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micro01 micro01
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11 years ago
hi there im muslim and i dont see why muslims are so offended by this film i watched it the film is crap its cheaply made its badly acted the jokes are not even funny i dont see how ppl can actually take this film seriously enough to actually protest over it. i have seen alot more offensive stuff about the propeht and towards islam than this movie. and muslims die nearly everyday and nobody does anything muslims die in syria in afganistan palistine burma we do nothing then and never unite then but when a stupid video posts online were all getting ready for a crusade or something or see this a decleration of war its just a film and the muslim community needs to calm down. there will always be ppl out there who hate us and dont like us and make a mockery out of us there will be ppl out there that will mock the prophet not everyone out there is going to love and accept islam. its impossible for everyone single person to like one religon and submit to that religon. and do muslims not relise there only destroying there own cities and country do u think the US care no they dont. and this will only lase for a few days then no one will care about it anymore it was like the qurans getting burned in afganistan there was a huge uproar but within a week nobody cared anymore so is it worth killing ppl for a cause that not gonna even last  

and to the guy who made the film why cant he not just let us belive what we want to belive if we want to worship allah thats up to us he should mind his own buisness and stop trying to shove christianity down our mouths. and fair enough america has freedom of speech and can say what they like however the film was shown in eygpt and they have to relise that they cant do thier whole bullsh** in other ppls country and must respect the religon of other ppls countrys when they are inside thier country. sorry for the long read i just needed to get my emotions out on this topic as i have been seeing it everywhere. so muslims whats ur whole take in this pls share ur views and pls no offensive answers towards anyones religon race nationality or culture
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10 Replies

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11 years ago
because its full of rubbish and lies???
11 years ago
It's forbidden to impersonate the prophets -_-
So obviously when they represent the prophet and his loved ones in a mocking way, it's forbidden twice as much,
11 years ago
They wanted to kill a school teacher for calling a teddy bear Mohamed .....get the picture.
11 years ago
It is a cheap cheap home made pile of crap. How ever the concepts are true. The people made it so the world would see what fools Muslims are. You guys did exactly what they wanted. The whole world is watching in horror at Muslims behavior.

No one cares about the shitty movie. It is your response. The world is figuring out Muslims are the bad guys.

Muslims behave this way and then wonder why they get spanked by military every so often. "what did we do"...Neutral Face?

@britcal  we take nothing we pay dearly for everything we get. How about we treat Muslims like their religion says? You want that ? It says to take everything and make slaves out of the people. You would be a sex slave my dear. Allah Akbar mashallah
11 years ago
@Ayatrollah I would think that waging war, killing millions and stealing natural resources while having shooting sprees every week and gang killings every day against one's own people and frequent hate-crimes against foreigners would make people the real bad guys, unless you're delusional. That's far worse and more horrific than some angry protests.

Edit: murdered for sport, raped and tortured in prison without trail is equivalent to "spanked" according to you? That explains a lot. Your military is full of low-lives, this is no secret. And it's time you learned the definition of theft according to your very own laws. LOL thanks to people like you, we know the reality of the so-called "land of freedom".

@asker I agree with everything you said.
11 years ago
Because its lies made about God's messenger  Muhammad scw. one of the best man ever walked on this earth.
11 years ago
Salaam alykum,

  I think, it  would be true to say that most muslims would not even have heard about this video, had there not been the protests and the media coverage and I guess most would dismissed the movie as the cheap attempt it is, to malign  the prophet (pbuh) and spread lies and hate for Islam, especially once the sources for the video become known.
  But , in a lot of the muslim countries where there has been conflict and recent history of violence and injustice. People are more on the 'EDGE' and easily aroused to action. Actions that in this case have lead to the deaths of innocent people, So now the focus is on the killings rather then the film, and the muslim demonstrators become the guilty party. ( andunfortunatelyy, in the eyes of non muslims, all muslims and islam is to blamed,
There is no excuse in Islam for killing innocent people, muslims or non muslims and especialy not those that are guests in your country/land/home, so those responsible should be identified and punished accordingly.

 I think its also right to protest and demand that those in authority take actioagainstst the film makers and prevent others following their actions....
Spreading LIES is NOT freedom of Speech.
Spreading/inciting HATE is NOT freedom of speech   Even if they are your enemieses!

We all want Freedom and Liberty but some people want it at the expense of others!
11 years ago
I can think of a few reasons off the top of my head:
1.You're not allowed to impersonate Mohammed (saw).
2. It's a load of bull s***
3. It paints a terrible picture of islam
4. It was made by the same f**ktard that tried to burn the qurans a while back.
11 years ago
you are wrong, his existence our prophet SAW was a historical landmark and could never be denied. Why is the west and isreal the greatest violators of human rights and international laws. The west invaded afghanistan over the WTC and then claimed that iraq had WMD's which was false and killed millions of iraqis since 1992. THe oil for food program preventing food and medicine from reaching iraq lead to the death of a million children. Where is your claim of human rights now Neutral Face?? you extort food for oil and justify it. you justify iraq and afghanistans bombings for the deaths of 3,000. Were the terrorists then more justified for the millions of iraqis killed in the 90's Neutral Face??
Isreal the greatest violator if international law has nuclear weapons yet never is forced to claim or make transparent their nuclear arsenal. they are the greatest terrorists who at night seize and destroy the houses of palestinians and give them not rights. Yet who does not allow for peace to be established the west of course. WHy was kuwait an issue to bomb iraq?Neutral Face WHy not the killings of so many africans and tibetans and other muslims in kashmir, checyna. Why oil of course. Being the leader of the free world requires to have guts to stand up to china for tibet. yet cowards shall falter where ther is justice and claim justice where there is cowardice. at its height al qaeda had 1500 members yet u claim all 1.2 billion muslims are terrorists. My dear sir if 1500 make u fearful for over a decade imagine what 1.2 billion would do. Trust me peace is the solution but the only way to do so is for both sides to put aside their differences and use our resources to feed the dying poor and impoverished. we care more about false wars and propoganda rather then care for the children of dying africa.

WHo has killed millions of muslims for oil Neutral Face? Who had funded the creation of al qeada and still funds many terrorist groups in the middle east Neutral Face WHo caused the revolution in the middle east???/ Who claims human rights yet sends jets to destroy hospitals, food and water supplies first???/ WHo claimed to have ridden of iraq of rape and torture yet did the same evil deed Neutral Face?? Who claims freedom yet has taken its own ppls freedoms away by acts such as the patriot act and no longer leaving the constitution vlid by allowing the president to decalre war Neutral Face?? who destroyed a nation for WMD's and then when found false only said we were wrong?Neutral Face why do those same ppl say it was justified for the 3,000 killed of whiche 450 were muslim Neutral FaceNeutral Face why are the lives of millions kille d considered worthless then then when 3,000 innocents are killed at home in NY we justify it with millions more murdered and displaced?Neutral Face? why do we allow isreal to seize lands which arent theirs?Neutral Face why do we let isreal bully our president obama and still call them freinds when their PM points the finger at obama??? why when our own children of America are going home hungry do we give money for isreali terrorist nation to purchase weapons Neutral Face?

It saddens me to see the two things i love most being destroyed. The freedoms that was granted to us by our founding fathers and the Islam being falsified by the media. both things i love most Islam and America. PAtriotism comes from questioning the motives of our leaders. we are becoming a police state. we have killed millions like the nazis and like stalin are prying on our citizens. BEnjamin Franklin said those who sacrafice freedom for temporary safety do not deserve freedom. JFK spoke of such events taking place today. SAVE AMERICA by writing to your locla governments and demanding your freedom. The police do random search and frisks and are now even caught planting drugs on ppl. COME ON GUYS WE HAVE RESTRICTED OUR LIBERTIES OURSELVES.
11 years ago
cause they impersonate the prophets...
they try to make Islam look so pathetic and cheap..
they try to humiliated our religion...
they try to make other people hate Islam...
that film is one of the way how they try to perverted Muslims people....
can't you see all tht...

we muslims are prohibited to imagine or even try to imagine the prophet looks...
don't you know tht....
even satan who can change their face so they can look like humans and animals are prohibited to change their look as prophet.... how come when human being try to imagine how prophet look u not care, bother or mad...
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