can induce a childhood form of tardive dyskinesia that could lead to death.
   b) Antidepressants have shown great promise, although they may induce
   a rebound form of depression.
   c) The drugs may reduce stereotyped behaviors; however, they may also
   increase the frequency of seizures.
   d) Clozapine has shown great promise with difficult cases of schizophrenia, therefore, it should work with Rett's disorder. However, if the child is not carefully monitored, serious side effects could develop.

Question 2

The social selection theory proposes that
  a) poverty causes schizophrenia.
  b) schizophrenia causes poverty.
  c) social discrimination causes both schizophrenia and poverty.
  d) poverty and schizophrenia are not related.

Question 3

A secretary is transcribing the notes of a therapist who just finished a session. The notes include several references to transactional patterns. What
  form of therapy was involved?
  a) family therapy
   b) Gestalt therapy
   c) psychodynamic
   d) client-centered

Question 4

At age nine Ted Hart could read and remember the spelling of five-syllable Greek names for dinosaurs but he could not tie his shoes or differentiate the fantasy on television or in books from reality.
  Despite his deficits, Ted demonstrates some remarkable abilities that are referred to by the term
   a) savant.
   b) eugenics.
   c) primary intelligence.
   d) multiple intelligence.

Question 5

Robert is a 4-year-old boy with autistic disorder. His parents probably have a very hard time getting him to
  a) eat.
   b) go outside.
   c) play patty-cake.
   d) walk without help.

Question 6

What aspect of development is the parent of an autistic child most likely
  to notice as being abnormal?
  a) facial features
   b) motor development
   c) amount of eye contact
   d) susceptibility to infection

Question 7

Some research on possible genetic factors involved in autistic disorder has compared the parents of children with autistic disorder to parents of children with Down syndrome. In what way are the parents of autistic children different?
  a) They are more likely to be aloof and hypersensitive.
   b) They have an elevated rate of delusions and hallucinations.
   c) They tend to exhibit a number of minor neurological dysfunctions that
   do meet the diagnostic criteria for a disease.
   d) Parents of children with autistic disorder exhibit similar emotions and behavior to those found in parents of children with other serious disorders,
   although their responses are at a more extreme level.

Question 8

As a demonstration in your abnormal psychology class, your instructor shows a videotape of children taken at their first birthday parties. Half of the children were subsequently diagnosed with autistic disorder.
  The instructor asks the class to select the children they believe received this diagnosis. Which of the following indicators would be the best predictor of the diagnosis?
   a) imitating the movements of others
   b) infrequently looking at the face of another
   c) spending most of the time with eyes closed
   d) moving hands around in a seemingly random fashion
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