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6 years ago
The nurse is preparing to assess a client's endocrine function. Which subjective information should the nurse assess in this client?
  1. If the client experiences edema in the fingers
  2. How the client prepares meals
  3. If the client experiences numbness and tingling around the mouth
  4. If the client's breath sounds are normal

Question 2

A client who is experiencing a low calcium level is being assessed for the possibility of an alteration in the function of the parathyroid. When the levels of PTH reveal a low level, the nurse should tell the client:
  1. the problem is due to problems in the thyroid gland.
  2. the adrenal glands are not functioning appropriately.
  3. the secretion of PTH is dependent on normal levels of vitamin D.
  4. the client should increase phosphorous intake.

Question 3

A client is in the clinic and tells the nurse that the family was hiking and came across a snake. The client told the family to run, but became concerned when the client's heart rate felt very high. The best response by the nurse is:
  1. I will ask the doctor to order an ECG.
  2. That is your adrenal glands protecting you.
  3. You should probably make an appointment with a cardiologist.
  4. You were just frightened.

Question 4

The nurse is caring for a client with genital herpes. What should the nurse do to prevent contracting the infection from the client? (Select all that apply.)
  1. Wash hands
  2. Wear gloves
  3. Apply a mask
  4. Wear a face shield
  5. Take prophylactic penicillin

Question 5

The nurse is concerned that a client is at risk for contracting a sexually transmitted infection. What assessment information did the nurse use to make this clinical decision? (Select all that apply.)
  1. Allergic to penicillin
  2. Does not use condoms
  3. Takes oral contraceptives
  4. First sexual encounter at age 14
  5. Previous treatment for chlamydia

Question 6

A male client informs the nurse that his partner is infected with chlamydia and he is concerned he may be infected as well. For which manifestation should the nurse assess the client?
  1. Urinary retention
  2. Urethral discharge
  3. Blisters on the penis
  4. Painful intercourse

Question 7

A client being seen in the clinic is diagnosed with primary syphilis. What should the nurse prepare to administer to this client?
  1. A urethral suppository of clindamycin
  2. A loading dose of oral tetracycline
  3. An intramuscular injection of penicillin G
  4. Intravenous cefotetan
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Answer: 3

1. Edema of the fingers does not refer to any endocrine disorder.
2. Preparing meals is not relevant to the endocrine system.
3. Numbness and tingling around the mouth could indicate that the client experiences low blood sugar or a calcium imbalance.
4. The client does not normally listen to breath sounds. That is an objective assessment by the nurse.

The answer to question 2

Answer: 3

1. The thyroid gland does not regulate the production of PTH.
2. The adrenal glands control glucose levels and the release of corticosteroids.
3. In order for PTH to have an effect on the bone and kidneys, normal levels of vitamin D should be maintained.
4. Increasing calcium will not help if the vitamin D levels are low.

The answer to question 3

Answer: 2

1. Since the client's bodily responses were normal, it is not necessary to ask for an ECG.
2. The adrenal medulla produces epinephrine and norepinephrine, which activates the flight or fight response by raising the blood pressure and heart rate to allow for immediate action. The response is a protective mechanism by the adrenal gland.
3. It would not be appropriate for the nurse to suggest a cardiology consult for a normal bodily response.
4. The client was frightened, but the nurse should explain to the client why the body responded as it did to alleviate the client's concern.

The answer to question 4

Answer: 1, 2

1. Hand washing is part of standard precautions.
2. Standard precautions are adequate protection from these infections, thus gloves should always be worn when contact with the patient's herpes lesions is possible.
3. A mask is not a part of standard precautions.
4. A face shield is not a part of standard precautions.
5. Prophylactic penicillin is not a part of standard precautions.

The answer to question 5

Answer: 2, 3, 4, 5

1. An allergy to penicillin does not increase the client's risk of contracting an STI.
2. Risk factors for STIs include unprotected sexual activity.
3. Risk factors for STIs include use of oral contraceptives.
4. Risk factors for STIs include sexual activity as an adolescent.
5. Risk factors for STIs include personal or partner history of STI

The answer to question 6

Answer: 2

1. Urinary retention is not a manifestation of chlamydia in males.
2. Manifestation of chlamydia in males includes dysuria, urethral discharge, and testicular pain.
3. Blisters on the penis are associated with genital herpes.
4. Painful intercourse is not a manifestation of chlamydia in males.

The answer to question 7

Answer: 3

1. The treatment of primary syphilis is a single IM dose of penicillin G.
2. The treatment of primary syphilis is a single IM dose of penicillin G.
3. The treatment of primary syphilis is a single IM dose of penicillin G.
4. The treatment of primary syphilis is a single IM dose of penicillin G.
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