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azt3cqu33n azt3cqu33n
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6 years ago
The nurse was very busy and unfamiliar with a new medication, but administered it anyway. Later the nurse looked up the medication. How does the nurse manager evaluate this behavior?
  1. This was acceptable as long as the nurse looked up the action and side effects of the drug later.
  2. An error could have occurred because the nurse was unfamiliar with the medication.
  3. The nurse manager was partially at fault because the nursing unit was understaffed and the nurse was too busy.
  4. An error did occur because the nurse could have administered the medication via the incorrect route.
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6 years ago
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale: Nurses should never administer a medication unless they are familiar with its uses and side effects; an error could have occurred because the nurse was unfamiliar with the medication. It is not acceptable for a nurse to administer an unfamiliar medication and then look up the action and side effects later; an error could occur. An error did not occur, but could have because the nurse was unfamiliar with the medication. There is no information in the stem of the question that the nursing unit was understaffed, so the nurse manager is not partially at fault.
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