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Fnsame Fnsame
Posts: 588
Rep: 3 0
6 years ago
Degenerative conditions are also referred to as chronic diseases.
 a. True
  b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 2

Chronic diseases are the only type of diseases that afflict people in developed countries.
 a. True
  b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 3

What are anabolic steroids? Describe the side effects of taking steroids.

Q. 4

Describe the composition and characteristics of an ideal pregame meal at 1, 2, and 3 hours before competition.

Q. 5

Athletes often use whey protein products to prepare for competition because:
 a. proteins help to increase muscle size.
 b. whey provides amino acids that are more quickly digested and absorbed.
 c. protein supplements provide superior nutrition to meals of regular foods.
 d. the essential amino acids in whey can increase energy and enhance performance.
 e. whey is a complete protein with branched-chain amino acids that stimulate energy metabolism.

Q. 6

Which substance is illegal in sports and among the most dangerous ergogenic aids?
 a. chromium picolinate
 b. an anabolic steroid hormone
  c. creatine
 d. conjugated linoleic acid
 e. caffeine

Q. 7

Muscle growth is stimulated by:
 a. excess protein in the diet.
 b. branched-chain amino acids.
 c. physically demanding activity.
 d. amino acid supplements.
 e. the presence of essential amino acids.

Q. 8

A weight lifter is taking creatine supplements to increase the power in his muscles. What is the most likely effect of taking the supplement?
 a. weight gain
 b. stimulation of muscle growth
 c. energy enhancement from additional stored creatine phosphate in the muscles
  d. enhanced endurance activity performance
 e. a placebo effect will increase endurance
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Answer verified by a subject expert
Posts: 320
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6 years ago
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Fnsame Author
6 years ago
I'm seriously surprised that you found the answers... What's your secret?!
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