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ccnnieeee ccnnieeee
Posts: 21
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5 years ago
New companies are taking advantage of the increase in genetic markers to provide information for a fee. Check out 23andme.com, and a good summary of the issues is found here: 


Share your thoughts after reading the article. Do you agree with the concerns? Would you pay to have this done for yourself?
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5 years ago
Share your thoughts after reading the article. Do you agree with the concerns? Would you pay to have this done for yourself?

The article states facts that I've speculated for years. For a long time I've known that 23andme is owned either by Google or its subsidiaries. Google built its business by operating the world's largest search engine. There's always a possibility that the DNA being collected will eventually serve as a genomic search engine of the future, which they can eventually sell to government agencies or insurance companies for a profit to track or monitor people based on their genetics. The DNA sent to the company can be stored indefinitely, and as more genetic markers are discovered, more information can be obtained by the individual sending their DNA contained in the vial. I would never pay for this service, even it were free. I'd rather live my life without the worry of knowing I have a certain gene that's linked to cancer or suicidal behavior or anything unnoteworthy.
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