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Anonymous Carolina Castillo2
A year ago
1) Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is a condition where ADH is released by the posterior pituitary but the cells in the kidneys are unable to respond to ADH.

When the kidneys are unable to respond to ADH, urine formation ______ and ADH secretion _______.

Which of the following rows correctly completes the sentence above?

A) Urine Formation                         ADH Secretion
      Increases                                 Decreases in response to decreased blood pressure

B) Urine Formation                                ADH Secretion
      Decreases                                      Increases in response to increased blood pressure

C) Urine Formation                                     ADH Secretion
         Increases                             Increases in response to decreased water retention

D)    Urine Formation                         ADH Secretion
            Decreases                       Decreases in response to increased water retention

2) Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and cola drinks have diuretic effects on the body.

Which of the following statements explains why caffeine causes the body to lose water?

a. Caffeine increases ADH secretion, therefore, reduces the reabsorption of water at the kidneys.

b. Caffeine increases ADH secretion, therefore, increases the reabsorption of water at the kidneys.

c. Caffeine inhibits ADH secretion, therefore, reduces the reabsorption of water at the kidneys.

d. Caffeine inhibits ADH secretion, therefore, increases the reabsorption of water at the kidneys.

3) For each of the following statements, select whether it corresponds to ADH, oxytocin, or both.

a)  Produced by the hypothalamus                             Answer

b) Stored in the posterior pituitary                              Answer

c) Induces contractions in smooth muscle              Answer

D) Increased blood pressure with increased levels               Answer

E) Regulated by positive feedback                                      Answer

F)  Regulated by negative feedback                                   Answer

G) Results in diabetes insipidus with low levels of secretion or response                 Answer

4) Acromegaly is caused by hypersecretion of human growth hormone (hGH). Acromegaly is typically diagnosed in adults between the ages of 20–40.

Which of the following is a physiological consequence that is NOT a result of hypersecretion of hGH in adulthood?

a. Elongation of the long bones

b. Widening of the long bones

c. Enlargement of the heart, liver, and spleen

d. Thickening of the jaw

5) Acromegaly and gigantism are both caused by hypersecretion of

a. ADH

b. PTH

c. hGH

d. thyroxine

6) Growth hormone therapy has been widely used to help people with dwarfism and has helped certain individuals to become taller. Some recent studies have identified another hormone as beneficial when given in conjunction with growth hormone.

Which hormone would supplement or enhance the effects of hGH?

a. calcitonin

b. parathyroid

c. inhibin

d. cortisol

7) hGH is an important part of fat metabolism, muscle development, and bone growth. Synthetic hGH can be used to treat children and adults suffering from hGH deficiency. More recently, competitive athletes have began taking hGH in an attempt to improve athletic performance. The use of hGH for athletics is banned by many major sporting organizations. A recent study of 44 athletes who took daily injections of hGH over 20 days showed that, on average, the athletes gained 4.2 lbs of muscle, but the gain in muscle did not translate to increased athletic performance.

Evaluate each statement regarding the use of hGH by competitive athletes to determine whether the statement is an example of an ethical, economical, societal, or environmental issue.

A) Athletes who play professional sports should be encouraged to take synthetic hormones, because their job is to win and to entertain fans.

B) Athletes who took hGH improved their appearance and marketability. This may lead to more opportunities for endorsements.

C) Drug companies producing synthetic forms of hGH for therapeutic purposes may be approached by sports teams to create new versions of

D) hGH that are not detected by current anti-doping technologies.

Place the number of the statements above with their corresponding issue in the blanks below.

Ethical                 Answer

Environmental           Answer

Societal                 Answer

Economical                        ANSWER

8) A tumour on the parathyroid glands will result in excessive production of parathyroid hormone (PTH) called hyperparathyroidism. PTH has a significant role in calcium homeostasis.

Hyperparathyroidism will result in all the following EXCEPT

a.  the breakdown of bones and teeth to release calcium into the blood

b.  the increase in blood calcium levels

c. the increase in absorption of calcium ions by kidney nephrons, leading to kidney stones

d. the deposition of calcium into bones and teeth, making them strong and healthy

9) Increased levels of thyroxine would

a. increase thyroxine through negative feedback

b. decrease thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) through negative feedback

c. increase thyroxine through positive feedback

d. decrease thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) through positive feedback

10) A goitre is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, resulting in a large swelling of the neck. It can lead to swallowing or breathing problems. It is most commonly caused by inadequate amounts of dietary iodine. Iodine is essential in thyroxine synthesis.

Enlargement of the thyroid gland occurs

a. due to decreased levels of TSH

b. due to increased levels of thyroxine

c. due to decreased levels of thyroxine

d. due to increased levels of TSH
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A year ago Edited: A year ago, bio_man

So with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. It doesn't matter how much ADH there is. The kidneys are responding. So since there's no reaction to ADH. Urine formation increases. Because of the loss of water in the urine from increased urine production. The body releases more ADH. It's a vicious circle.

To sum it up. Both urine production and ADH increases


c. Caffeine inhibits ADH secretion, therefore, reduces the reabsorption of water at the kidneys.









A) Athletes who play professional sports should be encouraged to take synthetic hormones, because their job is to win and to entertain fans.


B) Athletes who took hGH improved their appearance and marketability. This may lead to more opportunities for endorsements.


C) Drug companies producing synthetic forms of hGH for therapeutic purposes may be approached by sports teams to create new versions of hGH that are not detected by current anti-doping technologies.



The deposition of calcium into bones and teeth , making them strong and healthy.

Reason: In hyperparathyroidism, the calcium from bones and teeth are released from to blood raising the levels of calcium in blood known as hypercalcemia and thus making bones and teeth weak.


Decrease thyroid stimulation hormone( TSH) via negative feedback.

Reason: Increase in thyroxine hormone decreases TSH and vice versa via negative feed back mechanism.


Occurs as the thyroid attempts to produce adequate amounts of thyroxine.
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