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lovethelight lovethelight
Posts: 15
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11 years ago
Can anyone please help me with my PhysioEx 9.0 Exercise 7?

Activity 1

3.  What was the FEV (%) at the initial radius of 5.00 mm?

4.  What happened to the FEV (%) as the radius of the airways decreased?

5.  Explain why the results from the experiment suggest that there is an obstructive, rather than a restrictive, pulmonary problem?

Activity 2

1.  What lung values changed in the spirogram when the patient with emphysema was selected?  What did these values change as they did?

2.  Which of these parameters changed more for the patient with emphysema, the FVC or the FEV?

3.  What lung values changed in the spirogram when the patient experiencing an acute asthma attack was selected?  Why did these values change as they did?

4.  How is having an acute asthma attack similar to having emphysema?  How is it different?

6.  How much of an increase in FEV do you think is required for it to be considered significantly improved by the medication?

7.  With moderate aerobic exercise, which changed more from normal breathing, the ERV or the IRV?

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Valued Member
11 years ago
Can anyone please help me with my PhysioEx 9.0 Exercise 7?

Activity 1

3.  What was the FEV (%) at the initial radius of 5.00 mm?

4.  What happened to the FEV (%) as the radius of the airways decreased?

5.  Explain why the results from the experiment suggest that there is an obstructive, rather than a restrictive, pulmonary problem?

Double check these....

3. What was the FEV1 (%) at the initial radius of 5.00 mm?
Your answer:

4. What happened to the FEV1 (%) as the radius of the airways decreased? How well did the results compare with your
Your answer:
As radius of airway increases the FEV decreases

5. Explain why the results from the experiment suggest that there is an obstructive, rather than a restrictive, pulmonary
Your answer:
As radius decrease 5 to 3mm TV, ER, IRV all decrease indicating restricted airways whereas RV increase.
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11 years ago
Thank you so much everybody for all the help with the PhysioEx labs they were becoming to time consuming  Smiling Face with Open Mouth
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10 years ago
6. "FEV1 is an index that is used to determine how much restrictive or obstructive lung disease is present in a person's lungs. If the FEV1 level is 70% or less then it is standard practice for medication to be given."

Source: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_of_an_increase_in_FEV1_do_you_think_is_required_for_it_to_be_considered_significantly_improved_by_the_medication
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