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t6ni khoury t6ni khoury
Posts: 1
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3 years ago
For the na+ k+ question I was wondering is it possible that a certain confirmation of the pump has the same affinity for both na+ and k+. also, the question about Alzheimer's is it that they lack chaperone proteins or just that the chaperone proteins were unable to properly fold the proteins?

Thank you, In advance
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2 Replies
Staff Member
3 years ago
Looking at the first photo:

Option 1 is right
Option 2 is right
Option 3 is right
Option 5 is wrong: That part of the molecule facing the cytoplasm has a high affinity for Na+ and a low affinity for K+, while that part facing the outside has a high affinity for K+ and a low affinity for Na+.
Option 6 is right
Staff Member
3 years ago
For the second question, I believe it has to do with misfolding due to the chaperones, so (b)

I hope I helped!
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