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marcusb213 marcusb213
Posts: 534
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Brittany and Richard have noticed that their friend Mandy has lost a significant amount of weight from the fall to the spring semester. People are starting to comment on how thin she looks. Brittany has noticed that Mandy is only eating an orange for breakfast, a small bowl of salad with no salad dressing and a small piece of grilled chicken for lunch, and a cup of plain yogurt for dinner. Richard has been going to the gym with Mandy most days of the week. He enjoys lifting free weights, and Mandy usually runs on the treadmill for 45 minutes and then does 15 minutes of core exercises. In addition Mandy has shared with Brittany that she has not had her menstrual period for 4 months. Mandy has also expressed that she is frustrated because people are making comments about how thin she looks and consequently has not gone to as many parties or social gatherings because she feels so uncomfortable. When would be the best time for Mandy to seek treatment?
 A) After she graduates from college
  B) At the end of the spring semester
  C) At the beginning of the fall semester
  D) As soon as possible, because treatment outcomes are better if the eating disorder is treated early

Q. 2

All of the following are recommendations for a diet during middle and old age EXCEPT:
 a. Foods that are low in saturated fat should be chosen.
  b. Alterations may be necessary to reduce risk for chronic disease development.
  c. The diet does not influence longevity, so any choice is fine.
  d. Adequate fluids should be obtained.

Q. 3

Brittany and Richard have noticed that their friend Mandy has lost a significant amount of weight from the fall to the spring semester. People are starting to comment on how thin she looks. Brittany has noticed that Mandy is only eating an orange for breakfast, a small bowl of salad with no salad dressing and a small piece of grilled chicken for lunch, and a cup of plain yogurt for dinner. Richard has been going to the gym with Mandy most days of the week. He enjoys lifting free weights, and Mandy usually runs on the treadmill for 45 minutes and then does 15 minutes of core exercises. In addition Mandy has shared with Brittany that she has not had her menstrual period for 4 months. Mandy has also expressed that she is frustrated because people are making comments about how thin she looks and consequently has not gone to as many parties or social gatherings because she feels so uncomfortable. When Mandy does finally decide to seek treatment, what type of therapy would be important for her to receive?
 A) Physical rehabilitation to help improve her weight and bone density
  B) Psychotherapy to help treat the mental and emotional aspects of the disorder
  C) Nutritional rehabilitation and counseling
  D) Family therapy
  E) All of the above forms of therapy are important in treating an eating disorder

Q. 4

All of the following are recommendations for a diet during middle and old age EXCEPT:
 a. Drastically restrict calories.
  b. Select nutrient-dense foods.
  c. Emphasize low-fat dairy products.
  d. Eat adequate fiber.

Q. 5

Brittany and Richard have noticed that their friend Mandy has lost a significant amount of weight from the fall to the spring semester. People are starting to comment on how thin she looks. Brittany has noticed that Mandy is only eating an orange for breakfast, a small bowl of salad with no salad dressing and a small piece of grilled chicken for lunch, and a cup of plain yogurt for dinner. Richard has been going to the gym with Mandy most days of the week. He enjoys lifting free weights, and Mandy usually runs on the treadmill for 45 minutes and then does 15 minutes of core exercises. In addition Mandy has shared with Brittany that she has not had her menstrual period for 4 months. Mandy has also expressed that she is frustrated because people are making comments about how thin she looks and consequently has not gone to as many parties or social gatherings because she feels so uncomfortable. After talking with Mandy about their concerns, Richard and Brittany find her closed to the idea of seeking treatment. Which of the following things should Brittany and Richard do next?
 A) Try and force Mandy to eat more food.
  B) Encourage Mandy to gain weight and stop exercising.
  C) Continue to show Mandy they care about her by being good listeners and continuing to encourage her to seek professional help.
  D) Call her parents and insist that she has a problem that needs to be treated.

Q. 6

All of the following are true regarding sense of taste and aging EXCEPT:
 a. taste sensitivity diminishes slightly.
  b. older people can taste almost the same as younger people.
  c. taste sensitivity diminishes drastically.
  d. the sense of taste does not decline to the extent that foods do not taste good.

Q. 7

Brittany and Richard have noticed that their friend Mandy has lost a significant amount of weight from the fall to the spring semester. People are starting to comment on how thin she looks. Brittany has noticed that Mandy is only eating an orange for breakfast, a small bowl of salad with no salad dressing and a small piece of grilled chicken for lunch, and a cup of plain yogurt for dinner. Richard has been going to the gym with Mandy most days of the week. He enjoys lifting free weights, and Mandy usually runs on the treadmill for 45 minutes and then does 15 minutes of core exercises. In addition Mandy has shared with Brittany that she has not had her menstrual period for 4 months. Mandy has also expressed that she is frustrated because people are making comments about how thin she looks and consequently has not gone to as many parties or social gatherings because she feels so uncomfortable. Last week Mandy hurt her leg while running. The doctor feels strongly that Mandy has a stress fracture. Why might Mandy be prone to stress fractures?
 A) Because she has been running for her primary source of exercise
  B) Because she has likely developed the female athlete triad
  C) Because she twisted her ankle
  D) Because she has likely developed pica

Q. 8

Fluid needs for men of all ages are ________ per day.
 a. 11 cups of water from fluids and foods
  b. 15 cups of water from fluids and foods
  c. 20 cups of water from fluids and foods
  d. 8 cups of water from fluids and foods
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