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Calypso1992 Calypso1992
Posts: 339
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6 years ago
You can build credibility by letting your audience know that you believe in yourself and your message.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 2

List at least three personal characteristics that can help establish credibility with your audience.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 3

Audience responses to your messages depend heavily on your ________, a measure of your believability based on how reliable you are and how much trust you evoke in others.
  A) persona
  B) savoir-faire
  C) credibility
  D) audience awareness
  E) performance

Ques. 4

In business messages, using terms such as if, hope, and trust is
  A) usually a bad idea since it takes away from the writer's credibility.
  B) a good way to show your modesty.
  C) common courtesy.
  D) acceptable for very formal contexts.
  E) a way to display a you attitude.

Ques. 5

To build, maintain, or repair your credibility, emphasize
  A) why the audience should agree with and welcome your message.
  B) become emotionally invested in your message.
  C) explain to the audience why the message is important to them.
  D) impressive communication skills.
  E) sincerity by pointing out specific qualities that warrant praise.

Ques. 6

To establish credibility with your audience, you should
  A) impress them with a long list of your accomplishments.
  B) be modest and deferential.
  C) show that you are confident and that you believe in yourself and in your message.
  D) use hedging words (maybe, perhaps) to demonstrate you're willing to tell your audience what they want to hear.
  E) directly state that you know more about your topic than they do.

Ques. 7

Define bias-free language.
  What will be an ideal response?
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3 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: TRUE
Explanation: While a touch of humility is preferred over arrogance and bravado, you should strive to project a sense of self-confidence based on hard work, conscientiousness, and preparation.

Answer to #2

Answer: Audiences assign credibility to individuals who display (1) honesty, (2) objectivity, (3) awareness of audience needs, (4) credentials, knowledge, and expertise, (5) endorsements, (6) performance, and (7) sincerity.

Answer to #3

Answer: C
Explanation: C) The way an audience responds to your message will depend heavily on your credibility; that is, how much others believe that they can rely on and trust you.

Answer to #4

Answer: A
Explanation: A) On their own, the words if, hope, and trust are acceptable. However, when used too frequently they tend to give a message a conditional tone, suggesting that you are hoping that events will turn out well rather than being confident that things will turn out well.

Answer to #5

Answer: E
Explanation: E) When you offer praise, don't use hyperbole, such as you are the most fantastic employee I could ever imagine. Instead, point out specific qualities that warrant praise.

Answer to #6

Answer: C
Explanation: C) People respond well to confidence. If you show that you believe in yourself and your product, people usually find you credible. On the other hand, if you show a lack of confidence in either yourself or your product, your audience typically views you in a very negative light.

Answer to #7

Answer: Bias-free language avoids words and phrases that unfairly and even unethically categorize or stigmatize people in ways related to gender, race, ethnicity, age, or disability. For example, rather than using female-gender words (e.g., actress or stewardess) use gender neutral words, such as actor or flight attendant.
Calypso1992 Author
6 years ago
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