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nymomo789q nymomo789q
Posts: 22
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11 years ago
It seems he was saying what has been said before,that Islam is a barbaric religion.And it would seem,that hundreds of thousands if not millions of Muslims are volunteering to reenforce his message,by being violent and barbaric in response TO A MOVIE!!

In fact,if Lebanese news sources are correct,they even helped him with his "Mohammed was a sexual deviant" argument,when the Ambassodor was sodomized before being killed.However I never needed that,his bedding a 9 year old girl says all I needed to know about the character of Mohammed.
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11 years ago
people say this is freedom of speech, but does that mean you dont have your own values and rather offend some other peoples values?

freedom of speech is rather to believe what you wanna but offedning another religion is just clearly asking for fights.

American producer was an idiot and we muslims may not of had the best reaction and could of just ignored the film but we love our prophet.
11 years ago
It affirms the message that islam is teaching hate and violence (and ignorance) as does Ankboot!
11 years ago
Your question doesn't sound like you're actually looking for genuine answer.

However, many of the scenes of the movie portray Muhammad's life in an inaccurate way.

This is irrespective of the reactions of the protesters in some predominantly Muslim countries.

The bedding of a 9 year old girl doesn't say much about Muhammad's character because it was common and legal to marry under age girls during that time. During Muhammad's time a person was an adult by the age of 9 or 10. This is the age when puberty sets on and was defined as a criterion of adulthood.
11 years ago
Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah Ta'aala) said: "Our advice regarding that is to show comportment (demeanor) and not to show disapproval in this manner; demonstrations or harming innocent people, and wasting wealth - this is not permissible.

Those who must respond to this are the scholars, not the common folk. The scholars respond to these affairs. They (i.e. the kufaar) want to cause chaos amongst us, and they wish to affect us; this is what they want. They want us to fight one another.

The soldiers withhold while these people attack, and there occurs beating, killing, and injury. This is what they want.

Calm down. Calm down.

Those who are responsible for responding are the people of knowledge and insight. Or they could choose not to respond to them, and resolve not to respond. The pagans used to call the Messenger (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) a magician, a soothsayer, a liar, etc... And Allaah commanded him to have patience. He commanded His Messenger (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) to have patience.

They did not protest in Makkah nor did they destroy any of the homes of the pagans nor did they kill anyone. Patience and demeanor until Allaah, The Exalted and Most High, facilitates a way for the Muslims.

That which is obligatory is to have demeanor, especially in these times and during these tribulations and within this evil today which is going on within the lands of the Muslims. It is obligatory to have demeanor and not to rush into these affairs, and the commoners are not fit to deal with this, for the ignorant do not know. None should deal with this except the people of knowledge and insight."
Source: http://maktabah-alfawaaid.blogspot.com/2012/09/advice-in-light-of-recent-film.html  
Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.
11 years ago
Yes, Muslims' reactions affirm the message.  And the messages of the movie can be found in Islamic texts.  It's just Islam and more people have now been exposed to its true teachings.
11 years ago
The East shouldn't get that much provoked, they should know first what Muhammed had done at his time when someone was rude to him or hurt him, he would say "Some people would..." he never even mentioned their names so not to embarrass them, I don't think this would be his reaction if he was still alive. On the other hand, the West should understand other peoples' feeling, if anyone made a movie denying the holocaust, everybody would consider it a crime, so enough with the double standards already! Muslims shouldn't be blamed for what Bin Laden had done...he's a terrorist, we're not! Enough said!

General Conclusion:
Muslims became very sensitive. But try to put yourself on their place. Being blamed for something you never did. Quite irritating!
11 years ago
"The Ambassador was sodomized before being killed?"

I didn't know that. I feel sick...
11 years ago
Muhammed didn't officially get married to Aisha ( The 9 year old girl ) until she reached puberty. She was his best friend's daughter and at that time it was normal to get married to someone's daughter just to strengthen the relationship between the two. Muhammed wasn't a pedophile, please have that much respect.

Islam isn't in any way a religion of hate. One example showing clearly that it isn't is this story. During the first christian crusade, Jerusalem was invaded by christians, all muslims there suffered greatly. Old people, men, women and children were all slaughtered. They say the crusaders went into every single house and building and left none they saw alive. They were up to there waists with muslim blood. They were disgusted by each other from how the blood that they are covered by. An exact number of 70,000 muslims were killed without giving a chance of surrendering in any way.

A few years later, Saladin, at that time the head of the muslim army, invades jerusalem to take it back for the muslims. Now, knowing what the christians did to the muslims when they attacked jerusalem, what would you have done if you were Saladin? You would probably do the exact same if not worse.

But instead, Saladin came with the hugest army the christian world has faced, and instead of slaughtering them one by one, he made an agreement with them. His agreement that not one single christian is to be hurt in any way, christians will be allowed to come and go into jerusalem and they will allowed to live freely. For the exchange that jerusalem becomes owned by the muslims again.

The king of jerusalem was shocked at the generous offer given to him that he had no choice but to agree, and that was exactly what happened. And muslims, christians and jews lived peacefully together in jerusalem until recently, when the jews invaded it and the whole country for themselves.
11 years ago
Tell these P nut brains to jump and instead of inoring you they ask "how high"
The pathatic idiots do not even know when they are made monkeys of , ridiculed and laughed at.
11 years ago
Soliloquy or are you just ranting? It's hard to tell.

Libya by the latest reports was probably nothing to do with the movie and was likely a terrorist attack. The others like in Egypt were acts of civil unrest against the slow transition of government, there was only a small group who went to the embassy for the protest.

The rest were against other local issues and only the Australia and Western ones were purely against the publicizing of the movie. Especially so soon after the false facts presented on the Channel 4 program a week earlier.

So they were not any more "barbaric" than other protests we've seen in the West. Certainly not as bad as New Orleans and the England riots.
11 years ago
Freedom of speech involves the right to offend people with offensive beliefs. I have the right to draw a picture of Muhammad having sex with a pig while taking a crap on the Quran if I want to, and every time a Muslim tells me I do not have the right to offend them, that is exactly what I do.
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