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Anonymous norushme
3 months ago

I'm currently working on writing an essay from a competition with the following prompt:

"Many human diseases have a genetic component. Some diseases result from a change in a single gene or even multiple genes. Yet, many diseases are complex and stem from an interaction between genes and the environment. Environmental factors may include chemicals in the air or water, nutrition, microbes, ultraviolet radiation from the sun and social context. Provide an example of how the interplay of genetics and environment can shape human health."

What I know: I've fallen victim to the forgetting curve. So, while I've been working on this essay, I've been actively trying to re-study all lessons related to genetics. So, I would say I have a high school level knowledge (structure of DNA/RNA, protein synthesis (transcription and translation), DNA replication, etc.)

What I don’t know: There's a lot I don't know regarding genetics. I'd say some details regarding each of the genetic topics that I have forgotten.

Comments: So, I've been researching how to answer this prompt. I found that epigenetics seemed to answer the question. The way the environment can influence the expression of genes through epigenetic markers, which lead to the eventual change in human health (both mentally and physically), seemed to be a sufficient answer to this topic. However, I still have my doubts that I have misinterpreted this prompt. I was thinking that they may have been asking about genetic predispositions being influenced by environmental factors. (i.e. you're genetically predisposed to have lung cancer, and smoking further pronounces your genetic predisposition, resulting in a higher chance of lung cancer.) Please advise! The deadline for this essay is March 6th!

Thanks a lot!
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norushme Author
3 months ago
Hello, thank you for your response!

It's an interesting topic that is worth researching. It would be appreciated if you could share any resources that you have about this topic. 
3 months ago
Absolutely, here are some of the best "free" articles I found. Full of information and details on this particular disease and cigarettes.
norushme Author
3 months ago
Thanks a lot for the resources. I'll look through them for sure. Hopefully, I can complete the essay in time!

3 months ago
Feel free to upload it and I can read it over
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