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sugars888 sugars888
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12 years ago

If the density of K+ channels in the axon was increased by 50%, which of the following statements would be true??

1. The amplitude of the action potential would be reduced by 50%
2. The falling phase would be more steep
3. The falling phase would have a steeper slope
4. The amplitude of the action potential would be increased by 50%
5. The relative refractory period would be affected
6. The threshold for action potential generation would be more negative (hyperpolarized)
7. The nadir (most negative point) of the undershoot phase (after hyperpolarization) would be more negative
8. The 'width' of the action action potential would be increased

I said that 2,3 and 7 are correct. 7 is correct because K+ in the cell is high which makes the inside of the cell more positve more K+ would want to go out thus cell becomes more negative. if more K+ are leaving the cell the slope would be steeper. Is this reasoning correct? Also am not sure about the rest can you please explain it to me
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