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pch123 pch123
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6 years ago
Summarize trends in religion in the United States in relation to social inequality and race/class in central city/suburban churches.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Social _____ refers to the systematic practices that social groups develop in order to encourage conformity to norms, rules, and laws and to discourage deviance.
  a. retaliation b. emphasis
 c. control d. deviance

Question 3

Most cross-dressers are homosexual men.
  a. True
 b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 4

_____ refers to a violation of law or the commission of a status offense (such as cutting school or running away from home) by young people.
  a. Juvenile delinquency b. Youthful indiscipline
 c. Youthful misconduct d. Juvenile misconduct

Question 5

A transgender person is an individual whose gender identity does not match the person's assigned identity.
  a. True
 b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 6

Distinguish between the different types of religious organizations.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

Protestants constitute the largest religious body in the United States. Social science research continues to identify significant patterns between social class and religious denominations. Historically, those denominations with the most affluent and the higher social status have been the mainline liberal churches, such as the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians.

The earliest members of some of these churches in the United States were immigrants from Britain, who were also instrumental in establishing the U.S. government and the capitalist economy. Since that time, people with high levels of economic and political power have been closely linked to these denominations; however, members of these denominations also come from the middle and working classes and from minority groups. Although the Presbyterian church is typically characterized as middle-class and the Baptist church as working-class and lower-income, both of these denominations also have members from a wide diversity of income levels. As more middle- and upper- income individuals and families moved to the suburbs during the twentieth century, some churches followed the members of their congregation to the suburbs. This pattern is known as upgrading and results in the church having new facilities and more members who are in the upper-middle and upper classes. When church leaders seek to include people from the immediate neighborhood in the life of the church, some longtime members find the experience too disruptive and discourage future endeavors to reach out to the surrounding community.

As a result, the church may stagnate as older members die or move away. On the other hand, racial and cultural minorities who feel overpowered by their lack of economic resources may be drawn to churches that help them establish a sense of dignity and personal integrity that is otherwise missing in their daily social interactions.

Answer to q. 2


Answer to q. 3


Answer to q. 4


Answer to q. 5


Answer to q. 6

Religious groups vary in their organizational structure. Sociologists have developed typologies or ideal types of religious organizations to enable them to study a wide variety of religious groups. The most common categorization sets forth four types: ecclesia, church, sect, and cult. An ecclesia is a religious organization that is so integrated into the dominant culture that is claims as its membership all members of a society. Membership in the ecclesia occurs as a result of being born into the society, rather than by any conscious decision on the part of the individual members.

To help explain the different types of religious organizations found in societies, Max Weber developed a typology that distinguishes between the characteristics of churches and sects. A church is a large, bureaucratically organized religious organization that tends to seek accommodation with the larger society in order to maintain some degree of control over it. Church membership is largely based on birth; typically, children of church members are baptized as infants and become lifelong members of the church. Churches have a bureaucratic structure and leadership is hierarchically arranged. Usually, the clergy have many years of formal education. Churches have very restrained services that appeal to the intellect rather than the emotions. Midway between the church and the sect is the denominationa large organized religion characterized by accommodation to society but frequently lacking in ability or intention to dominate society. Denominations have a trained ministry and, although involvement by lay members is encouraged more than in the church, their participation is usually limited to particular activities such as readings or prayers. Denominations tend to be more tolerant and are less likely than churches to expel or excommunicate members. This form of organization is most likely to thrive in societies characterized by religious pluralisma situation in which many religious groups exist because they have a special appeal to specific segments of the population. Perhaps because of its diversity, the United States has more denominations than any other nation. A sect is a relatively small religious group that has broken away from another religious organization to renew what it views as the original version of the faith. Unlike churches, sects offer members a more personal religion, and an intimate relationship with a supreme being, depicted as taking an active interest in the individual's everyday life. A cult is a loosely organized religious group with practices and teachings outside the dominant culture and religious traditions of a society. Cult leadership is based on charismatic characteristics of the individual leader, including an unusual ability to communicate and to form attachments with other members.
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