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Ghil Ghil
Posts: 393
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6 years ago
The only temporary means of birth control for men is the condom.

Type: FIB
Topic: Describe the various contraceptive methods available, including their accessibility, availability, and effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

88) The term used to describe a disorder in which uterine lining tissue establishes itself outside the uterus is endometriosis.

Type: FIB
Topic: Review the primary causes of and possible solutions to infertility.

89) Leaving a diaphragm in longer than recommended increases the risk for Toxic Shock Syndrome.

Type: FIB
Topic: Describe the various contraceptive methods available, including their accessibility, availability, and effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

90) Depo-Provera is a form of birth control where synthetic progesterone is injected intramuscularly every three months.

Type: FIB
Topic: Describe the various contraceptive methods available, including their accessibility, availability, and effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

91) Changes in cervical mucus and an increased body temperature are indicators frequently used in natural contraceptive techniques.

Type: FIB
Topic: Describe the various contraceptive methods available, including their accessibility, availability, and effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

92) The surgical removal of the uterus is called hysterectomy.    

Type: FIB
Topic: Describe the various contraceptive methods available, including their accessibility, availability, and effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

93) Alcohol and drugs are teratogenic substances that can negatively affect the fetus.

Type: FIB
Topic: Explain the importance of prenatal care in the process of pregnancy.

94) The insertion of a long needle through a mother's abdominal and uterine walls into the amniotic sac is called Amniocentesis.

Type: FIB
Topic: Explain the importance of prenatal care in the process of pregnancy.

95) The disease that may be transmitted from cat feces to a pregnant woman and have damaging effects on the fetus is called toxoplasmosis.

Type: FIB
Topic: Explain the importance of prenatal care in the process of pregnancy.

96) Home pregnancy tests are based on the indication of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone found in the urine of a pregnant woman.

Type: FIB
Topic: Explain the importance of prenatal care in the process of pregnancy.

97) In vitro fertilization is the fertilization of an egg in a nutrient medium and subsequent transfer back to the mother's uterus.

Type: FIB
Topic: Review the primary causes of and possible solutions to infertility.

98) A condition characterized by cognitive disabilities and a variety of physical abnormalities is known as Down syndrome.

Type: FIB
Topic: Explain the importance of prenatal care in the process of pregnancy.

99) A cervical cap is a small cup made of latex that is designed to fit snugly over the entire cervix.

Type: FIB
Topic: Describe the various contraceptive methods available, including their accessibility, availability, and effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

100) The name given to the developing baby from the third month of pregnancy until birth is the fetus.

Type: FIB
Topic: Explain the importance of prenatal care in the process of pregnancy.

101) Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine disorder that is a leading cause of infertility, affecting approximately 5% of women.

Type: FIB
Topic: Review the primary causes of and possible solutions to infertility.

102) Match the following. (Answers may be used once, more than once, or not at all.)

1. birth control method for people who have not taken the time to consider alternatives   a. withdrawal
2. the birth of a dead baby   b. stillbirth
3. hormone measured in most at-home pregnancy tests   c. HCG
4. the end of the first stage of labour   d. transition
5. birth defect caused by consumption of alcohol during pregnancy   e. FASD
6. syndrome causing high fever, nausea, and vomiting, and can be fatal   f. TSS
7. the leading cause of death for infants ages 1-12 months   g. SIDS
8. birth control method that acts as a physical and chemical barrier to sperm   h. diaphragm
9. a blood protein related to the production of antibodies   i. Rh factor
10. widespread use for conception began in the mid-1960s   j. IUD
11. the fertilized egg from conception until the end of 2 months' development   k. embryo
12. the second stage of labour   l. expulsion
13. an antibody-rich, yellowish fluid, produced by the mother, before her milk begins to flow   m. colostrum

Type: Match

103) What is the actual effectiveness rate of condoms? Explain in detail the reasons this rate differs from the theoretical effectiveness rate.
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