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croth99 croth99
Posts: 363
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6 years ago
According to Deutsch's definition of trust, if you trust someone you realize that you can benefit from that relationship, but potentially you may also suffer from its harmful consequences.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 2

Trust is essential for every society to function because
  a. We are inderdependent on each other
  b. We have gotten used to trusting each other
  c. We would not be able to gather food without trust
  d. We are competitive with each other

Ques. 3

Trust and trustworthiness are similar in that they both ____________ and different in that only ____________
  a. Include willingness to self-disclose; trust involves sharing your resources.
  b. Include sharing your resources; trust involves open self-disclosure
  c. Involve expressing acceptance and support for the other person; trustworthiness includes reciprocating the other person's disclosures.
  d. Involve reciprocating the favors the other has done for me; trustworthiness includes acceptance and support.

Ques. 4

Which of the following statements is not characteristic of the French physician Jean-Marc Itard?
  a. he developed learner-centered approaches to teaching
  b. he studied Victor, the so-called Wild Boy of Aveyron
  c. he believed that humans have an innate ability to develop without socialization
  d. he felt that education is contingent on the student having had acquired certain skills through interaction with the physical and social environment

Ques. 5

Harry made a small dent in another car's bumper when coming home from a party and trying to parallel park. He confides in his best friend that he had two beers before getting into the car, and that he may not have had as much control over the car as he should have. Which of the following statement made by Matt, his friend, would decrease Harry's trust in Matt?
  a. Wow, that's lucky that nothing happened to you. I am really glad that you did not wreck the car and yourself
  b. Man, you should have known that you mustn't drive after drinking. How irresponsible of you
  c. Man, that's crazy. Well, something similar happened to me just a month ago. Get this
  d. Wow. So, do you think you are going to tell your dad about the incident? Or is it some secret? Just checking

Ques. 6

James, a used car dealer, usually strives to have a good relationship based on trust, with most everyone in town. A new Chrysler salesman, Morgan, moves into town. Which of the following pieces of advice are appropriate for him?
  a. Even if the new guy behaves competitively, he should first try to behave cooperatively with him
  b. He should always trust this guy. After a while, he will win him over, and they can work together.
  c. He should not trust this guy at all: for one, he is a car salesman, for two, he represents rivalry and competition.
  d. Use a strategy that will make the new salesman's dealings self-defeating.

Ques. 7

Tony feels he has lost his friend's trust. These are the things that he wants to try in order to regain it. One of them is not really a good idea. Based on what you have read, which course of action would you not suggest him?
  a. Try to always keep your word  make sure that you do what you promised to do
  b. Try to get him to work on a project that no one person can do alone, but the two of you together could manage it
  c. Apologize sincerely and as soon as possible when you do something, even if not on purpose, that he may find untrustworthy behavior
  d. Come up with an explanation, which could be a white lie, to explain why you behaved the way you did that cost you his trust.

Ques. 8

Some behaviors lead to a decrease in trust. So here are a few guidelines to avoid that. All of them are true, except one. Which one?
  a. Reciprocate openness and self-disclosure
  b. Do not be judgmental and evaluative about the other's behavior
  c. Try to find fun and humor in the other person's self-disclosure
  d. Do not disrespect the other person by communicating rejection in your response
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2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2

a. We are inderdependent on each other

Answer to #3

a. Include willingness to self-disclose; trust involves sharing your resources.

Answer to #4


Answer to #5

b. Man, you should have known that you mustn't drive after drinking. How irresponsible of you

Answer to #6

a. Even if the new guy behaves competitively, he should first try to behave cooperatively with him

Answer to #7

d. Come up with an explanation, which could be a white lie, to explain why you behaved the way you did that cost you his trust.

Answer to #8

c. Try to find fun and humor in the other person's self-disclosure
croth99 Author
6 years ago
Thank you for always stepping in by helping me with my homework
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