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dave dave
Posts: 79
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11 years ago
My wife was diagnosed with a kidney infection yesterday at the ER and was given an antibiotic and IV at the ER. When released she was given the antibiotic Cipro for the infection and vicodin for pain and another medicine to help fight nausea.

She has so far had three doses of the Cipro (twice a day) and Vicodin was recommended every 6 hrs, but she was in a lot of pain yesterday so I was told she could take it every 4 hours, which she is doing now. Just one tablet.

If she does not take the vicodin every 4 hrs she has body chills, stomach pains and headaches.

Can anybody with experience please tell me how long it will take for the pain to go away so she will not need to take the vicodin anymore? We're worried that she is taking it too often, if she has to take it for too long.

Generally how long does it take for the Cipro to take affect, so that the infection is taken care of, which I assume will lessen the pain and the chills.

Thank you.
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11 years ago
2 days to 2 weeks, just depends
11 years ago
After a good nights rest she will feel better.  After a couple of days she shouldn't be in to much pain.  Make sure to take all the antibiotics so the infection doesn't come back.  And also, if she is on the Pill, while she is on the antibiotics you will need to use a condom when having sex because antibiotics kill the Pill!
11 years ago
Generally, as with most infections, if she's not feeling any improvement at all within 72 hours of being on the antibiotic, you may want to see a doctor again.  Cipro is widely prescribed, and thus doesn't work as well on some resistant strains.

Also, simple ibuprofen may help with the chills, pains, and headaches if you're concerned about taking the vicodin too much.  It's also an anti-inflammatory, and will help relieve some of the irritation in the kidneys.
11 years ago
Wow, they let her go home still feeling like that? I had a kidney infection  a few months ago that felt like that and they admitted me to the hospital and kept me for 2 days! I'd probably call doctor if she isn't feeling any better by tomorrow. She should be feeling at least a little better by now! Poor girl, it's miserable! As for the vicodin, I don't think a few days will hurt her. And if it helps that miserable pain then by all means, take it! You could also just try Tylenol and if that's not enough, then go back to the vicodin. Hope this helps, good luck and it's so sweet of you to take such good care of her! Good job. =)
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