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bernie2981 bernie2981
Posts: 3810
8 years ago
The city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania conducted a life-cycle assessment (LCA) and is reviewing proposals for the demolition of historic, but dilapidated, homes in its "Old East End" neighborhood. The homes, many dating back 150 years, contain lead paint, lead pipes, and asbestos insulation that require disposal at a special landfill at a total cost of $50,000.

A second option for the city is to reclaim the old woodwork, and bricks of the historic homes and repurpose the materials for use in new construction. This Old Crib Deconstruction Company submitted the lowest bid of $450,000 to properly dismantle the old homes. Construction Junction, which specializes in the sale of reclaimed building materials, has offered to purchase the materials for $375,000.

Which of the following is a qualitative factor that Pittsburgh should consider in its analysis?
A) The bid submitted by This Old Crib is too high for the prevailing economic conditions.
B) The price offered by Construction Junction may be too low given the cost to deconstruct the buildings.
C) Repurposing the building materials will reduce hazardous waste entering landfills.
D) The cost to recycle the building materials is $25,000 greater than the cost to dispose of the materials.
Managerial Accounting

Managerial Accounting

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