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djutopia djutopia
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6 years ago
Which one of the following best illustrates a quantitative (rather than qualitative) change in development?
  a. Five-year-old Mercedes has finally learned how to carry a tune.
  b. As a 15-year-old, LaRue has started to grow facial hair.
  c. Beth used to be shy around her peers, but now she's very outgoing and makes friends easily.
  d. Robert knows many more addition facts than he did a few months ago.

Ques. 2

The concept of universality in development refers to:
  a. Developmental progressions shared by virtually all human beings
  b. Developmental progressions that differ from one individual to another
  c. A feeling of oneness with the earth that many children have in early childhood
  d. Differences among children that can be traced to a particular historical era or to unique cultural events

Ques. 3

Which one of the following best illustrates a qualitative (rather than quantitative) change in development?
  a. Between ages 11 and 13, Bunny grew 4 inches taller and gained 15 pounds.
  b. After attending last night's concert, Penny changed her mind about who her favorite band is.
  c. Micha used to be puzzled by statements such as Look before you leap but now understands their underlying meanings.
  d. Mason has a much larger vocabulary than he did last year.

Ques. 4

Many psychologists are concerned about whether certain aspects of development are marked by universality or diversity. Which one of the following statements illustrates diversity?
  a. Children almost always first sit, then walk, then run.
  b. Children think in increasingly logical ways as they get older.
  c. By interacting with their physical environment all children learn that things always fall down, never up, when released.
  d. On average, teenagers who live in middle-income neighborhoods have better study skills than those who live in low-income neighborhoods.

Ques. 5

Which one of the following statements best illustrates a universal in development as developmentalists define the term?
  a. In their pretend play, girls tend to enact domestic scenarios (e.g., house), whereas boys are more likely to enact superhero scenarios (e.g., Batman).
  b. Children in some cultures learn that it's disrespectful for a child to initiate a conversation with an adult.
  c. Young children show similar patterns in their language development regardless of the specific language they learn.
  d. Children are most likely to appreciate the importance of reading and writing if the people around them read and write frequently.

Ques. 6

An established preschool is now adding the care of infants and toddlers to the school. What practices should they implement to most effectively foster development for these children?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 7

Aaron has always had an irritable temperament. As a baby, he often cried and was difficult to soothe. As a toddler, he threw temper tantrums if he didn't immediately get something he wanted. As a preschooler, he was moody and unpredictable. He's often so ornery that other peopleeven family memberssimply don't want to be around him very much. Which one of the following principles best describes this situation?
  a. Children's natural tendencies affect their environment.
  b. The relative effects of heredity and environment vary for different developmental domains.
  c. Inherited tendencies make children more or less responsive to particular environmental influences.
  d. For some aspects of development, when certain environmental conditions are present is just as important as whether they are present.

Ques. 8

Which one of the following best illustrates physical development as a developmental domain?
  a. Mark can watch a basketball player and critique his movements.
  b. Tammy can hold and use a pencil more easily than she could last year.
  c. Timothy is increasingly able to understand other people's points of view.
  d. Thomas learns how to count by practicing counting with a variety of household objects.

Ques. 9

Some aspects of development seem to follow universal patterns of change, whereas other aspects show great diversity across individuals. Describe at least one aspect of development that seems to follow a universal pattern and at least one aspect of development that reflects diversity across individuals.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 10

Which one of the following best illustrates social-emotional development as a developmental domain?
  a. Pamela has decided to get a fashionable new haircut.
  b. Annika cries in pain when she steps on a sharp pebble.
  c. Carlos is learning how to play cooperatively with his preschool classmates.
  d. Thomas used to think that the earth was flat, but now he knows that it's round.

Ques. 11

Many psychologists are interested in the ways in which nature and nurture interact to influence development. Which one of the following examples illustrates the influence of nature?
  a. Fourteen-year-old Deborah is starting to grow pubic hair, and she's just had her first menstrual period.
  b. Two-year-old Sophia is learning to speak two languages because her parents speak Spanish at home but everyone at her preschool speaks English.
  c. Ten-year-old Bart loves being outdoors. As far back as he can remember, his family has gone camping almost every weekend during the summer months.
  d. Eight-year-old Yannie goes to his Aunt Jane's house after school every day. As he watches television, Jane gives him as much candy and other sweets as he wants, and so he is becoming increasingly overweight.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3


Answer to #4


Answer to #5


Answer to #6

Infants need a safe environment in which to explore their world. Make sure they have room to crawl and climb. A quiet space is also needed for those infants who are not yet moving around. A variety of toys and materials should be available for exploration. The caregivers should talk to the children while working with them.

Answer to #7


Answer to #8


Answer to #9

Examples of aspects of development that seem to follow a universal pattern include the sequence in which children acquire motor skills (crawling, then walking, then running) and the sequence in which children acquire language (babbling, then one-word and two-word sentences). Diversity in development can be seen when youngsters who differ by gender, culture, or historical era acquire different skills and competencies, communicate using different symbols and tools of communication, or hold unique beliefs and values.

Answer to #10


Answer to #11

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